The Neoclassical Period. (1660 – 1785)

The age is called Neoclassical or pseudo-classical Age to mean the artificiality of the writers of this age. They imitated the ancient Greek and Roman literary tradition but lacked the originality of the writers of that period.

Table of Contents

Main Literary Features of the Age:

  1. The writers of this age imitated the style of the ancient Greek and Roman writers.
  2. Much attention is paid to technical Perfection rather than innovation or natural genius.
  3. Human beings are given the most importance. The literary ideal of the age is “art for man’s sake”, not “art for art’s sake”.
  4. General rather than the individual qualities of human beings are given more importance.
  5. Sophistication in thought and style are emphasized.

The Neoclassical Age comprises three shorter ages:

  1. The Restoration Period (1660-1700)
  2. The Augustan Age (1702-1745)
  3. The Age of Sensibility ((1745-85)