Brief Questions of 17th and 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose


  1. What is regarded as the “precious life-blood of a master spirit” by Milton?
  2. Who is the believer of the maxim — “A penny saved is a penny got”?
    Sir Andrew Freeport is the believer of the maxim – “A penny saved is a penny got”.
  3. “The most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together” — who wrote this and why?
    Samuel Johnson wrote the line to define the idea of conceit.
  4. What kind of odes did Cowley write?
    Cowley wrote Pindaric odes.
  5. Who was the editor of ‘The Spectator’?
    Richard Steele was the editor of “The Spectator”.
  6. To whom does Milton compare the Star Chamber?
  7. What does the word ‘Areopagitica’ mean?
  8. What is Pragmatism?
    Pragmatism means practical consideration of a certain things.
  9. What type of region according to Bacon should be selected for new colonization?
    Bacon prefers to select uninhabited land for new colonization.
  10. When, according to Bacon, should a man marry?
    As the author suggests that a young man should think seriously when he should marry. An old man should not marry at al.
  11. Why does Milton compare a book to a bad piece of meat?
  12. What is “Magna-Carta”?
    Magna Carta is a charter agreed by King John of England at Runnymede on 15 June 1215.


  1. Why did Bacon compare truth to a pearl?
    Bacon compares truth to a pearl because truth is like a pearl that shines in the daylight not diamond that shines in the candle lights.
  2. What is the most ordinary cause of single life?
    Having fuller enjoyment of liberty is the most ordinary cause of single life.
  3. What was the name of the periodical started by Steele in 1709?
    The Tatler.
  4. What is censorship?
    Censorship is the act of examining or judging any kind of books or letters meant to be published.
  5. Who was the famous biographer of Samuel Johnson?
    Dr. Sprat was the famous biographer of Samuel Johnson.
  6. Who was Martin-V?
    Martin V was the head of the Catholic Church.
  7. To what does Addison compare ‘Paradise Lost’?
  8. What, according to Milton, is real virtue?
  9. What Pindaric Odes did Cowley paraphrase?
    Cowley paraphrased Olympick Ode and Nemaen Ode following Pindar.
  10. Who are the metaphysical poets?
    The metaphysical poets are John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Cowley, Andrew Marvell, Henry Vaughan.
  11. Who wrote the book The Advancement of Learning?
    Francis Bacon wrote the book “The Advancement of Learning”.
  12. When and where did the East India Company set its trading posts in India?
    The East India Company set up its first trading post in the provinces of Madras and Bombay of India in 1610 and 1611 respectively.


  1. What is the name of the satire written by Cowley?
    The name of the satire written by Cowley is “The Puritan and Papist”:
  2. What kind of allusions?
    The allusions used by Cowley are not always to vulgar things. Whatever he writes is always polluted with some conceits.
  3. What is the aim of the ‘Spectator’?
    The aim of The Spectator is to enliven morality with wit and to temper with morality to bring philosophy out of the closets and libraries, schools, and colleges to dwell in clubs and assemblies at tea tables and coffeehouses.
  4. What is Soho Squrate?
    Soho Square is a square in Soho, London, England. This is the place where Sir Roger lives when he is in the town.
  5. What is the essay ‘Of Palatino’ about?
    The essay illustrates the interest in English colonization in America.
  6. How many kinds of love are mentioned by Bacon in ‘Of Love’?
    There are three types of love – nuptial love, friendly love, and wanton love in “Of Love”.
  7. Why is a married man hostage to the fortune?
    A married man is hostage to the fortune because his wife and children are impediments to great enterprises.
  8. Who drafted and ……. the last ‘Indin Bill’?
    Fox drafted and introduces the East India Bill.
  9. When did Edmund Burke give the speech on the East India Bill?
    Burke delivered his famous speech on Fox’s “East India Bill” on 1st December 1783.
  10. What did of writing is “Areopagitien”?
  11. What is a pamphlet?
    Pamphlet is a small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single subject.
  12. How does Milton define II book?


  1. What are the three roles played by a wife in different stages of life?
    The three roles played by a wife in different stages of life are mistress, companion and nurse.
  2. What is the most ordinary cause of single life?
    Having fuller enjoyment of liberty is the most ordinary cause of single life.
  3. What kind of writing is ‘The Guardian’ by Cowley?
    “The Guardian” by Cowley is a comedy.
  4. What type of composition is The Life of Cowley?
    “The Life of Cowley” is a biography and critical study of his character and works.
  5. What is Magna Carta?
    Magna Carta is a document officially stating the political and legal rights of the English people that King John was forced to sign in 1215.
  6. What were the East India Company’s officials formally called?
    The East India Company’s officials were formally called English East India Company.
  7. What is the aim of the Spectator?
    The aim of The Spectator is to enliven morality with wit and to temper with morality to bring philosophy out of the closets and libraries, schools and colleges to dwell in clubs and assemblies at tea tables and coffeehouses.
  8. What is the Tatler?
    The Tatler is a periodical launched in London by the essayist Sir Richard Steele in April 1709.
  9. What is meant by the freedom of the press?
    The freedom of the press is the right of newspapers, magazines etc to report news without being controlled by the government.
  10. Why did Milton write Areopagitica?
    Areopagitica is a book written by English poet John Milton in 1644. He wrote it to protest against censorship.
  11. Why is not an unmarried man a good citizen?
    An unmarried man is not a good citizen because he leads a carefree life.
  12. Who are the metaphysical poets?
    The metaphysical poets are John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Cowley, Andrew Marvell, Henry Vaughan.


  1. What types of love are mentioned by Bacon in his essay “Of Love”?
    Ans. There are three types of love. They are nuptial love, friendly love, and wanton love.
  2. Who was Pilate?
    Ans. Pontius Pilate was the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea.
  3. What is superior to taking revenge?
    Ans. Forgiving is superior to taking revenge.
  4. Why did Sir Roger de Coverley remain a bachelor?
    Ans: He is fifty-six years old, and he is a bachelor because he was disappointed in love in his youth.
  5. How old is Sir Roger de Coverley now?
    Ans. He is fifty-six years old.
  6. What is the Spectator’s Club?
    Ans. The spectator club was one of the most popular and very influential periodicals during the eighteen century in England.
  7. What was the name of the epic poem that Cowley attempted to write?
    Ans. Davideis, a Sacred Poem of the Troubles of David (1656) is an unfinished epic poem by the 17th century-English poet Abraham Cowley, its theme is the life of the Biblical David.
  8. Who is the father of criticism mentioned in The Life of Cowley?
    Ans. Dryden was considered to be the “father of English criticism” by Samuel Johnson precisely because he contributed so much to the oeuvre of literary criticism in the canon of English literature.
  9. What type of work is ‘Love’s Riddle’?
    Ans. Loves riddle is a pastoral comedy.
  10. What was the main target of Burke’s “Speech on the East India Bill”?
    Ans. He wanted to introduce an executive British power rather than despotic mercantile empowerment. He totally rejected the activities of Warren Hastings. His intention was also to make the queen understand the importance of India as the biggest colony.
  11. Who was Edmund Burke?
    Ans. Edmund Burke was an Irish statesman and philosopher.
  12. What is East India Charter?
    Ans. The East India charter is a charter to establish a monopoly and to create power.


  1. Who was Tacitus?
    Ans. Tacitus was a well-known historian of ancient Rome.
  2. What does Bacon mean by the term ‘Plantation’?
    Ans. Plantation means colonization of a Plantation.
  3. Who are the impediments to great enterprise according to Bacon?
    Ans. Wife and children are the impediments to great enterprise according to Bacon.
  4. Who inherited Sir Roger’s property?
    Ans. Captain Sentry and Sir Roger’s nephew inherited the property.
  5. A penny saved is a penny got. — Who is the believer of the maxim?
    Ans. Sir Andrew Freeport is a believer in the maxim.
  6. What did Sir Roger do to beautify the inside of his church?
    Ans. Cowley liked to be written mainly by Pindarique Odes.
  7. What kind of odes did Cowley write?
    Ans. He has decorated and beautified the inside of the church with several texts of his own choosing on his own accord and at his own expense.
  8. Who first coined the term ‘metaphysical poets’?
    Ans. Samuel Johnson
  9. Write two names of the members of the ‘Spectator’s Club’.
    Ans. Sir Roger de Coverley and Will Honeycomb.
  10. Who was the first governor-general of India?
    Ans. Warren Hastings was the first governor of India.
  11. When did Edmund Burke deliver his famous speech on Fox’s East India Bill?
    Ans. Burke delivered his famous speech on Fox’s East India Bill in 1783.
  12. Who were the Tartars?
    Ans. The Tartars are the members of the combined forces of central Asian peoples, including
    Mongols and Turks who under the leadership of Genghis Khan conquered much of Asia and
    Eastern Europe in the early 13th century and under Tamerlane (14th century) established ab
    empire with its capital at Samarkand


  1. Why can’t unmarried men be the best citizens?
    Ans. Due to leading carefree life unmarried men can’t be the best citizens.
  2. Why do people have a tendency to avoid the truth?
    Ans. Because of their natural but corrupt love for lies people want to avoid the truth.
  3. Who was Epicurus?
    Ans. Epicurus was a great philosopher.
  4. Why was Sir Roger given priority?
    Ans. Sir Roger was given priority because he loved other people and was loved by all. He was loved by others rather than respected.
  5. What is the Inner Temple?
    Ans. The Inner Temple is one of the four Inns of Court (professional associations for barristers and judges) in London. Where lawyers resided or had their offices and where students studied law. To be called to the Bar and practice as a barrister in England and Wales, one must belong to one of these Inns.
  6. What is the religious value of Sunday?
    Ans. The observance of the Sunday renews the notions of religion in the minds of the villagers.
  7. Whom did Cowley follow in writing odes?
    Ans. Cowley followed Pinder and his style in writing odes. Because he considered the Pindaric style to be the highest and the noblest kind of writing.
  8. What type of men were the metaphysical poets?
    Ans. The metaphysical poets were men of learning, men of wit and conceit.
  9. How does Cowley compare a lover to Manna?
    Ans. A lover is compared to Manna because Manna is a kind of fruit that is perpetually tasty and in which lie all sorts of heavenly pleasure.
  10. With what does Burke compare the East India Bill?
    Edmund Burke compared the East India Bill to Fox’s India Bill in a famous 1783 parliamentary debate.
  11. What was the condition of the people of this huge terrain during the rule of the East India Company?
    Ans. The condition of the people of this huge terrain was so miserable that they even could not have a mouthful meal Without the permission of the East India Company.
  12. What is pragmatism?
    Ans. Pragmatism refers to the practical consideration of a certain thing.


  1. What is the most ordinary cause of single life?
    Ans. Having fuller enjoyment of liberty is the most ordinary cause of single life.
  2. Who is the believer of the maxim “A penny saved is a penny goal”?
    Ans. Benjamin Franklin is a believer in the maxim “A penny saved is a penny goal”.
  3. What type of justice is revenge?
    Ans. Forgiving is similar to taking revenge.
  4. What is a spectator’s club?
    Ans. The spectator club was one of the most popular and very influential periodicals during the eighteen century in England.
  5. What is a country Sunday?
    Ans. A country Sunday refers to a Sunday spent in the countryside.
  6. What is a catechizing day?
    Ans. It is a day on which the priest teaches children through the question-answer method.
  7. What kind of poet was Cowley?
    Ans. Cowley belonged to the metaphysical race of writers.
  8. What do metaphysical conceits do?
    Ans. A metaphysical conceit is a complex, and often lofty literary device that makes a far-stretched comparison between a spiritual aspect of a person and a physical thing in the world.
  9. What type of composition is The Life of Cowley?
    Ans. This comedy is of the pastoral kind, which requires no acquaintance with the living world.
  10. Who was Faizullah Khan?
    Ans. Faizulla khan was a Rohilla chief who made an extra contribution to the company.
  11. Who introduced the East India Bill?
    Ans. East India Bill is proposed in the British parliament, in the section of “House of Common”, to the British queen about the misjudgments of the East India Company.
  12. What is “Megna Carta?
    Ans. Magna Carta Libertatum commonly called Magna Carta is a charter of rights agreed to by King John of England.


  1. What is an epigram?
    Ans. Epigram is a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought.
  2. What are ‘Sirens’ and ‘Furies’?
    Ans. Siren, in Greek mythology, is a creature half bird and half woman who lured sailors to destruction by the sweetness of her song. Furies are the snake-haired goddesses of vengeance, usually three in number, who pursued unpunished.
  3. What types of love are mentioned by Bacon in his essay “Of Love”?
    Ans. Bacon’s essay Of Love is about the evils of depraving and unchecked love, the goodness of marital love, and the purity of universal love.
  4. Why did the author like a plantation in pure soil?
    Ans. Bacon suggests that colonization should be done in pure and uninhabited soil because, in pure soil, there is no chance of people being dislocated.
  5. What is the ‘East India Charter”?
    Ans. The East India Charter is a charter to establish a monopoly and to create power. The East India Charter is a violation of the Magna Carta, which was the mechanism for safeguarding mankind.
  6. What was the main target of Burke’s ‘Speech on East India Bill’?
    Ans. Burke delivered his famous speech on Fox’s East India Bill in 1783.
  7. Who was the inventor of the famous country dance’?
    Ans. Cecil Sharp.
  8. What is the aim of ‘The Spectator”?
    Ans. In its aim to “enliven morality with wit, and to temper wit with morality,” The Spectator adopted a fictional method of presentation through a “Spectator Club,” whose imaginary members extolled the authors’ own ideas about society.
  9. What is a hassock?
    Ans. A hassock is essentially the same thing as a footstool or ottoman, a small, cushioned piece of furniture that serves as a footrest or small.
  10. Who is the father of criticism mentioned in the ‘Life of Cowley’?
    Ans. Aristotle is regarded as the father of criticism and he exemplified his theory of imitation in his Poetics.
  11. What is the name of the satire written by Cowley?
    Ans. The Puritans and the Papists.
  12. Who was Pilate?
    Ans. Pilate was the ancient Roman Governor of Judae. He did not believe in knowing the meaning of truth because he had a dubious mentality.

Brief Questions with Answers from SET Suggestion-2022 (3rd Year)

Francis Bacon

  1. Who wrote the book The Advancement of Learning? [NU. 2013]
    Ans: The book, The Advancement of Learning is written by Francis Bacon.
  2. What is pragmatism?
    Ans: Pragmatism means practical consideration of a certain things.

Of Marriage and Single Life

  1. What is the most ordinary cause of a single life? [NU. 2013, NU. 2015, 2019, DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: Having fuller enjoyment of liberty is the most important cause of a single life.
  2. How do people leading a single life consider family life?
    Ans: Some young persons leading a single life consider family life to be a bill of charges.
  3. Why being unmarried does not mean anything different for judges and magistrates?
    Ans: The aim of being unmarried is to be free from all burdens. But for Judges and magistrates it does not have anything special. For if an unmarried judge or magistrate is corrupt he would appoint some guard to get the bribe.
  4. How are the chaste women?
    Ans: The chaste women are usually proud of their chastity. But this can give a man disciplined and routine life.
  5. When, according to Bacon, should a man marry? [NU. 2012]
    Ans: As the author suggests that a young man should think seriously when he should marry. An old man should not at all marry.
  6. What are the three roles played by a wife in different stages of life? [NU. 2015]
    Ans: The three roles played by a wife in different stages of life are mistress, companion and nurse.
  7. Who are the impediments to great enterprise according to Bacon? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: Wife and children are impediments to great enterprises.
  8. Why can’t unmarried men be best citizens? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: Unmarried men lead a careless life and so they do not make good citizens.
  9. What is an epigram?
    Ans: Epigram is a terse, witty and pointed expression. It may be complementary, satiric or aphoristic.

Of Truth

  1. Why Bacon compare truth to a pearl? [NU. 2013, [DU. (affi) 2018] Or, How does the author compare truth? Or, According to the author, what is the form of truth?
    Ans: Truth is a ‘naked and open day-light’ that illuminates the objects of life. It is like pearl that shines in a day, not diamond that shines in the varied lights (say the lights of candle).
  2. What can be resulted from a mixture of a lie?
    Ans: It is found that a mixture of a lie can result pleasure for human being. But this pleasure is not permanent and it loses its appeal in the shortest span of time.
  3. Why do people like the mixture of a lie with the truth? [DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: People love to have the taste of mixing the truth with a lie for the reason that it gives people the taste of making vain hopes, false valuations and imaginations.
  4. How does a poet adopt the shadow of a lie?
    Ans: A poet adopts the shadow of a lie in making the poetry more appealing for the others. The piece of works in which creativity or imagination matters, truth is recognized half-heartedly. The masters of creative arts think that they are the worshippers of beauty not truth.
  5. What is the “sovereign good” of human nature?
    Ans: The love for truth or seeking after truth is, according to author, is the sovereign good of human nature.
  6. What is the condition for people to get truth?
    Ans: The only condition to get to truth is to approach it with pity and pure heart not with swelling pride.
  7. How does a lie affect humanity?
    Ans: Telling a lie in many matters of human life makes it “false and perfidious”. Added to that, a person who speaks a lie “faces with God and shrinks from humanity.”
  8. How does the author evaluate the poetry?
    Ans: The author says that though there is creativity and imagination in poetry, it bears the shadow of the lie to a certain extent.
  9. Why do people have a tendency to avoid truth? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: People want to avoid truth because of their natural but corrupt love for lies itself.
  10. Who was Pilate? [NU. 2016, 2020]
    Ans: Pilate was the governor of Judea. Before him, the Christ was tried and condemned to death.

Of Plantations

  1. What is the essay ‘Of Plantation’ about? [NU. 2014]
    Ans: The essay illustrates the interest in English colonization in America.
  2. What type of region according to Bacon should be selected for new colonization? [NU. 2012, DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: Bacon prefers to select uninhabited land for new colonization.
  3. In what sense, planting a country is compared to planting a wood?
    Ans: The task of planting a country is compared to the task of plantation in a wood.
  4. What type of government that the author suggested to install in a plantation?
    Ans: Government in a plantation should be in one hand, assisted with some counsels and commissions to exercise martial laws, with some limitations.
  5. What does Bacon mean by the term ‘Plantation’? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: The word, plantation means colonisation in Of Plantation.
  6. Why did the author like plantation in a pure soil? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: The author pushed the idea of colonization in a pure land from the point of view that in a pure soil people are not displaced.

Of Great Place

  1. What is a strange desire?
    Ans: It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty over one’s self.
  2. What is the consequence of downfall from high place?
    Ans: The consequence of downfall from high place is tragic and miserable. A man in high place is always unwilling to forsake his position and for this reason has to bear unbearable insult and disappointment.
  3.  When do the men in high place find their fault?
    Ans: The men in high place for their power and pelf and the flattery of others never become conscious of their faults and weakness which are easily discovered by others. They are the last to discover it.
  4. Why are men in great fortunes strangers to themselves?
    Ans: The men in great fortunes are strangers to themselves or ignorant of their own real nature because they are so busy with their duties of their high office that they have no time to look within themselves and understand their own faults.
  5. How death comes to men in high position?
    Ans: Death falls heavy on the men in high position. They die well known to others but unknown to himself.
  6. What is performed on God’s theatre?
    Ans: On God’s theatre only good and benevolent act is performed. God created the universe and it was a good act.
  7. What are the vices of authority, according to Bacon?
    Ans: The vices of authority are mainly four. They are delays, corruption, roughness and readiness to favour due to flattery.
  8. What does King Solomon says about trivial favour or reference?
    Ans: According to King Solomon in the book of Proverbs, a man in high place should not give trivial favour or preference to anyone because such a man will do wrong or break law for a piece of bread.
  9. Who was Vespasian?
    Ans: Vespasian was a Roman emperor who was one of the emperors whom the possession of power improved.
  10. What is the nature of things?
    Ans: According to Aristotelian physics, every object has its own proper and fixed place in nature. Bacon says that in nature things move with a violent movement till they reach their proper place.
  11. How should a man in high place treat his colleagues?
    Ans: A man in high place should respect them and often call them for consultation and take opinion when necessary.

Of Revenge

  1. What is the outcome of revenge according to Bacon in “Of Revenge”?
    Ans: The outcome of revenge is that it puts the law out of office and offends the law.
  2. What are the two wrongs that one commits when he takes revenge?
    Ans: When a person takes revenge, he commits two wrongs. First, he offends the law and then, he puts the law out of office.
  3. What is the most tolerable sort of revenge?
    Ans: The most tolerable sort of revenge is for those wrongs for which there is no legal remedy.
  4. Who is Cosmus?
    Ans: Cosmus was the Duke of Florence, Italy, in the 16th century.
  5. What is the spirit of Job?
    Ans: The spirit of Job, a person in the Bible, is nobler and generous. According to him, God is the source of both good and evil, and so both should be equally welcome to us.
  6. Who is Pertinax?
    Ans: When the Roman emperor Lucius Aelius Commodus was murdered in 192, the Roman consul Publius Helvius Pertinax became emperor. He, in turn, was slain a year later.
  7. How does Bacon argue about a treacherous friend using the spirit of Job?
    Ans: Bacon argues that a treacherous friend can be forgiven as the spirit of Job teaches us that we should accept both good and bad from God’s hands.
  8. What is superior to taking revenge? [NU. 2016, DU. (affi) 2016]
    Ans: Pardoning or forgiving is superior to taking revenge.
  9. What type of justice is revenge and why? [NU. 2019, DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Revenge is a kind of wild justice as it tries to replace the natural rule of law.

Of Love

  1. What is more beholding for love affairs?
    Ans: The stage is more beholding for love affairs than the life of a man.
  2. What did Epicurus say on love?
    Ans: According to Epicurus, human beings (man and woman) are sufficiently large theatre one for another. Put it simply, it is considered that man is created for engaging with the “little idol” i.e. woman rather not thinking of the heaven and all the noble objects created for the well being of the people of society.
  3. How does the author differentiate between a flatterer and a lover?
    Ans: The author makes comparison between a flatter and a lover. and concludes that a lover surpasses all limits in doing flattery of his beloved.
  4. What is the difference between a proud man and a lover?
    Ans: The author draws comparison between a proud man and a lover. He says that a lover is more proud than a lover.
  5. What is the case of Paris as love affairs was concerned?
    Ans: Paris, son of Priam and Hecuba was a Trojan shepherd. He was chosen as umpire. Each goddess tempted him with a bribe, Juno with power, Minerva with wisdom, Venus with the promise of a beautiful woman. He decided to accept the Venus’s offer. Paris was awarded with the love of Helen, the wife of the Greek Menelaus. His elopement with Helen led to the Trojan war.
  6. What is true rule in love?
    Ans: The true rule in love is that love is ever rewarded either with mutual benefits of lover and the beloved or continue to create “within inward and secret contempt” for the lover.
  7. How does the author conclude about love?
    Ans: The author drew two conclusions: one, in man’s nature a secret inclination and motions towards love of others, two, if that love does not spread over a few, there is chance that it takes many people i.e. the whole humanity into account.
  8. What is the most ordinary cause of single life?
    Ans: Having fuller enjoyment of liberty is the most important cause of a single life.
  9. What are ‘Sirens’ and ‘Furies’? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: The Sirens were sea-nymphs, who used, by the sweetness of their songs, to lure sailors to destruction. The Furies were the deities or goddesses of revenge in Greek mythology. They were represented as ugly and horrible women with snakes hissing in the hair on their heads.
  10. What types of love are mentioned by Bacon in his essay ‘Of Love’? [NU. 2014, 2016, 2020]
    Ans: There are three types of love-nuptial love, friendly love, and wanton love.

Addison and Steele

  1. What was the name of the periodical started by Steele in 1709?
    Ans: The periodical is Tatler.
  2. Who was the editor of ‘The Spectator’? [NU. 2012, DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Steele was the editor of “The Spectator”
  3. Write two names of the members of the ‘Spectator’s Club’. [NU. 2017]
    Ans: Sir Roger de Coverley, Will Honeycomb.
  4. What the is aim of ‘The Spectator’? [NU. 2015, 2020, DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: The stated goal of The Spectator was “to enliven morality with wit, and to temper wit with morality…to bring philosophy out of the closets and libraries, schools and colleges, to dwell in clubs and assemblies, at tea-tables and coffeehouses”.
  5. What was the name of the periodical started by Steele in 1709? [NU. 2013]
    Ans: The periodical is Tatler.

The Spectator’s Account of Himself

  1. What is the motive of writing ‘The Spectator’s Account of Himself”?
    Ans: The writer has observed that if a reader does not know the details of the writer, he/she does not find any interest in reading the piece of writing. So, he starts with the descriptions of his life.
  2. Which places does the writer visit during his stay in the city?
    Ans: He appears everywhere in all the resorts, coffee houses, clubs and inner rooms of politics, Exchange and so on.
  3. Why do you think the writer keeps on visiting all the places? Ans: He chose the life of a Spectator and observer. So, he needs to observe.
  4. What do you think has driven the writer to live as a Spectator?
    Ans: The writer’s silent nature has required him to choose the life of a Spectator.
  5. How has he managed to be the spokesperson of all occupations?
    Ans: Being an observer and then putting the observations into writing, he has become the spokesperson of all occupations.
  6. Which personal information does the writer not want to reveal?
    Ans: He does not want to disclose his name, age and lodgings.
  7. Why do you think the writer does not want to disclose his name, age and lodgings?
    Ans: Name, age and lodgings may make him impartial and people may try to manipulate him.
  8. Who inherited Sir Roger’s property?
    Ans: Captain Sentry, Sir Roger’s nephew, inherited the property.

Of the Club

  1. Who is the first member of the Spectator’s Club?
    Ans: Sir Roger de Coverley is the first member of the Spectator’s Club.
  2. Name an English country dance? [DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: Roger de Coverley is the name of an English country dance. 
  3. How old is Sir Roger now? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: Sir Roger is a gentle man of fifty-six years old.
  4. When does Sir Roger behave in an odd manner?
    Ans: He behaves in an odd manner only when he is sure that people around him are in the wrong.
  5. What is Soho Square?
    Ans: Soho Square is a square in Soho, London. It was originally called King Square after Charles II, whose statue stands in the square. It was then the centre of fashionable life. It now marks the eastern limit of the social world of London.
  6. Why is Sir Roger a bachelor at the age of fifty-six?
    Ans: Though he is fifty-six years old, he is a bachelor because he was disappointed in love in his youth.
  7. With whom did Sir Roger fall in love in his youth?
    Ans: In his youth, he fell in love with a perverse widow. Instead of responding to his love, he was humiliated and frustrated by the widow.
  8. How was Sir Roger before being disappointed in love?
    Ans: Before being disappointed in love, Sir Roger was a “fine gentleman”, one who often dined with Lord Rochester, an English poet and courtier of King Charles II’s Restoration court and George Etherege, an English dramatist of the Restoration period.
  9. Who was Lord Rochester?
    Ans: Lord Rochester was John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester (1647 -1680). He was an English poet and courtier of King Charles II’s Restoration court. He became a principal member of the group of wits at the court of Charles II. He was known for his rakish lifestyle. In 1669 he committed treason by boxing the ears of Thomas Killigrew in sight of the monarch.
  10. Who was Sir George Etherege?
    Ans: Sir George Etherege (c. 1636 c. 1692) was an English dramatist of the Restoration period. He was known for his creation of the comedy of intrigue and his Restoration plays. His wit and banter in his plays came out in a dull, dark age, which mostly uplifted and encouraged the people, making him and his plays incredibly popular.
  11. Why did Sir Roger kick Bully Dawson?
    Ans: Sir Roger kicked Bully Dawson, a renowned gambler of London in the time of Charles I, in a public coffee-house for insulting him by calling him youngster.
  12. Who was Bully Dawson?
    Ans: Bully Dawson was a renowned gambler of London in the time of Charles II. He was a man of low morality who aped the higher classes and tried to get into their society. His name has become an example of a swaggering fool.
  13. What is the Game Act?
    Ans: It is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom passed in 1831 to protect game birds by establishing a close season when they could not be legally taken.
  14. What did the Templar’s father want him to be?
    Ans: The Templar’s father wants to see him a barrister.
  15. What kind of person is Sir Andrew Freeport?
    Ans: He is a person of untiring industry, strong reason, and great experience. He has noble and generous notions of trade.
  16. How does Sir Andrew Freeport become rich?
    Ans: He has become rich by means of his own efforts and hard work.
  17. What does Sir Andrew Freeport represent?
    Ans: He is a representative of the fast-growing English commercial groups who were then making up significant proportion of the middle class.
  18. Why has Captain Sentry failed to achieve promotion?
    Ans: Captain Sentry has failed to achieve promotion because of his modesty. In a military service, one needs to possess merit and the art of impressing the officers with the merit to get promotion. Captain Sentry possesses the necessary merit to be promoted, but he is so modest that he cannot exhibit his merit to the officers.
  19. Why does Captain Sentry resign from his job?
    Ans: In a military service, one needs to possess merit and the art of impressing the officers with the merit to get promotion. Captain, Sentry possesses the necessary merit to be promoted, but he is so modest that he cannot exhibit his merit to the officers. So, he resigns from his job in the military because he does not consider himself fit for it.
  20. What was the financial condition of Captain Sentry?
    Ans: Financially, he is rich enough. He has a small estate of his own and is the next heir to Sir Roger.
  21. How does Steele describe Will Honeycomb?
    Ans: Steele describes him as being familiar with the gallantries and pleasures of the age. He is also described as “very careful of his person” so he can hide his true age.
  22. Who is a lady-killer among the members of the Club?
    Ans: Will Honeycomb is a lady-killer among the members of the Club.
  23. Who was Duke of Monmouth?
    Ans: Duke of Monmouth was the illegitimate son of Charles II.
  24. What type of man is the Clergyman?
    Ans: He is very religious, learned and philosophic but he is of the utmost breeding and therefore good enough for the club.
  25. What is a chamber-counsellor?
    Ans: A chamber-counsellor is one who gives advice only in private.
  26. Why was Sir Roger given priority?
    Ans: As Sir Roger was the landlord of the whole congregation, he was given priority.
  27. What is the Inner Temple? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: The Inner Temple is one of the four Inns of Court (professional associations for barristers and judges) in London, where lawyers resided or had their offices and where students studied law. To be called to the Bar and practise as a barrister in England and Wales, one must belong to one of these Inns.
  28. Why did Sir Roger de Coverley remain a bachelor? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: Though he is fifty-six years old, he is a bachelor because he was disappointed in love in his youth.

Sir Roger at Church

  1. What is the social value of the Sunday?
    Ans: On Sunday people gather at church to offer their prayers to God. It is also a social gathering where people get chance to converse and appear in their fresh look and with clean dress. According to Addison, people would have become savages if they did not attend church on Sunday. Their attendance in the church keeps them away from barbarism.
  2. How does Sunday clear away the rust of the whole week?
    Ans: Sunday clears away the. rust of the whole week by refreshing the notions of religion in the minds of the villagers and refreshing their minds from the monotonous routine work of the whole week.
  3. What is the significance of the Sunday?
    Ans: As described in the Book of Genesis, God worked hard to create the heavens and the earth in six days and took rest on the seventh day and this seventh day is the Sunday.
  4. What is the ‘Change?
    Ans: The ‘Change refers to the Royal Exchange in London where business is transacted.
  5. Why is Sir Roger a good churchman?
    Ans: Sir Roger is a good churchman because he is a regular church goer and upholds its rights and privileges.
  6. What is pulpit-cloth?
    Ans: It is a piece of cloth which is used to cover the pulpit, the raised platform from which the clergyman speaks.
  7. Who is John Matthews?
    Ans: John Matthews is one of the tenants of Sir Roger.
  8. What is tithe?
    Ans: The tithe is the tenth part of the produce to be given to the church.
  9. What did Sir Roger do to beautify the inside of his church? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: He has decorated and beautified the inside of the church with several texts of his own choosing on his own accord and at his own expense.
  10. What is a hassock?
    Ans: A hassock is a mat stuffed particularly with grass, rushes etc. for kneeling on.
  11. Who was the inventor of famous ‘country dance’? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: Sir Roger’s great-grandfather was the inventor of that famous country-dance which is called after him.
  12. What is a country Sunday? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: A country Sunday refers to a Sunday spent in countryside.
  13.  Which day clears away the rust of the whole week? [DU. (affi) 2016]
    Ans: Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week by refreshing the notions of religion in the minds of the villagers and refreshing their minds from the monotonous routine work of the whole week.
  14. What is a catechising-day? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: It is a day on which the priest teaches children through question-answer method – the priest puts the questions and the children answer them.

His Account of his Disappointment in Love 

  1. At what age did Sir Roger become a sheriff?
    Ans: He became a sheriff at the age of twenty-three
  2. Why did the widow go to the court?
    Ans: She went to the court concerning the share of her husband’s estate that she would be getting.
  3. Why was the whole court in the widow’s favour?
    Ans: The widow acted to be dedicated to her husband, poor and sad.
  4. What does Sir Roger say about the lady’s not willing to marry anyone?
    Ans: Sir Roger says that the widow finds pleasure in friendship only.
  5.  Why did Sir Roger improve his lifestyle?
    Ans: He improved his life style to make the widow happier.
  6. What has kept Sir Roger distant from the widow?
    Ans: The widow’s bewildering talks have kept Sir Roger distant from her.
  7. What is the religious value of Sunday?
    Ans: The observance of the Sunday refreshes the notions of. religion in the minds of the villagers.

Death of Sir Roger

  1. Whose letter is presented in the essay ‘Death of Sir Roger’?
    Ans: The butler of Sir Roger wrote a letter informing the death of Sir Roger to his friend. The butler’s letter is presented in the essay.
  2. What did Sir Roger bequeath to the widow lady before his death?
    Ans: Sir Roger gave a pearl necklace and a couple of silver bracelets set with jewels, which belonged to his mother.
  3. What did Addison get on the death of Sir Roger?
    Ans: Addison got all the books of Sir Roger.
  4. Where was Sir Roger buried?
    Ans: Sir Roger was buried among the Coverley families, beside the left hand of his father.
  5. How many men carried Sir Roger’s coffin?
    Ans: Six men carried his coffin.
  6. Who was Andrew Freeport?
    Ans: Sir Andrew Freeport was Sir Roger’s antagonist and enemy.
  7. Who is the believer of the maxim “A penny saved is a penny got”? [NU. 2012, 2017, 2019]
    Ans: Sir Andrew Freeport is the believer of the maxim.
  8. What is spectator’s club?
    Ans: The Spectator’s Club is the group of men whom Steele sits and chats with most often. They are a group of fine gentlemen.
  9. Who inherited Sir Roger’s property? [NU. 2017, DU. (affi) 2016]
    Ans: Captain Sentry, Sir Roger’s nephew, inherited the property.
  10. Why was Sir Roger given priority? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: Sir Roger de Coverley is at the centre of the essays of Addison and Steele. He represents the highest order of nobility. He was given priority to mirror the status of the then feudal society.
  11. At what age did Sir Roger become a sheriff? [DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Sir Roger became the country Sheriff at twenty-three years old. Sheriff of the county is an honorary judicial position offered to rich and important people.

Samuel Johnson

  1. “The most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together”-who wrote this and why? [NU. 2012]
    Ans: Samuel Johnson composed this line to define the idea of conceit.
  2. What is the purpose of the volume of The Lives of the Poets”?
    Ans: This volume exhibits Johnson’s critical powers and prejudices.
  3. Why was The Cutter of Coleman Street censured?
    Ans: The Cutter of Coleman Street was treated on the stage severely and it was censured as a satire on the king’s party.
  4. When did he die?
    Ans: The end of Cowley’s life came in 1667 at the Penthouse in Chester and then he was forty nine only.
  5. How did Dr. Sprat represent him?
    Ans: Abraham Cowley was represented by Dr. Sprat as the most amiable of mankind. It was a posthumous praise and it was never contradicted by envy or faction.
  6. What was the name of the epic poem that Cowley attempted to write? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: The epic poem, Cowley attempted to write, is the Davideis which he designed to have twelve books, but left it unfinished.
  7. What does Dr. Johnson represent?
    Ans: Dr. Johnson eminently represents the persistence of classical dogma. He is the central figure in an age of bourgeois classicism.
  8. What do we find in The Lives of the Poets?
    Ans: The Lives of the Poets is a progress of the doctrine of Dr. Johnson. Here we find the secret movement of a thought that is shifting towards the future.
  9. Who is Donne?
    Ans: Donne is known as the leader of the metaphysical school of poetry. He is known for his use of metaphysical conceits in his poems.
  10. How does Cowley use love in his poetry?
    Ans: Cowley’s love poems are philosophical and there is more perplexities applied to love in his poems.
  11. How does Donne use tears of lovers?
    Ans: Donne uses the tears of lovers to great poetical account. Donne has extended them into world.
  12. What Pindaric odes did Cowley paraphrase? [NU. 2013]
    Ans: Cowley paraphrased Olympick Ode and Nemaean Ode following Pindar.
  13. What does the reader find in the Nemacan Ode?
    Ans: The reader observes in the Nemaean Ode that “the original new moon, her tender forehead, and her horns” is superadded by Cowley’s paraphrase.
  14. What does Cowley think of the Pindaric style?
    Ans: Cowley thinks of the Pindaric style to be the highest and noblest kind of writing in verse. It can be adapted only to high and noble subjects.
  15. What are the basic differences between Cowley and Tasso as writers of epic?
    Ans: The resemblance of Cowley’s work to Tasso’s is only that they both exhibit the agency of celestial and infernal spirits. But they differ widely. Cowley supposes them to operate upon the mind by suggestions, while Tasso represents them as promoting or obstructing events by external agency.
  16. How has Johnson described truth and reason?
    Ans: According to Johnson truth is always truth, and reason is always reason. They have an intrinsic and unalterable value. It constitutes that intellectual gold that defies destruction.
  17. Why was Cowley censored for Guardian?
    Ans: Cutter of Coleman Street was taken for a satire on the king’s party which was severely censored.
  18. What are the essential features of Cowley’s poetry?
    Ans: Cowley had his own wit, Curiosity and elegance which took different farms at different times. He was a man of learning and intellect.
  19. What are the effects of metaphysical conceits?
    Ans: The effect of metaphysical conceits are to startle and surprise.
  20. What have the metaphysical poets written?
    Ans: It is alleged that the metaphysical poets have written rhymes in stead of poems. It is rhyme, not poetry that they have written.
  21. How does Cowley portray love and lover?
    Ans: To Cowley love and lover are supposed to be his lady acquainted with the ancient laws and rites of the sacrifice.
  22. What is wit?
    Ans: Wit is the product of brain and needs learning..
  23. What is aggregation?
    Ans: Aggregation is the root of sublimity. Great thoughts are generally accepted because their positions are not limited by exception.
  24. What is an ode?
    Ans: An ode is an elaborate lyric poem.
  25. What is a sonnet?
    Ans: A sonnet is a poem of fourteen iambic pentameter lines having two parts-octave and sestet.
  26. What kind of a biographer is Dr. Johnson?
    Ans: As a biographer Dr. Johnson threw a stream of light on both the merits and demerits of the metaphysical poet including Cowley.
  27. What is Cowley’s idea of love?
    Ans: Cowley added more perplexities to love. With the passage of time. Love also change it’s character.
  28. What does Cowley consider the Pindaric Odes?
    Ans: Cowley considers Pindaric odes in the least of the lost inventions of antiquity.
  29. Who are the metaphysical poets? [NU: 2013, 2015]
    Ans: John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Andrew Marvell and Henry Vaughan are the most prominent metaphysical poets.
  30. What kind of odes did Cowley write? [NU. 2012, 2017, DU (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Abraham Cowley liked and wrote mainly Pindarique Odes.
  31. Whom did Cowley follow in writing odes? [NU. 2018, DU (affi) 2016]
    Ans: Cowley followed Pinder and his style in writing odes. Because he considered the Pindaric style to be the highest the noblest kind of writing.
  32. What type of men were the metaphysical poets? [NU. 2018] Ans: The metaphysical poets were men of learning, men of wit and conceit.
  33. How does Cowley compare a lover to Manna? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: Cowley suggests that manna was less inclusive a diet. The taste of it was like “wafers made with honey.”
  34. What type of composition is The Life of Cowley? [NU. 2015, 2019, DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: The Life of Cowley is a biography and critical study of his character and works.
  35. What kind of poet was Cowley? [NU. 2019, DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: The school of metaphysical, poetry flourished at the beginning of the seventeenth century and Cowley belonged to this race of writers.
  36. What do metaphysical conceits do? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: Metaphysical conceits drawn from all spheres of knowledge helps to startle and surprise the readers.
  37. Who is the father of criticism mentioned in the ‘Life of Cowley”? [NU. 2016, 2020]
    Ans: In “The Life of Cowley”, Aristotle is considered the father of criticism who illustrates his theory of imitation in Poetics
  38. What is the name of the satire written by Cowley? [NU. 2014, 2020]
    Ans: Cowley published a satire called The Puritan and Papist which was inserted in his last collection of work.
  39. What type of work is ‘Love’s Riddle’? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: ‘Love’s Riddle’ is a pastoral comedy in blank verse. It was published when he was at Cambridge.
  40. What kind of allusions does Cowley use? [NU. 2014]
    Ans: The allusions, used by Cowley, are not always to vulgar things. He offends by exaggeration, as much as by diminution. Whatever he writes is always polluted with some conceits.
  41. Who was the famous biographer of Samuel Johnson? [NU. 2013]
    Ans: James Boswell is the biographer of Samuel Johnson.

Edmund Burke

  1. When was Burke elected a member of the British Parliament?
    Ans: In 1774, E. Burke was elected as a member of the British Parliament through real electoral contest for Bristol, the second city of England.
  2. When and why did Burke lose his seat in the Parliament?.
    Ans: Burke was a supporter of Free-trade with Ireland and his campaign against the persecution of Catholics in Ireland made him unpopular in constituency and caused him to lose his seat in the Parliament in 1780.
  3. What was Burke’s greatest political error?
    Ans: It was regarded by many later that Burke committed the greatest political error by supporting Fox-North’s coalition government.
  4. How was Burke involved in the Fox’s India Bill?
    Ans: As Burke continued to hold the office of Paymaster under the Fox-North’s coalition, he got involved with the Fox’s India Bill.
  5. Who was the first governor-general of India? [NU. 2017, DU. (affi) 2016, 2018]
    Ans: Warren Hastings was the first governor-general of India.
  6. What was the aim of the Bill brought by Burke?
    Ans: The aim of the Bill brought by Burke was to bring reform in unscrupulous privileges enjoyed by the East India Company.
  7. How was the East India Company formed?
    Ans: The East India Company was formed by “a charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600 under the title of “The Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies.”
  8. When and where did the East India Company set its trading posts in India? [NU. 2013, DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: The East India Company set up its first trading post in the provinces of Madras, and Bombay of India in 1610 and 1611 respectively.
  9. Who was Hafiz Rhamat?
    Ans: Hafiz Rhamat Khan (1710-74) was a leading Rohilla chief, one of the bravest men of his time. He was famous throughout the East for the elegance of his literature. He had borne the burnt of Shuja-Ul-Daula’s invasion.
  10. How was Hafiz Rhamat Khan killed?
    Ans: Hafiz Rhamat Khan’s head was cut off, and delivered for money to a barbarian.
  11. What is the consequence of Killing of Hafiz Rhamat?
    Ans: The whole nation of the Rohillas, is slaughtered or banished. The country is laid waste with fire and sword. The country has become almost throughout a dreary desert covered with bushes and briars and jungles full of wild beast.
  12. How was the English behaviour towards the Indians?
    Ans: The behaviour of the English over there in India even after twenty years was as crude as it had been the first day. The young English who came to govern India were without society, and without sympathy with the natives, they had no more social habits with the people.
  13. How were the two Begums of Oudh maltreated by a body of British troops?
    Ans: The two Begums of Oudh were exploited by a body of British troops. As the Company wanted money, they were accused of rebellion. The land assigned for the maintenance of the women were seized and confiscated. Their jewels were put on a pretended auction and bought at a very low price.
  14. What is Benares?
    Ans: Benares is the capital city of the Indian religion. The city grew great in commerce and opulence. It was so secure by the pious veneration of the people that in all wars and in violences of power, there was a sure assylum both for the poor and rich.
  15. Who was the Nabob of Farruckabad?
    Ans: Muzafar Jang was the Nabob of Farruckabad.
  16. How was the fate of the British subjects in India ruined by the Company?
    Ans: Every British subject in India who was active in the discovery of peculations was ruined tragically. They were dragged
  17. Who was Mahomed Reza?
    Ans: Mahomed Reza was the second Mussulman in Bengal who was distinguished by the ill-omened honour of the countenance and protection of the Court of Directors. He was stripped of all his employments and reduced to the lowest condition without any pretence of any enquiry of his conduct or behaviour.
  18. How was Rajah Nundcomar killed?
    Ans: Nundcomar, was hanged in the face of all his nation for a pretended crime, upon an ex post facto British act of Parliament, in the midst of his evidence against Mr. Hastings..
  19. What order did Mr. Hastings and his accomplices pass to the Directors regarding the corruptions of the Company?
    Ans: Mr. Hastings and his accomplices ordered the Directors not to carry into effect any resolution for the removal of Mr. Hastings and Mr. Hornby.
  20. Who was the first governor-general of India?
    Ans: Warren Hastings was the first governor-general of India.
  21. Who were the Tartars? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: The Tartars are the members of the combined forces of central Asian peoples, including Mongols and Turks, who under the leadership of Genghis Khan conquered much of Asia and eastern Europe in the early 13th century, and under Tamerlane (14th century) established an empire with its capital at Samarkand. 
  22. With what does Burke compare the East India Bill?
    Edmund Burke compared the East India Bill to Fox’s India Bill in a famous 1783 parliamentary debate.
  23. What was the condition of the people of this huge terrain during the rule of the East India Company? [NU. 2018]
    The condition of the people of this huge terrain was so miserable that they even could not have a mouthful meal Without the permission of the East India Company.
  24. Who was Faizullah Khan? [NU, 2019]
    Ans: Faizullah Khan was a Rohilla chief who had been allowed to retain a large Jagir at Rampur after the 1774 campaign. He had been pressed to make extra contribution to the Company.
  25. Who introduced the ‘East India Bill’? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: “East India Bill” was drafted and introduced by Fox.
  26. What is ‘East India Charter”? [NU. 2016, 2020; DU. (affi) 2016]
    Ans: The East India Charter is a charter to establish monopoly and to create power. The East India Charter is violation of the spirit of the Magnet Charta, the instrument of protecting humanity.
  27. What was the main target of Burke’s ‘Speech on East India Bill’? [NU. 2016, 2020]
    Ans: The aim of the Bill brought by Burke was to bring reform in unscrupulous privileges enjoyed by the East India Company.
  28. What were the East India Company’s officials formally called? [NU. 2015]
    Ans: The East India Company’s officials were formally called the directors.