1st Year | Writing Skills | All Previous Questions With Ans

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  1. What is a report?
    Ans: A report is a means of conveying information to others. It is a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.
  2. What is a process paragraph?
    A process paragraph is one that tells how to do something or how something is done. For example, “How to make tea”, “How to be a good friend” etc.
  3. Write down the names of stages of the writing process.
    The five-step writing process is: 1) Prewriting, 2) Drafting, 3) Revision, 4) Editing, and 5) Publishing.
  4. What is a letter of complaint?
    A letter written by a customer or a consumer to a company regarding a problem with a product or service is called a claim or complaint letter.
  5. Write down the names of four types of essays.
    There are four major types of essays: Narrative Essay, Descriptive Essay, Expository Essay, and Persuasive Essay.
  6. Define Minutes.
    Minutes are an official record of what is said and decided in a meeting. It is brief but a complete record of the proceedings at a meeting.
  7. What is Bibliography?
    Bibliography is a list of resources (books, websites, journals, papers, people, etc.) that a writer consulted by you during the process of writing.
  8. What is Terminator in a writing composition?
    Terminators are sentences that conclude the idea in the paragraph and bring it to a close. They summarize the contents of a paragraph logically and signal the completion of one aspect of the presentation.
  9. What is skimming?
    Skimming is the process of reading with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of a piece of writing.
  10. What do you mean by Narrative Essay?
    A narrative essay is an essay that tells a story about a specific event or experience. In a narrative essay, an event is chronologically narrated that has taken place.
  11. What linkers are used in writing an example – paragraph?
    For example – that is, in particular, for instance, in other words.
  12. What do you know about the Thesis statement?
    The main idea of an essay is expressed in the introductory paragraph. The sentence in which the main idea is expressed is called the thesis statement.


  1. Define cohesion in writing.
    Cohesion refers to how a group of sentences “hang together”. It means the connections between sentences. It is the organization of sentences that work together as a whole within a paragraph.
  2. What is a memo?
    The word “memo” is short for memorandum. It is “a message or other information in writing sent by one person or department to another in the same business organization”.
  3. What is a business letter?
    The letter that contains business-related issues and information is called a business letter.
  4. Define a formal essay.
    A formal essay is a piece of writing that informs or persuades its audience.
  5. What is brainstorming?
    Brainstorming is a process for generating new ideas for writing a piece of text.
  6. What are the functions of a topic sentence?
    The functions of a topic sentence are to substantiate an essay’s thesis statement, unify the content of a paragraph, direct the order of the sentences, advise the reader of the subject to be discussed, etc.
  7. What is an appendix?
    The appendix is a section at the end of a paper that includes information that is too detailed for the text of the paper itself and would burden the readers or distract them.
  8. What is the embargo date?
    Embargo Date is a date field that allows you to specify the exact date on which work will be made publicly available for download or receive.
  9. What are the three main parts of a note?
    Three main parts of note are –
    1. Brief introduction of the case under consideration,
    2. Main points. Misstatement of facts if any,
    3. Conclusion.
  10. What is the heading of a press release?
    The Heading of a press release is a brief attention-grabbing statement summarizing the news.
  11. What is an expository paragraph?
    An expository paragraph is a paragraph that “exposes” information through facts and details. Expository paragraphs are non-fiction writing. Their purpose is to give information to readers in an organized format.


  1. What do you mean by drafting?
    Drafting is a stage of the writing process during which a writer organizes information and ideas into sentences and paragraphs.
  2. Why are “discourse makers” needed in writing?
    ‘Discourse makers’ are needed in writing to maintain coherence in writing.
  3. What does the phrase “jotting down” mean?
    The phrase “jotting down” means writing or marking down a note quickly or briefly.
  4. What is a definition paragraph?
    A definition paragraph explains a term or a subject. For example – “Love”, “Patriotism”, etc.
  5. What is an informal report?
    An informal report is usually in the form of person-to-person communication within an organization. It is written without following any rules and procedures directed by an organization.
  6. What is a subjective essay?
    A subjective essay is a type of essay in which the writer expresses his personal experience and opinions.
  7. Name a title on which an argumentive essay can be written.
    Parents should Monitor Their Children’s Internet Use.
  8. What are the stages of the writing process?
    The five-step stages writing process are: 1) Prewriting, 2) Drafting, 3) Revision, 4) Editing, and 5) Publishing.
  9. For whom are news reports written?
    News reports are written for the public.
  10. What is the American word for CV?
    The American word for CV is resume.
  11. What are the parts of a survey report?
    The parts of a survey report are: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
  12. What is the function of a “context modulator”?
    The function of a context modulator is to provide a transition between two sets of ideas and to link them.


  1. What is the topic sentence in the paragraph?
    Ans: A topic sentence expresses the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence of a paragraph. It contains the central idea. It is also the most general sentence in a paragraph.
  2. What purpose does the first paragraph of an essay serve?
    The purpose of the first paragraph of an essay is to introduce the main idea of the essay.
  3. What is skimming?
    Skimming is the process of reading with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of a piece of writing.
  4. Define cohesion in writing.
    Cohesion refers to how a group of sentences “hang together”. It means the connections between sentences. It is the organization of sentences that work together as a whole within a paragraph.
  5. What is a file?
    ‘File’ means a collection of papers arranged chronologically on a specific subject matter assigned a file number and consisting of the following parts:
    1. Notes.
    2. Correspondence.
    3. Appendix to notes.
    4. Appendix to correspondence.
  6. What is an academic CV?
    A CV written for academia is called an academic CV. It should highlight research and teaching experience, publications, grants and fellowships, professional associations and licenses, awards, and any other details in our experience that show we are the best candidate for a faculty or research position advertised by a college or university.
  7. What is a cover letter?
    A cover letter is a brief, formal letter that accompanies another document that is sent to the recipient.
  8. Give the definition of a press release.
    A press release is a news giving information on a particular matter that a company gives the press to publish.
  9. What is the aim of a notice?
    The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people.
  10. What linkers are used in the contrast paragraph?
    But; however; nevertheless; unlike; on the other hand; yet; on the contrary; instead, etc.
  11. What is the developer of a paragraph?
    The supporting sentences in the body of a paragraph are known as paragraph ‘developers’. They develop or explain the topic sentence by giving reasons, examples, facts, statistics, quotations, etc.
  12. What is a newspaper report?
    It is a short account of the news published in a newspaper.


  1. What is the thesis sentence?
    The sentence in which the main idea of an essay is expressed in the introductory paragraph is called thesis statement.
  2. What is a paragraph?
    A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with one topic maintaining coherence and cohesion.
  3. What do you mean by linkers?
    Linkers are words or phrases that connect one idea or sentence of a paragraph with another. They connect the ideas logically.
  4. What are the elements of a news report?
    The elements of a news report are: Headline; Byline; Dateline/Paceline; Lead; Body; Quotations.
  5. What do you mean by enclosure?
    Enclosure is a word used at the end of a letter that alerts the recipient that additional material is included with the letter. The recipient can either identify the enclosure or indicate how many pieces there are.
  6. What is the letterhead?
    Letterhead refers to the name and address of an organization (such as a company) that is printed at the top of a piece of paper used for writing official letters.
  7. What is a Memo?
    The word “memo” is short for memorandum. It is “a message or other information in writing sent by one person or department to another in the same business organization”.
  8. What is the objective of a note?
    A note is written to assist the competent authority to decide a matter easily. It helps the seniors to study the whole picture of a case as portrayed by the junior officers. The decision of the matter is the end point of a note.
  9. What is the way of writing a terminator in a paragraph?
    The way of writing a terminator is to repeat or restate the main idea by paraphrasing the topic sentence or summarizing the main points made in the body of the paragraph.
  10. What is a cause and effect paragraph?
    A cause and effect paragraph is one that analyzes the causes or effects of a certain situation. The purpose of a cause and effect paragraph is to discuss the reasons why something occurs or the results of an event, feeling, or action. For example, ” Global Warming”.
  11. What are the three main stages in writing?
    Three main stages in writing:
    1. Planning & prewriting
    2. Composing & drafting
    3. Revising, Editing & Proofreading
  12. What is a D.O. letter?
    D.O. stands for Demi Official. It is a kind of letter that is used in correspondence between government officers to draw the personal attention of the addressee officer.