As You Like It – Info

As You Like It, a five-act pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare, was written and performed about 1598–1600 and first published in the First Folio of 1623.

Main Character – The Court of Duke Frederick.

Characters list:

  1. Duke Frederick, Duke Senior’s younger brother, and his usurper, also Celia’s father.
  2. Rosalind Heroine (Disguise name – Ganymede – a handsome young guy), Duke Senior’s Daughter.
  3. Celia (Disguise name – Aliena), Duke Frederick’s Daughter, and Rosalind’s Cousin.
  4. Touchstone, a court fool or jester.
  5. Le Beau, a courtier.
  6. Charles, a wrestler.
  7. Lords and ladies in Duke Frederick’s court.

The Household of the deceased Sir Rowland De Boys:

  1. Oliver De Boys, the eldest son, and heir.
  2. Jacques De Boys, the second son.
  3. Orlando De Boys (Hero), the youngest son.
  4. Adam is a faithful old servant who follows Orlando into exile.
  5. Dennis, Oliver’s servant, who called Charles.

The exiled court of Duke Senor in the Forest of Arden:

  1. Duke Senior, Duke Frederick’s older brother, and Rosalind’s father.
  2. Jaques, a discontented, pessimistic, Melancholic Lord
  3. Amiens, an attending Lord, and musician.
  4. Lords in Duke Senior’s Forest court.

Country folk in the Forest of Arden:

  1. Phoebe, a proud shepherdess.
  2. Silvius, a shepherd.
  3. Audrey, a country girl.
  4. Corin, an elderly shepherd.
  5. William, a countryman.
  6. Sir Oliver Martext, a curate.

Other Characters:

  1. Hymen officiates over the weddings in the end; God of marriage, as appearing in a masque.
  2. Pages and Musicians.


Love, Usurpation, Injustice, Forgiveness, Court Life, Country Life, Religious Allegory, Music, and songs.

(Rosalind) wit and humour

The main characters with a more detailed description of each:

Character_NamesCharacter Details
1. RosalindThe daughter of Duke Senior, she is a strong-willed, intelligent, and witty character who disguises herself as a man named “Ganymede” in order to escape persecution and find her love, Orlando. She is a central figure in the play, and her wit and humor are key elements of her character.
2. OrlandoA nobleman and the son of Sir Rowland de Boys, he is in love with Rosalind and pursues her throughout the play. He is a brave and honorable character, but he is also something of a naive and inexperienced young man.
3. Duke SeniorThe rightful Duke of the kingdom, he has been exiled by his brother, Duke Frederick, and seeks to reclaim his throne. Duke Senior is a wise and fair leader who is loved by his followers and respected by his enemies.
4. Duke FrederickThe main antagonist of the play, he is a power-hungry nobleman who has seized control of the kingdom from Duke Senior. Duke Frederick is cruel, jealous, and paranoid, and he is opposed by the other characters in the play, who seek to restore Duke Senior to power and overthrow Duke Frederick’s tyrannical rule.
5. CeliaThe daughter of Duke Frederick, she is a close friend of Rosalind and helps her escape persecution by disguising herself as a man and joining her in exile in the Forest of Arden. Celia is a kind, loyal, and supportive character who stands by Rosalind throughout the play and helps her navigate the challenges and dangers of their situation.
6. OliverThe older brother of Orlando, he is initially hostile towards Orlando and tries to prevent him from pursuing Rosalind. However, Oliver eventually undergoes a change of heart and becomes a more compassionate and supportive character.
7. JacquesA member of Duke Senior’s court, he is a melancholic, philosophical character who is prone to despair and cynicism. Despite his gloomy outlook, Jacques is also a wise and perceptive character who offers valuable insights and observations throughout the play.
8. TouchstoneA fool or jester in the court of Duke Frederick, he is a witty and clever character who provides comic relief throughout the play. Touchstone is a bit of a trickster, and he enjoys poking fun at the other characters and poking holes in their pretensions and illusions.
9. AmiensA member of Duke Senior’s court, he is loyal to the Duke and joins him in exile in the Forest of Arden. He is also a musician and is known for his beautiful singing voice. Amiens is a minor character in the play, but he serves an important role in providing entertainment and comic relief throughout the story.
10. SilviusA lovesick shepherd who is in love with Phebe, a cruel and indifferent shepherdess. Silvius is a passionate and sincere character, but his unrequited love for Phebe causes him a great deal of heartache and suffering.
11. PhebeA shepherdess who is the object of Silvius’s affection, but who treats him with disdain and cruelty. Phebe is a vain and shallow character who is more interested in her own pleasure than in the feelings of others.
12. Sir Rowland de BoysThe father of Orlando and Oliver, he is a deceased character who is mentioned throughout the play. Sir Rowland was a noble and respected man who left a lasting influence on his sons.
13. AdamAn old servant