Advanced Reading & Writing – Previous Year Briefs (2013 – 2020)


Reading Ⅰ

  1. Hummingbirds catch and consume insects to balance their diet.
    Ans: True
  2. Hummingbirds are as good as helicopters.
    Ans: True / Not Given
  3. Only bees and hummingbirds are fond of nectar.
    Ans: Not Given
  4. Hummingbirds cannot move backward.
    Ans: False
  5. If hummingbirds were bigger, they would prey on smaller species of birds.
    Ans: Not Given

Writing Ⅱ

  1. Write a topic sentence to begin a paragraph on “Causes of Environment Pollution”.
    Ans: Environment can be polluted in many ways.
  2. Which transition marker would you use to introduce an example?
    Ans: for instance
  3. Which transition marker would you use to conclude a paragraph?
    Ans: To sum up
  4. What is a thesis statement?
    A thesis statement is a sentence or group of sentences that outlines the main idea or argument of a paper or essay.
  5. Mention the stages in the writing process.
    Stages in the writing process are generally five in number. The five chronological stages are (a) Pre-writing, (b) Drafting, (c) Revising, (d) Editing, and (e) Proofreading.
  6. What is the purpose of a memo?
    The purpose of a memo is to communicate information within an organization. It is used to share important information with a specific group of people, such as a department or team, in a brief and concise manner.
  7. What are the essential parts of a report?
    Ans: The essential parts of a report are: (a) summary, (b) body, (c) conclusion.


Reading Ⅰ

  1. Is the statement “a number of boys and girls like their teacher’s prescribed book’ honestly” true or false or irrelevant?
    Ans: The statement is false
  2. Identify the structural name of the first sentence of the passage.
    Ans: The first sentence of the passage is simple in structure.
  3. What are the types of the verbs ‘has said’ and ‘to enjoy’ in the second sentence?
    Ans: The verb ‘has said’ is a transitive verb and ‘ to enjoy ’ is an infinitive.
  4. Find out a synonym of the word ‘persuade’ and make a sentence of your own with that synonymous word.
    Ans: The synonymous word is convinced: He convinced me that the story was true.
  5. “The main reason of people’s reading books at school is to ‘please their teacher”, Tell — is it true or false?
    Ans: The statement is true.
  6. What part of speech is the word ‘anxious’ in the third sentence?
    Ans: ‘Anxious’ is used as an adjective in the third sentence.
  7. “The people, who cannot like the book suggested by their teacher, run no risk”. Is the statement true or false?
    Ans: This statement is false.

Writing Ⅱ

  1. Write a topic sentence for a paragraph on “A Good Book’.
    “One of the main benefits of reading a good book is the opportunity it provides to expand one’s knowledge and understanding of the world.”
  2. What are the major types of letters?
    The major types of letters are: 1. Business letters, 2. Cover letters, 3. Personal letters, 4. Sales letters, 5. Fundraising letters, 6. Complaint letters.
  3. What sentence linker of the following ones will you use to ‘link two sentences of cause and effect relation?
    such as “therefore,” “as a result,” “so,” or “hence.”
  4. Make a list of the five most common punctuation marks.
    • Period (.)
    • Comma (,)
    • Question mark (?)
    • Exclamation point (!)
    • Apostrophe (‘)
  5. What is a cover letter?
    A cover letter is a letter that is sent along with a resume or job application, introducing the applicant and explaining their qualifications for the position.
  6. What transition marker of the following ones would be applicable in making alternative approaches in writing?
    in lieu of 
  7. What is the main function of a notice?
    The main function of a notice is to notify the audience about a fact.


Reading Ⅰ

  1. Choose the best answer:
    Bacteriological or chemical weapons—
    (i) are as dangerous as nuclear weapons.
    (ii) may offer a greater threat than nuclear weapons.

    (iii) are less dangerous than nuclear weapons.
    Ans: (ii) may offer a greater threat than nuclear weapons.
  1. To abolish war, we need not persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way. (Is this statement true or false, it false, rewrite it)
    Ans: This is a false statement. We need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way to abolish war.
  2. We should settle ____ issues through negotiations. (Fill in the blank with appropriate word from the passage)
    Ans: We should settle war issues through negotiations.
  3. Persuade (adjective) (Change the word as directed and make a sentence with the changed one).
    Ans: The adjective form is persuasive. His arguments are very persuasive.
  4. What does the word “ingenuity” mean in the passage?
    Ans: The word ‘ingenuity’ refers to the ‘ability to solve problems in new and clever ways.

Writing Ⅱ

  1. Write a topic sentence to begin a paragraph on “Higher education for women in Bangladesh”.
    Higher education for women in Bangladesh has come a long way in recent years, but significant challenges still remain.
  2. What is cohesion?
    Cohesion refers to the ways in which the ideas and paragraphs in a written text are connected and relate to one another.
  3. What is a report?
    A report is a document that presents information, results, and findings on a specific topic or issue.
  4. What is a topic sentence?
    A topic sentence is a sentence that introduces the main idea or topic of a paragraph.
  5. How many kinds of process paragraphs do we have?
    There are three types of process paragraphs: 1. Directional process paragraphs, 2. Informative process paragraphs, and 3. Analytical process paragraphs.
  6. Show the structure of a memo with essential parts.
    The essential parts of a memo typically include:
    • Header: This includes the memo’s recipient, sender, date, and subject.
    • Introduction: This briefly introduces the purpose of the memo.
    • Body: This is the main section of the memo, where the information or message is presented. It may be divided into several paragraphs or sections, depending on the complexity of the information.
    • Conclusion: This summarizes the main points of the memo and may include any action steps or recommendations.
    • Closing: This includes a farewell or closing greeting, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” and the sender’s name and contact information.
  7. Which transition marker would you use to write a comparative paragraph?
     To write a comparative paragraph, you might use a transition marker such as “in comparison,” “similarly,” “likewise,” “on the other hand,” or “unlike.”


Reading Ⅰ

  1. How many clauses are there in the first sentence and what is its grammatical name in terms of its structure?
    Ans: There are three clauses in the first sentence and the sentence is compound in form.
  2. Why did the speaker learn to read sooner?
    Ans: The speaker had to spend plenty of time at the home because of his weak ankles. As a result, he learned to read sooner.
  3. When did the speaker rush to comic papers and penny-bloods and how did he enjoy them?
    Ans: The speaker rushed to comic papers and penny-bloods as he grew older and he felt a thrill of excitement.
  4. What is meant by the phrase— ‘ the last chapter but one ’?
    Ans: The phrase means the chapter before the final one.
  5. Who were incredibly brave?
    Ans: The hero and his favorite teacher in the stories told by the speaker’s grandmother were incredibly brave.

Writing Ⅱ

  1. What is a terminator in a paragraph?
    A terminator in a paragraph is the final sentence or group of sentences that concludes the paragraph and ties it to the rest of the text. It is also known as a “concluding sentence” or “closing sentence.”
  2. What is coherence?
    Coherence refers to the way in which a written text flows smoothly and logically, with ideas and paragraphs that are clearly connected and related to one another.
  3. What is a narrative essay?
    A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story, often about a personal experience or event. It is written in the first-person perspective and usually includes characters, a plot, and a setting.
  4. What is a formal letter?
    A formal letter is a type of written communication that follows a formal, professional style and is used for business or academic purposes.
  5. What kind of announcement is a press release?
    Ans: A press release is a public relations announcement.
  6. What is the purpose of a notice?
    Ans: The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people.
  7. What should be the tone and language of a report?
    Ans: The tone should be convincing and the language should be formal.


Reading Ⅰ

  1. Who are the intellectuals according to the writer?
    Ans: The intellectuals are enlightened persons who enlighten others.
  2. What are the responsibilities of the intellectuals?
    Ans: The responsibilities of the intellectuals are to form civilization, enrich culture, and guide men on the right path.
  3. What is the keyword in the last sentence of the Passage?
    Ans: The key word in the last sentence of the passage is“duty”.
  4. What is meant by the phrase a blessed time?
    Ans: The phrase “blessed time” 1s the span in a society when all are intellectuals.
  5. Why is our life better than that of our primitive ancestors?
    Ans: Our life is better than that of our primitive ancestors because from time to time the intellectuals have been guiding humanity on the path of felicity and amity.

Writing Ⅱ

  1. What is cohesion?
    Cohesion refers to how a group of sentences “hang together.” It means the connections between sentences. It is the organization of sentences that work together as a whole within a paragraph.
  2. What is a listing paragraph?
    A listing paragraph is one that lists a number of points or examples to support the claim made in the topic sentence. When a writer wants to inform his readers a number of things or to convince his reader with several pieces of evidence, he uses listing. For example, “Causes of Brain Drain”
  3. What is a descriptive essay?
    A descriptive essay is one that describes something – object, person, place, experience, situation, etc. Descriptive writing creates a picture in words. It tells what something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels like.
  4. What does the subscription convey?
    The subscription is the Address on the Envelope containing the address of the receiver of the letter.
  5. What should be the language of a press release?
    The press release should contain understandable language and a quote.
  6. What is the purpose of report writing?
    The purpose of report writing is to convey some information to others.
  7. What is a thesis statement?
    The main idea of an essay is expressed in the introductory paragraph. The sentence in which the main idea is expressed is called a thesis statement.


Reading Ⅰ

  1. Identify the structural name of the following: —
    “In England, it led the writers to classical learning that liberated them from religious control”.
    The structure of the given sentence is like the structure of a complex sentence.
  2. What is the meaning of “Renaissance” in English?
    “Renaissance” is the cultural rebirth that occurred in Europe from roughly the fourteenth through the middle of the seventeenth centuries, based on the rediscovery of the learning, arts, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome.
  3. Write down the adjective form of the word “Culture” and make a sentence with it.
    Cultural — Renaissance is a cultural revival in Europe.
  4. Who is Bacon?
    Bacon was an English philosopher.
  5. How many centuries are mentioned in the passage?
    16th and 17th centuries are mentioned in the passage.

Writing Ⅱ

  1. What are the main parts of a paragraph?
    There are three parts | in a paragraph: topic sentence, body, and concluding sentence.
  2. Write the names of the five most common punctuation marks.
    They are full stop (.), comma (,), question mark (?), an exclamation mark (!), and quotation mark (‘….’).
  3. What is a descriptive essay?
    Ans: A descriptive essay simply describes something or someone by appealing to the reader’s senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.
  1. What is a resume?
    Ans: A resume is a brief account of a job applicant’s education, skills, and work experience.
  2. What is the purpose of a notice?
    Ans: The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific group of people.
  3. What is the embargo date?
    Ans: It is a date until which the source of the news requests the press not to publish the news.
  4. What are footnotes?
    Ans: Footnotes are a type of notes, mainly placed at the bottom of every page to give a comment or cite a reference for a designated part of the text.


Reading Ⅰ

  1. Identify the number of clauses, and the structural name of the following sentence :
    “Old English, or Anglo-Saxon as it is also called, resulted from the merging of these dialects.”
    Ans: 1st Clause =, ………… it is also called,
    2nd Clause =, ……. resulted from the merging of these dialects.
    The structural name of the referred sentence is Complex Sentence.
  2. Who were the Celts and who invaded them?
    Ans: The Celts were the native people of Britania. The Romans under the leadership of Julius Caesar invaded the Celts.
  3. Write down the verb form of the word ‘Invasion’ and make a sentence with it.
    Ans: Invade — Emperor Babur invaded India in the 14th century.
  4. Why did the Celts feel helpless?
    Ans: Under the invasion of the Romans the Celts were given protection by the Romans, When in A.D. 410 The Romans abandoned them, and the Celts felt helpless without Rome’s protection against attacks by tribes from nearby Scotland and Ireland.
  5. How did Old English Language come into being?
    Ans: The Celts acquired a mixed dialect or a form of Germanic language from the Angles Saxons, and Jutes. Old English or Anglo-Saxon language came into being from the merging of these dialects.

Writing Ⅱ

  1. What is coherence?
    Ans: Coherence is the logical connection of ideas in a text. Coherence means establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in a paragraph. It is an arrangement of ideas in such a way that the reader can easily follow from one point to another.
  2. What is an argumentative essay?
    Ans: Argumentative essay is a type of essay that serves to persuade a reader that some particular point of view is correct, and the others are wrong.
  3. What is an informal letter?
    Ans: Informal letter is a non-official letter written to loved ones like brother, mother, father, wife, etc.
  4. What is a terminator in a paragraph?
    Ans: Terminator is a sentence that concludes the ideas in the paragraph and brings it to a close.
  5. Which transition marker would you use to write a comparative paragraph:
    Ans: Similarly
  6. What is a persuasive paragraph?
    Ans: An argumentative or persuasive paragraph is one in which you try to convince the reader of something.
  7. Write a topic sentence on ‘Bangabandhu Satellite – 1.
    The Bangabandhu Satellite-1 will be contributing to the technological advancement of Bangladesh in the future.

All Briefs with ans

  1. What is writing?
    Ans: Writing is the activity of composing a text.
  2. What is case study?
    Ans: Case study means collecting and presenting detailed information concerning a particular data or people.
  3. What is revision?
  4. What is ISBN?
    Ans: ISBN is the abbreviation of International Standard Book Number.
  5. What is coherence?
  6. What is thesis?
  7. What is APA style?
    Ans: American Psychological Association (APA) style is a set of standards for the writers to follow by the APA.
  8. What is MLA style?
    Ans: The MLA style refers to the method of writing research papers recommended by the Modern Language Association .
  9. What is a topic sentence in a paragraph?
  10. What are transitions?
  11. Mention three transition markers used for writing contrast paragraph.
  12. What do you mean by linkers?
  13. What are discourse markers?
  14. What are the structural parts of an essay?
  15. Define ‘narrative paragraph’ with example.
  16. What is an argumentative essay?
  17. What transitional expressions are used to give reasons in a persuasive paragraph?
  18. What transitional expressions are used to answer the opposition in a persuasive paragraph?
  19. What is a persuasive paragraph?
  20. What transitional expressions are used to draw conclusions in at persuasive paragraph?
  21. What transitional words and phrases are used for beginning an explanation?
  22. What transitional words and phrases are used for continuing an explanation?
  23. What transitional words and phrases are used for ending an explanation?
  24. What transitions are used in a listing paragraph?
  25. What is a classification paragraph?
  26. What transitional expressions are used in a classification paragraph?
  27. What is an example paragraph?
  28. What transitional expressions are used to show effects? 
  29. What are the transitional expressions used in a comparison paragraph?
  30. What is terminator in a paragraph?
  31. What is listing paragraph?
  32. What is cohesion?
  33. What are the different types of essay?
  34. What is a business letter?
  35. What is a complaint letter?
  36. What is an official letter?
  37. What should be the tone and language of a report?
  38. What is a news report?
  39. What is the Headline of a news report?
  40. What is a memo?
  41. What is a press release?
  42. What should be the language of a press release?
  43. What kind of announcement if a press release?
  44. What are the main parts of a paragraph?
  45. Write the names of five most common punctuation marks.
  46. What is a resume?
  47. What is the purpose of a notice?
  48. What is GPO style?
    Ans: GPO is o writing style, set by the United States Government printing office style manual , mainly used for government printing.
  49. What is the five-step writing process? Or, Write down the names of stages of the writing process.
    Ans: The five-step writing process is: Prewriting, Drafting, Revision, Editing and Publishing. 
  50. What is proofreading?
    Ans: Proofreading is the process of reading and correcting errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling.
  51. What is editing?
    Ans: Editing is the process of correcting and adapting a text.
  52. What is plagiarism?
    Ans: Plagiarism is “the unauthorized use of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own”.
  53. What do you mean by drafting?
    Ans: Drafting is a stage of the writing process during which a writer organizes information and ideas into sentences and paragraphs.
  54. What is skimming?
    Ans: Skimming is the process of reading with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of a piece of writing.
  55. What are the three main stages in writing?
    Ans: The three main stages in writing are: prewriting, writing and revising.
  56. What is Brainstorming?
    Ans: Brainstorming is a process for generating new ideas for writing a piece of text.
  57. What is bibliography?
    Ans: Bibliography is a list of resources (books, websites, journals, papers, people, etc.) that a writer consulted during the process of writing.
  58. What is ‘context modulator”?
    Ans: Context modulators are sentences that provide a smooth transition between two sets of ideas.
  59. What is Terminator in a writing composition?
    Ans: Terminators are sentences that conclude the ideas in the paragraph and bring it to a close.
  60. What is a contrast paragraph?
    Ans: A contrast paragraph shows dissimilarities or differences between two persons, places, things, ideas, of situations.
  61. What is a definition paragraph?
    Ans: A definition paragraph explains a term or a subject Example, “Love! “Patriotism” etc.
  62. What is a descriptive paragraph?
    Ans: A descriptive paragraph is a paragraph that colorfully describes a person, place or thing.
  63. What is an argumentative paragraph?
    Ans: The argumentative paragraph is one in which the writer presents “reasons for or against something”.
  64. What is an expository paragraph?
    Ans: An expository paragraph is a paragraph that “exposes” information through facts and details.
  65. What do you mean by drafting?
    Ans: Drafting is a stage of the writing process during which a writer organizes information and ideas into sentences and paragraphs.
  66. What are the stages of writing process?
    Ans: The five-step writing process is: Prewriting, Drafting, Revision, Editing and Publishing.
  67. What is a definition paragraph?
    Ans: A definition paragraph explains a term or a subject. Example, “Love”, “Patriotism” etc 
  68. Why are “discourse markers” needed in writing?
    Ans: Discourse markers’ are needed in writing to maintain coherence in writing.
  69. What does the phrase “jotting down ideas” mean?
    Ans: ‘Jotting down ideas’ means writing ideas on a piece of paper so that we can remember it.
  70. What is the function of a “context modulator”?
    Ans: The function of a context modulator is to provide a transition between two sets of ideas and to link them.
  71. What linkers are used in contrast paragraphs?
    Ans: But; however; nevertheless; unlike; on the other hand; yet; on the contrary; instead, etc.
  72. What is the developer of a paragraph?
    Ans: The supporting sentences in the body of a paragraph are known as paragraph ‘developers’.
  73. What is the thesis sentence?
    Ans: The main idea of an essay is expressed in the introductory paragraph. The sentence in which the main idea is expressed is called the thesis sentence.
  74. What is a paragraph?
    Ans: A paragraph is a collection of sentences dealing with one topic maintaining coherence and cohesion.
  75. What is a cause and effect paragraph?
    Ans: A cause and effect paragraph is one that analyzes the causes or effects of a certain situation.
  76. What is topic sentence?
    Ans: A topic sentence is a sentence that states the main idea of an entire paragraph.
  77. Define coherence in writing.
    Ans: Coherence means establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in writing.
  78. What are the parts of an essay?
    Ans: Traditionally, an essay is made up of three parts: (1) Introduction, (ii) the body and (iii) conclusion.
  79. Write down the names of four types of essays.
    Ans: There are four major types of essays: Narrative Essay, Descriptive Essay; Expository Essay and Persuasive Essay.
  80. What is the difference between a topic sentence and a thesis statement?
    Ans: A topic sentence guides a paragraph while a thesis statement guides an essay.
  81. What is a narrative essay?
    Ans: A narrative essay is an essay that tells a story about a specific event or experience.
  82. What is a descriptive essay?
    Ans: A descriptive essay describes an object, person, place, experience, situation, etc.
  83. What do you mean by expository essay?
    Ans: An expository essay is one that explains a topic in a logical manner..
  84. What is a persuasive essay?
    Ans: A persuasive essay (also known as argument essay) is a piece of writing that convinces the reader to accept a certain viewpoint.
  85. What is an essay?
    Ans: An essay is a short piece non-fiction writing that describes or clarifies or argues or analyzes a subject.
  86. What is a report?
    Ans: A report is a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.
  87. What is the purpose of report writing?
    Ans: The purpose of report writing is to convey some information to others.
  88. What is a formal report?
    Ans: A formal report is a document with more detail and content than the shorter report forms.
  89. What is an informal report?
    Ans. An informal report is usually in the form of a person to person communication within an organization.
  90. What is the purpose of a news report?
    Ans. The purpose o fa news report is to inform readers of what is happening in the world around them.
  91. What is a survey report?
    Ans. The survey report is a formal piece of writing based on research.
  92. What is a business report?
    Ans. A business report is a formal written document for a business purpose.
  93. What is the purpose of a business report?
    Ans. The purpose of a business report generally is to assist in decision making.
  94. For whom are news reports written?
    Ans. News reports are written for the public.
  95. What are the parts of a survey report?
    Ans. The parts Of a survey report are: Introduction, Body and Conclusion.
  96. What is a letter?
    Ans. A letter is a written message from one person to another.
  97. How many parts are there in a formal letter?
    Ans. In a formal letter there are six parts.
  98. What are the parts of a formal letter?
    Ans. The parts of a formal letter are: Heading, Inside address, Salutation, Body, Complimentary Close, and Signature.
  99. What is an informal letter?
    Ans. An informal letter is a letter which is written to a friend or family.
  100. What is the purpose of minutes?
    Ans: The purpose of minutes is to provide a permanent, and publicly accessible, record of what passed at a particular meeting.
  101. What is a claim/complaint letter?
    Ans: A letter written by a customer or a consumer to a company regarding a problem with a product or service is called a complaint letter.
  102. What is deadline?
    Ans: Deadline, in composition, is the latest time by which a writing project may be submitted to an editor or instructor for review or publication.
  103. What is bio-data?
    Ans: Bio-data refers to information about a person.
  104. What is the American word for CV?
    Ans: Resume
  105. What do you mean by Enclosure?
    Ans: Enclosure is used at the end of a letter when other papers are included with the letter.
  106. What is a D.O. Letter?
    Ans: D.O. stands for Demi Official. It is a kind of letter that is used in correspondence between government officers to draw personal attention of the addressee officer.
  107. What is the letterhead?
    Ans: Letterhead refers to the name and address of an organization.
  108. What does CV stand for?
    Ans: CV stands for curriculum vitae.
  109. What is a cover letter?
    Ans: The cover letter is a brief, formal letter that accompanies another document which is sent to the recipient.
  110. What is a formal letter?
    Ans: A formal letter is a letter written to a business, a college, or any professionals that are not considered friends or family. Formal letters are used for official and business purposes.
  111. What is a notice?
    Ans: A notice is a written or printed announcement giving information that something is going to happen.
  112. What is the aim of a notice?
    Ans: The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a specific
  113. To whom memos are written?
    Ans: Memos can be written both to the junior and to the senior and even the employees of equal rank.
  114. What are the basic three plans of memo writing?
    Ans: The basic three plans of memo writing are: Direct Plat Indirect Plan and Combination Approach.
  115. What is the purpose of a memo?
    Ans: The purpose of a memo is to convey important information efficiently.
  116. What is a case?
    Ans: ‘Case’ means a current file or a receipt together with other related papers, if any.
  117. What is a ‘file’?
    Ans: ‘File’ means a collection of papers arranged chronologically on a specific subject matter assigned a file number and consisting of the following parts: 1. Notes, 2. Correspondence, 3. Appendix to notes, 4. Appendix to correspondence.
  118. What is embargo date?
    Ans: An embargo is that a piece of news or information will not be published before a stated time and date.
  119. What are minutes? Or, Define minutes?
    Ans: Minutes are an official record of what is said and decided in a meeting.
  120. What transitions are used in the listing paragraph?
    Ans: In a listing paragraph, transitions like “firstly,” “secondly,” “finally,” or “in addition” are used to organize ideas sequentially and clearly.
  121. What are footnotes?
    Ans: Footnotes are explanatory notes or citations at the bottom of a page in a document.
  122. Which one is more effective— notice or memo?
    Ans: It depends on context: notices for brief announcements, memos for formal internal communication.
  123. What type of skill is writing?
    Ans: Writing is a communication skill for expressing ideas and information through text.
  124. What is APA style?
    Ans: APA style is a standardized format for academic writing in social sciences, emphasizing clear organization and proper citation of sources.
  125. What is MLA style?
    Ans: MLA style is a widely used format for humanities papers, highlighting clear source documentation through parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page.