
  • Post author:
  • Post category:Tense
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Table of Contents

What is tense?

  • The Time of accomplishing any action of a verb is called Tense.

    If you want to say it more simply, you can say it:
  • Tense is the backbone of Grammar.

There are three types of tenses:

  1. Present Tense.
  2. Past Tense.
  3. Future Tense.

Each of them has four types:

  1. Simple / Indefinite Tense.
  2. Continuous Tense.
  3. Perfect Tense.
  4. Perfect Continuous Tense.

Tense Structure Here:

Present Tense Structure:

  1. Present Indefinite Tense:
    Sub + v1 + extension.
  2. Present Continuous Tense:
    Sub + am / is / are + v1 + ing + extension.
  3. Present Perfect Tense:
    Sub + have / has + v3 + extension.
  4. Present Perfect Continuous:
    Sub + have been / has been + v1 + ing + extension.
    এখানে Since, For এর একটা ব্যবহার আছে।

Past Tense Structure:

  1. Past Indefinite Tense:
    Sub + v2 + extension.
  2. Past continuous Tense:
    Sub + was / were + v1 + ing + extension.
  3. Past Perfect Tense:
    Sub + had + v3 + extension.
  4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense:
    Sub + had been + v1 + ing + extension.

Future Tense Structure:

  1. Future Indefinite Tense:
    Sub + shall / will + v1 + extension.
  2. Future Continuous Tense:
    Sub + shall be / will be + v1 + ing + extension.
  3. Future Perfect Tense:
    Sub + shall have / will have + v3 + extension.
  4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense:
    Sub + shall have been / will have been + v1 + ing + extension.