History of English Literature | Final Suggestions

History of English Literature | Final Sugg for 2022 – The exam will be held in 2023

Part: B

  1. Write a short note on “Beowulf”/ What do you know about Beowulf? *** Ans [SG: 15, SP: 22]
  2. Write a short note on ‘The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles’. *** Ans [SG: 18, SP: 22]
  3. Black Death. *** Ans [SG: 47, SP: 74]
  4. What is “Canterbury Tales”? / Give a brief account of the history of the composition of The Canterbury Tales. Ans [SG: 50, SP: 72]
  5. What do you know about the Hundred Years’ War? *** Ans [SG: 46, SP: 67]
  6. Who are the Cavalier poets? Write a note on the qualities of them. *** [SG: , SP: ]
  7. Who are the University Wits? Write a short note on the University Wits. *** [SG: 129, SP: ]
  8. Who is Sir Roger de Coverly? *** [SG: 264, SP: ]
  9. Wordsworth’s pantheism. *** [SG: 88, SP: ]
  10. Write a note on the women novelists of the Victorian Age. *** [SG: , SP: ]
  11. What do you know about The Origin of Species? *** [SG: , SP: ]
  12. What is the Victorian compromise? [SG: , SP: ]
  13. What is absurd Drama? *** [SG: , SP: 396, 416]
  14. Write a short note on “Stream of Consciousness” and ‘Dramatic Monologue’. *** [SG: , SP: 397]
  15. What are the chief characteristics of Restoration Literature? *** [SG: , SP: ]
  16. Which period is called ‘The Romantic Revival’ and why? *** [SG: , SP: ]
  17. What is the Oxford Movement? *** [SG: , SP: ]
  18. What do you know about King Alfred? [SG: 17, SP: ]
  19. Write a short note on Reformation. Why did the reformation happen in England? *** [SG: 88, SP: 102]
  20. For what is Ben Jonson remarkable in Jacobean literature / literary works? *** [SG: , SP: ]
  21. Write about The Globe Theatre. *** [SG: 130, SP: ]
  22. Why is Blake called “the precursor of Romanticism”. *** [SG: , SP: ]
  23. Write a brief note on ‘Lyrical Ballads’. [SG: , SP: ]
  24. Write a short note on Anglicanism. *** [SG: , SP: 100]
  25. In what sense is John Milton a ‘classicist”? *** [SG: , SP: ]
  26. How does Pope reflect the critical spirit of the eighteenth century? [SG: , SP: ]
  27. What are the characteristics of romantic poetry? [SG: , SP: ]


  1. What is Renaissance? [SG: 117, SP: ]
  2. In what sense is John Milton the classiest? [SG: , SP: ]
  3. Why is Bacon’s prose style significant?? [SG: , SP: ]
  4. Write a short note Reformation movement.  [SG: , SP: ]
  5. Describe Coleridge’s ‘Willing Suspension of Disbelief’. [SG: , SP: ]
  6. Write a note on Keats’s Negative Capability. [SG: , SP: ]
  7. What is the Symbolist Movement? [SG: , SP: ]
  8. What are the features of Romantic Poetry? [SG: , SP: ]
  9. Write a note decadent play. [SG: , SP: ]

Part: C (Broad)

  • History:
    1. What picture of the Anglo-Saxon life do you get in Beowulf/German life and manners [17] *** / Write a note on Beowulf. [20] [SP: 27]
    2. What do you know about Norman Conquest and its effect on English literature? Ans [SG: 33, SP: 59]
  • The Age Of Chaucer:
    1. Discuss the three stages of Chaucer’s poetic development / career of Chaucer as a poet / Chaucer’s contribution to English literature in three phases. [17, 19] *** [SP: 81]
    2. Discuss Chaucer as a representative poet of his age / How did Chaucer represent his age? [16, 18] ***  Ans [SG: 56, SP: 76]
    3. Why is Chaucer called the father of English Poetry? / Chaucer’s contribution to English literature. Ans [SG: 59, SP: 80]
  • Renaissance: Elizabethan, Jacobean, and Puritan Age:
    1. Trace the characteristics of English literature during the Elizabethan period [18 ] / Discuss the influence of the Renaissance on English literature. [20]*** [SG: , SP: 152]
    2. Write a brief essay on Shakespeare’s contribution to English drama. [20] ***
    3. Assess the contribution of the University Wits to English Drama. [15,19]  Ans [SG: 151, SP: 156]
  • Restoration Period:
    1. Write an essay on the Restoration comedy of manners / Describe the comedy of manners / Discus the development of the Comedy of Manners. [16] *** [SG:233, SP:214]
    2. What is restoration? Discuss the historical and political background of the age. [18] ***  Ans [SG, SP:223]
  • Neoclassical Age:
    1. Write a note on Pope’s works and contribution to the neoclassical age. [18] [SP: 262]/ Give a brief account of satire in the eighteenth century with reference to Pope and Dryden. [20] *** [SG: 290]
    2. Discuss the general characteristics of the poetry of the Neoclassical age. [17]  [SG: 281, SP: 253]
  • Romantic Age:
    1. Describe the major Romantic poets and their contribution to English poetry. [18] [SG: 353, SP: 310]/ Evaluate Wordsworth as a romantic poet. [20] ***  [SG: 355]
    2. Examine the influence of the French Revolution on Romantic poetry.  [SG: 350, SP: 317]
  • Victorian Age:
    1. Consider Tennyson as a representative poet of the Victorian age. Ans [SP: 351] /
      What spirit of the Victorian age do you notice in the works of Tennyson? [15, 17] /
      Evaluate Tennyson’s contribution to Victorian poetry. [20] *** [SG: 387, SP: 358]
    2. Discuss the conflict between Science and Religion of the Victorian Period. [18] *** Ans [SG, SP: 377]
    3. Discuss Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy as Victorian novelists.  Ans [SG:395, SP: 361]
  • Modern Age:
    1. Discuss the salient features of modern drama with special reference to G.B. Shaw. [18, 20] *** Or write a note on Modern English Drama. [SP: 432] 
    2. Discuss the major differences between the novels of the Victorian age and those of the Modern Period. [16]

History of English Literature | Final Sugg for 2021

Part B:

  1. What do you know about King Alfred? ★★★ [SG: 17, SP: 20]
  2. Why did the reformation happen in England? ★★★ [SP: 102]
  3. What is Renaissance? / Write a short note on “Renaissance”. ★★★ [SG: 117, SP: 133]
  4. In what sense is John Milton a “Classicist”? ★★★
  5. For what is Ben Jonson remarkable in Jacobean literature? ★★★ [SP: 141]
  6. Why is Blake called ‘the precursor of Romanticism’? ★★★ [SG: 341, SP: 301]
  7. Briefly discuss Coleridge’s idea of “William Suspension of Disbelief”. ★★★ [SG: 344, SP: 298]
  8. What are the features/characteristics of Romantic Poetry? ★★★[SP: 297]
  9. Write a short note on “Stream of Consciousness”. ★★★ [SG: 421, SP: 397]
  10. What do you know by “Victorian Compromise”? ★★★ [SG: 381, SP: 335]
  11. 2021 – Write a short note on Pre-Raphaelitism. ★★★ [SP: 340]
  12. What is absurd drama? ★★★ [SG: 427, SP: 396]

  1. What do you mean by ‘Symbolist Movement’? ★★ [SG: 422]
  2. Write about the Globe Theatre. ★ [SG: 130, SP: 138]
  3. How does Pope reflect the critical spirit of the 18th century? [For Broad also] ★★★
  4. What were the causes of the rise of the Puritan Age? ★★★
  5. Write a note on the woman novelists of the Victorian Age. / Write briefly about Jane Austen. ★★★
  6. Discuss the contribution of Sir Thomas More
  7. Why is Bacon’s prose style significant??
  8. 2021 – What is Romantic Movement?

Short Notes for part B:

  • Beowulf/ The Wanderer ★★
  • Anglicanism ★★
  • Restoration Comedy of Manner ★★
  • Metaphysical Poetry ★★
  • Cavalier poets ★★
  • Keats Negative capability ★★
  • Black Death ★★
  • 2021 – Neo-Classicism ★★
  • Victorianism ★★
  • Sir Roger De Coverley ★★
  • Lyrical Ballads ★★
  • Dramatic Monologue ★★
  • Revenge Tragedy ★★
  • Comedy of Humour ★★

  • Blank-Verse
  • Heroic Couplet
  • Humanism
  • Tragedy
  • Utopia
  • Peasants’ Revolt
  • Protestantism/Catholicism
  • 2021 – Puritanism
  • Pantheism
  • Decadent Play
  • John Milton/Paradise Lost
  • The Coverly Papers
  • The Spectator
  • Tennyson as a poet of the Victorian Compromise.
  • One-act play.
  • Coleridge’s supernaturalism.
  • Contribution of Addison & Steele to the development of English prose

Part C:

  1. 2021 – (part: b) What do you know about Norman Conquest and its effect on English literature? Ans [SG: 33, SP: 59]
  2. Why is Chaucer called the father of English poetry? Chaucer’s contributions to English literature. Ans [SG: 59, SP: 80]
  3. Discuss Chaucer is the representative poet of his age / 2021 – 14th-century life and society. Ans [SG: 56, SP: 76]
  4. Assess the contribution of the University Wits of English drama. Ans [SG: 151, SP: 156]
  5. 2021 – Why is the Elizabethan Age called the Golden Age of English literature? Ans [SG: 154]
  6. Who are the metaphysical poets and evaluate their contribution to English poetry. [SG: 197, SP: 194]
  7. Describe the major romantic poets and their contribution to English poetry. [SG: 353, SP: 310]
  8. Comment on major Victorian poets and their contributions as the representatives of their age. [SG,SP: 358] / Consider Tennyson as a representative poet of the Victorian Age. Ans
  9. Discuss the conflict between Science and Religion of the Victorian Period. Ans [SG, SP: 377]
  10. Discuss what are the salient features and social pictures of modern poetry, Chaucerian Age? / Salient features (উল্লেখযোগ্য বৈশিষ্ট্য) of romanticism in the works of the major romantic poets. / What do you know about the major trends in modern poetry? [SG:441, SP:430]
  11. What is restoration? Discuss the historical and political background of the age. Ans [SG, SP:223]
  12. Discuss the general characteristics of the poetry of the Neoclassical Age. [SG: 281, SP: 253]
  13. Examine the influence of the French revolution on romantic poetry. [SG: 350, SP: 317]
  14. Discuss Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy as Victorian Novelists. Ans [SG, SP: 361]
  15. Write a note on ‘Decadent Play’.
  16. Describe the social picture of the Anglo-Saxon period in the Beowulf/Old English period.
  17. Impact of reformation in English Literature. / Write an essay on the English Reformation movement.
  18. Describe the characteristics of the romantic age.
  19. Describe the feature of victorian novels. / Write a note on victorian women novelists.
  20. What are the salient trends of the Victorian Age?
  21. Describe the features of the modern novel, poetry/age.
  22. Alexander Pope’s works & contribution to the neo-classical age.
  23. “Neo-classical Age is the age of prose and reason”- why? Ans
  24. How did religion and politics affect the Puritan age/ features of the Puritan age?
  25. Who are the cavalier poets? Trace their contribution to English poetry.
  26. Discuss the three stages of Chaucer’s poetic development. / Write a note on Chaucer’s contribution to English literature in three phases.
  27. Why is the Eighteenth Century called an Age of Prose and Reason? / Illustrate your answer with reference to at least two authors of the age.