What do you know about Norman Conquest and its effect on English literature?

Ans: The Norman Conquest of 1066 was a decisive event in the history of England in all spheres. It proved to be a landmark and brought about radical changes in all matters-in English life and mind. It not only introduced a new sort of assertive ruler but also opened a new phase in the growth of English literature as well as language. There was the transition from the old age of Anglo-Saxon literature to Middle English literature or what is more commonly called Medieval English literature.

Middle English literature refers to the literature that existed between the end of old Anglo-Saxon literature and the beginning of new English literature under the impact of the Revival of Learning. It represents the medieval or Middle ages so full of romance and magic, chivalry and cruelty, heroism and villainy.

The Norman Conquest imposed a French-speaking ruling class on England. With their laws and administration, the Normans imported into England literary ideals and French culture.

It is rightly called that the Norman Conquest brought England more than a change of ruler. It brought about a significant change in the atmosphere of English literature. The influence of the Norman on life and literature has become prominent, Norman brought with them higher order of civilization and literature and thereby transform the life and culture of native dwellers of England.

When English literature reappeared after a lapse of more than a century, it was found differently significantly influenced by French literature. The whole literary ideal underwent a great change under the influence of French culture and French literature. Of course, the national vernacular literature of France was hardly transplanted to English soil just after the Conquest. In the next two centuries, the cultivation of romances immensely enriched and expanded English literature under the French literary influence direct as well as indirect.

The Norman Conquest contributed to the expansion of English culture and literature in other ways too. First, there was the enrichment of the English language and literature through the direct cultural and literary influence of Rome which the Norman had brought. Second, there was an immense enlargement of scholarship and leaming as a result of the contact with scholars of much repute in Europe. Third, literary themes and expressions were greatly multiplied by the Norman-inspired England with the idea of a strong, national, centralized government without which no nationality or national literature could at all flourish.

By the end of the Old English period, an event took place which had a major impact on the English language. This event was the Norman Conquest in 1066 which marks the beginning of the Middle English Period. The invasion is a milestone in the history of England and played a key role in the development of Modern English.

The specific mark of distinction is patent, particularly in the disappearance of the heroic tradition of old English poetry, There is nothing of the heroic fibres of Beowulf, The Battle of Maldon, and The Fall of Angles in the Middles ages. Even the elegiac note of The Wanderer or The Ruin is not heard in new poetry. The gravity as well as fitness of Cynewulfian Christian poetry. So we can say that the Norman Conquest had a great impact on the literature of English.