Arms and the man – Info

Written by George Bernard Shaw. It’s an anti-romantic comedy play. It’s a 3 acts play.

The play begins in the fall of 1885 during the Serbo-Bulgarian War. Serbo-Bulgarian war, (Nov 14, 1885 to March 3, 1886) At the end of this battle, the Bulgarians won.

Character List:

  1. Raina Petkoff
  2. Major Siergius Saranoff (would be Husband)
  3. Catherine Petkoff (Raina’s Mother)
  4. Major Paul Petkoff (Raina’s Father)
  5. Lauka (Made Female Servant, With whom Siergius later loved and married)
  6. Nicola (Male Servant and He loves Louka)
  7. Captain Bluntschli (With whom Raina later loved and married)

Bulgaria is a country in Europe. Its location is above Greece and below Romania. That means it is in the middle of Greece and Romania, and to the right of Turkey.

Key facts of the Arms and the man:

  • Full name: Arms and the man
  • Length: 3 Acts Play.
  • Written: Early 1890’s
  • Where Written: Ireland, England
  • Published: 1894
  • Literary Period: End of Romanticism and Beginning of Modernism.
  • Genre: Romantic Comedy
  • Setting: Bulgaria
  • Antagonist: Sergius
  • Point of View: Play
  • Climax: Sergius is discovered to be in love with Louka,
    • and accuses Raina of having an affair with Bluntschli.

Major Themes:

  • Identity, Authenticity, and Self-Expression.
  • Romanticism v/s Realism
  • Class Division
  • Youth v/s Maturity