What is Tagore’s concept of the ideal state as suggested in “Where the Mind is Without Fear”?

Ans: “Where the Mind is Without Fear” is a famous lyric in Gitanjali 35 written by the Indian great poet Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore is one of the leading exponents in the field of Bangla literature. The poem “Where the Mind is Without Fear” is about Tagore’s concept of an ideal state. Throughout the poem, Tagore expresses his patriotism. In the poem, he discloses some of his concepts of an ideal and happy society. Unlike Plato, deep faith in God is central to this concept of an ideal state. His prayer is for the future realization of his ideals for a Utopia. In fact, the poet prays to God for the spiritual emancipation of his country.

When he wrote the poem, his country, India struggled for freedom from British colonial rule. India suffered from social, political, and cultural injustice. There was widespread racial conflict between nations. In this poem, Tagore prays for the salvation of his countrymen. He dreams of a fear-free land where dignity and freedom will be ensured for all. He wants to get rid of the social evils in his country.

In “Where the Mind is Without Fear” the poet is praying to God to transform his country into a heaven of freedom. A country may reach an ideal status if it can ensure intellectual freedom for all. Tagore had a very deep religious cast of mind and profound humanism. He was both a patriot and an internationalist.

In the poem, “Where the Mind is Without Fear” the poet sketches a moving picture of the nation. He would like India to be – Where everyone within the fold of the brotherhood can live with their head held high without fear of oppression or obligation.

Tagore is not only a dreamer but also a great visionary poet. To fulfill his dream of making his country an ideal state he wants to wake his countrymen. He has the noble vision of awakening his country’s people and freeing them from the shackles of blind conventions. He desires his people to attain free knowledge and to illuminate themselves with the light of reason and logic. According to the poet’s aspiration, only freedom will reign in the newly formed heaven on earth. In the poem, Tagore reveals the possibility of a nation that essentially emerges from the thought and actions of individuals who respond to the truth within their inner beings.

In conclusion, we can say that in “Where the mind is without fear” the poem Tagore expresses his concept of an ideal state. He dreams of a country where there will be no oppression and discrimination. He describes his concept of an ideal state in the poem in a beautiful way.