1st Year | Poetry | Most Important Poems – 2021 Exam.

1st Year Poetry Final Suggestions – 2021

  1. How does Donne glorify spiritual love in “The Good Morrow” /
    Discuss the different stages of love in Donne’s “The Good Morrow” Ans /
    Evaluate Donne as a love poet with reference to his poem “The Good Morrow”. ★★★
  2. What metaphysical quality do you find in the poem “The Good Morrow”? Ans
  3. Explain the central idea / main theme of Milton’s sonnet, “On His Blindness”. Ans
  4. Discuss Milton’s “On His Blindness” as a sonnet. ★★★
  5. ✅ How does Gray glorify the common men in “Elegy Written …… Churchyard”? Ans ★★★
  6. Write a short note on Shelley’s use of imagery with reference to “Ode to the west wind”. Ans ★★★
  7. Comment on Keats’ treatment of nature in “To Autumn”. Ans ★★★
  8. Discuss briefly Browning’s optimism in the poem “The Patriot”. Ans
  9. What is a dramatic monologue? Discuss The Patriot as a dramatic monologue by Robert Browning. Ans
  10. Discuss the theme of human experience in Whitman’s “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”. Ans ★★★
  11. What is Tagore’s concept of the ideal state as suggested in “Where the Mind is Without Fear”? Ans ★★★
  12. Elucidate the poet’s grief in the poem, “Learning Grief”. Ans /
    How did the speaker learn about grief in Kaisar Haq’s “Learning Grief”? ★★★
  13. Comment on Emily Dickinson’s treatment of Death in “Because I Could Not Stop For Death”. Ans ★★★
  14. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “Home Burial”. Ans /
    Do you think the conflict between the couple brings their relationship to a breaking point in the poem “Home Burial”? ★★★
  15. Discuss Shelly’s optimism with special reference to “Ode to the west wind”. Ans ★★★

Krishna Mondal suggested:

  1. Comment on Wordsworth’s treatment of nature with reference to “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud”. ★★★
  2. Discuss the theme of childhood in Dylan Thomas’ poem “Fern Hill”. ★★★
  3. Write an essay on the personal/autobiographical elements in Yeats’ “A Prayer for My Daughter”. ★★★
  4. Comment on the theme of “Victorian Spirit” in ‘Ulysses’. ★★★

For Part C:

  1. On His Blindness – John Milton
  2. The Good Morrow – John Donne
  3. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard – Thomas Gray
  4. Ode to the West Wind – P.B Shelley
  5. Ode To Autumn – John Keats
  6. The Patriot – R. Browning
  7. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry – W. Whitman
  8. Because I Could Not Stop for Death – Emily Dickenson
  9. Home Burial – R.Frost
  10. Piano – D.H Lawrence
  11. Where the mind is without fear – R. Tagore
  12. Learning Grief – Kaisar Huq

For Part B:

  1. To Daffodils ✔ 19, 17, 15
  2. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils) ✔ 19, 17
  3. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? ✔ 19,15
  4. A Prayer for My Daughter ✔ 19, 17
  5. Home Burial  ✔ 19, 17
  6. Fern Hill ✔ 19
  7. How do I love thee  ✔ 17
  8. Because I Could not stop for Death ❌(20) ✔ 19, 17, 15
  9. Ulysses ❌(20) ✔ 19, 17
  10. The Patriot  ❌(18) 15