2nd year | All poems | Romantic Poetry

  1. William Blake:
    • Innocence
      • Introduction
      • Lamb
      • Chimney Sweeper
      • The Nurse’s Song
      • Holy Thursday
    • Experience
      • Introduction
      • Tyger
      • Chimney Sweeper
      • The Nurse’s Song
      • Holy Thursday
      • London
  2. William Wordsworth:
  3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
  4. George Gordon Byron / Lord Byron:
  5. Percy Bysshe Shelley:
    • To a Skylark
    • Adonais
  6. John Keats:
    • Ode on Melancholy
    • Ode on a Grecian Urn
    • Ode to a Nightingale
    • On His First Looking into Chapman’s Homer