All Subjects:

Routine for 2nd Year Exam 2021

05/01/23221101Introduction to Drama
09/01/23221103Romantic Poetry
12/01/23221105Advanced Reading and Writing
16/01/23221107History of English Literature
25/01/23221909Political Organization and Political System of UK and USA
29/01/23222115Bangladesh Society and Culture
  1. Introduction To Drama
    • Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. — Click Here.
    • As You Like It by William Shakespeare. — Click Here.
    • Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw. — Click Here.
    • Riders to the Sea by John Millington Synge. — Click Here.
    • The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka. — Click Here.
    • (2012 – 2020) Brief questions with ans. Click Here.
    • 👉 Final SuggestionsClick Here.
  2. Romantic Poetry
  3. Advanced Reading And Writing
    • (2013 – 2020) Brief questions with ans. Click Here.
  4. History Of English Literature
  5. Bangladesh Society And Culture
  6. Political Organization And The Political System Of The UK And USA
    • (2011 – 2020) Brief questions with ans. Click Here.