Honours 4th Year

1. 19th Century Novel:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • Jane Austin : Pride and Prejudice
  • Charles Dickens : A Tale of Two Cities
  • Charlotte Bronte : Jane Eyre
  • Thomas Hardy : Tess of the D’Urbervilles

2. 20th Century Poetry:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • WB Yeats :
    • The Lake Isle of Innisfree
    • Easter 1916
    • The Second Coming
    • Sailing to Byzantium
  • TS Eliot :
    • The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock
    • The Waste Land
  • Dylan Thomas : Poem in October
  • Sylvia Plath :
    • Morning Song
    • Words
    • The Rival
    • Crossing the Water

3. Modern Drama:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • Oscar Wilde : Importance of Being Earnest
  • Samuel Beckett : Waiting for Godot
  • Harold Pinter : The Caretaker
  • Osborne : Look Back in Anger

4. 20th Century Novel:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • J. Conrad : Heart of Darkness
  • E. M. Forster : A Passage to India
  • V. Woolf : To the Light House
  • D. H. Lawrence : Sons and Lovers
  • Doris Lessing : The Grass is Singing

5. American Poetry:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • Emily Dickinson :
    • Wild Nights Wild Nights
    • I Felt a Funeral in My Brain
    • I Taste a Liquor
  • W. Whitman :
    • When Lilacs Last at My Dooryard Bloomed
    • O Captain, My Captain
  • R. Frost :
    • After Apple Picking
    • The Birches
    • Mending Wall
    • The Death of the Hired Man
    • Road Not Taken
    • Acquainted with the Night
    • Tree at My Window
  • Langston Hughes :
    • The Negro Speaks of Rivers
    • I, too, Speak America 
    • The Weary Blues
    • Harlem

6. American Literature: Fiction and Drama:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • N. Hawthorne : Young Goodman Brown
  • E. O’Neill : The Hairy Ape
  • E. Hemingway : The Sun Also Rises
  • S. Bellow : Seize the Day
  • Toni Morrison : Beloved

7. Classics in Translation:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • Homer : Iliad
  • Aeschylus : Agamemnon
  • Euripides : Medea
  • Aristophanes : The Frogs
  • Seneca : Phaedra

8. Literary Criticism (From Victorian to Modern Age):

Brief | Short | Broad

  • Matthew Arnold : The Study of Poetry
  • T. S. Eliot : The Metaphysical Poets
  • Edward Said : Introduction to Culture and Imperialism 
  • Terry Eagleton : The Rise of English

9. Continental Literature:

Brief | Short | Broad

  • F. Kafka : Metamorphosis
  • A. Camus : The Outsider
  • Bertolt Brecht : Mother Courage and Her Children
  • H. Ibsen : A Doll’s House
  • F. Dostoyevsky : Crime and Punishment

10. Viva-voce: