Good Manners – Paragraph

Etiquette and manners are two essential characteristics of human beings. A man without etiquette and manners is not a man at all.  These two words are used to describe the social behavior of mankind. Etiquette is a French word that means a set of rules related to the exterior dealing of human beings. Manners mean to express the inner character. Man is a social, rational animal.

So, they are to follow some codes of social behavior for living peacefully in society. These are called social behavior. Etiquette and manner are two terms to describe this social behavior of human beings. Rules of etiquette are guiding codes that enable us to practice manners. Manner is considered to be polite in a particular culture. Manners can be good or bad. Everyone likes a good manners person. On the contrary, a bad-mannered person is disliked by all. Etiquette and manner vary from culture to culture, from society to society. The best place to learn etiquette and manner is the home where the child spends most of his or her time. Next to the house, educational institutions like schools, colleges, and universities are the places where students learn etiquette and manners. There are certain codes of etiquette and manners to follow on certain social occasions. The manners that are correct at a wedding party will not do in a cultural club. So we need to know particular etiquette and manner suitable to the particular occasions. Some polite expressions like “Please, excuse me”, and “Sorry, pardon please” can make our everyday life more smooth and more pleasant without any cost. Good manners and etiquette are the effective keys to success in life. So, everyone should be careful to follow the etiquette and manner of the society he lives in.