Brief Questions of American Literature: Fiction and Drama

Previous Years: 2013-2020


  1. What type of story is “Young Goodman Brown”?
    Ans: “Young Goodman Brown” is an allegorical short story.
  2. Who was “Goody Cloyse”?
    Ans: Goody Cloyse is a Christian woman who helps young people learn the Bible but in secret, she performs magic ceremonies and attends witch meetings in the forest.
  3. What does I.W.W. stand for?
    Ans: I.W.W stands for Industrial Workers of the World.
  4. Where is Douglas ship going?
    Ans: Douglas ship is going to Southampton.
  5. Who is the narrator of the novel The Sun Also Rises?
    Ans: Jake Barnes is the narrator of the novel The Sun Also Rises.
  6. What is novella?
    Ans: Novella is bigger than a short story but smaller than a novel. It has one plot but no sub-plots.
  7. Who were the friends of Robert Cohn in Europe?
    Ans: Braddocks and the narrator of the novel were the friends of Robert Cohn in Europe.
  8. Where was Tommy Wilhelm living?
    Ans: Tommy was living in Hotel Gloriana in New York.
  9. What was the real cause of Wilhelm’s leaving the job?
    Ans: The real cause of Wilhelm’s leaving the job was his development of a relationship with a catholic lady.
  10. What was Dr. Tamkin’s physical structure?
    Ans: Dr. Tamkin’s figure was stocky, rigid, and short in the neck.
  11. Who was Baby Suggs?
    Ans: Baby Suggs was Sethe’s mother-in-law.
  12. Where is 124 located?
    Ans: 124 is located just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio.


  1. What scene in the middle of the forest disillusions Young Goodman Brown?
    Ans: The scene of his overhearing that the minister and the Deacon are going to attend the communion of the devil.
  2. Whom does Hemingway present as ‘Lost Generation’ in his The Sun Also Rises?
    Ans: Lady Brett Ashley.
  3. Where is Hotel Gloriana located?
    Ans: Hotel Gloriana is located in New York.
  4. What is flashback?
    Ans: Flashback is a part of a story that describes something that happened in the past.
  5. Who is Sethe?
    Ans: Sethe is the protagonist of ‘Beloved’.
  6. Who disturbs Sethe and Paul D’s relationship?
    Ans: Beloved disturbs Sethe and Paul D’s relationship.
  7. What is Yank’s physical structure?
    Ans: Yank has a simian figure but he is physically very strong.
  8. Where was Yank imprisoned?
    Ans: Yank was imprisoned in a prison located on Blackguard’s Island.
  9. Mention one distinctive quality of Hemingway’s narrative technique.
    Ans: The short and brief sentences give the narrative an almost journalistic quality.
  10. What particular Christian faith does Hawthorne criticise in “Young Goodman Brown”?
    Ans: Puritanism.
  11. What was Mildred’s first reaction at the sight of Yank in the stokehole of the ship?
    Ans: Mildred calls him the filthy breast.
  12. Who is Denver?
    Ans: Denver is Sethe’s daughter.


  1. What is an allegory?
    Ans: An allegory is a literary work that tells a story with more than one meaning. It can be written in prose or poetry with a moral or political purpose.
  2. Whom did Young Goodman Brown first meet in the forest?
    Ans: Young Goodman Brown first met an old man who has an uncanny resemblance to Brown.
  3. What animal does Mildred compare herself to?
    Ans: Mildred compares herself to a leopard.
  4. Why did Robert Cohn want to go to South America?
    Ans: Robert Cohn wanted to go to South America after reading “The Purple Land”.
  5. What is the meaning of the title Seize the Day?
    Ans: The meaning of the title “Seize the Day” is ‘think about the present, don’t worry about the past and the future’.
  6. What does the burning pine tree symbolize in the story Young Goodman Brown?
    Ans: The burning pine tree in the story “Young Goodman Brown” symbolizes a dark parody of Christian ritual. They are a bit like Church candles used in a Christian congregation.
  7. Who is the writer of The Purple Land?
    Ans: W. H Hudson is the writer of The Purple Land.
  8. What is Yank’s last realization?
    Ans: At last, Yank finds no meaning in his life. He has had nothing to look back on. He has also had nothing to bring forth as a position of superiority.
  9. Why is nothing carved on the tombstone of Brown?
    Ans: Nothing is carved on the tombstone of Brown because he has no religious belief at all.
  10. What brings a great change in Wilhelm?
    Ans: The disillusionment about the harsh reality of the modern world brings a great change in Wilhelm.
  11. How many children did Sethe have with Halle?
    Ans: Sethe had four children with Halle- Howard, Buglar, a baby girl, and Denver.
  12. What amount of dollars did Robert Cohn’s father leave?
    Ans: Robert Cohn’s father had left fifty thousand dollars.


  1. What words of Dr. Tamkin encouraged Tommy Wilhelm to give up his frustrations?
    Ans: Seize the day.
  2. Which village did Young Goodman Brown live in?
    Ans: Young Goodman Brown lived in Salem village.
  3. What does I.W.W stand for?
    Ans: I.W.W. stands for Industrial Workers of the World.
  4. What does the title The Sun Also Rises signify?
    Ans: The title “The Sun Also Rises” is an apt depiction both of the despair of the Lost Generation of which Hemingway was a part as well as the potential for optimism in the perpetual rising of the sun.
  5. What is Sweet Home in the novel ‘Beloved’?
    Ans: Sweet Home is a plantation.
  6. How long ago has Goodman Brown been married to Faith?
    Ans: Goodman Brown has been married to Faith for three months.
  7. Who is Paul D?
    Ans: Paul D is one of the slaves of Sweet Home.
  8. Where did Dr. Adler live in?
    Ans: Dr. Adler lived at the Hotel Gloriana in New York.
  9. What do you mean by “Lost generation”?
    Ans: “Lost generation” refers to the aimlessness of young men and women having experiences of war.
  10. Why does Mildred go down into the Stokehole?
    Ans: Mildred goes down into the Stokehole because she wants to see how the ‘other half’ lives.
  11. Who are the religious persons mentioned in the story ‘Young Goodman Brown”?
    Ans: Goody Cloyse and Minister are the religious persons mentioned in the story ‘Young Goodman Brown’. 
  12. What is 124 Bluestone?
    Ans: 124 Bluestone is the address of the house where Sethe lives with her eighteen-year-old daughter Denver.


  1. Who is the narrator of the novel “The Sun Also Rises”?
    Ans: Jake Barnes the narrator of the novel “The Sun Also Rises”.
  2. Who is Dr. Tamkin?
    Ans: Dr. Tamkin is a so-called psychologist.
  3. Where does the last scene of the play “The Hairy Ape” take place?
    Ans: The last scene of the play “The Hairy Ape” takes place at the Zoo.
  4. What was the main cause of failure in Wilhelm’s life?
    Ans: His good appearance was the main cause of failure in Wilhelm’s life.
  5. What particular Christian faith does Hawthorne criticise in Young Goodman Brown”?
    Ans: Puritanism.
  6. What is San Fermin?
    Ans: San Fermin is the fiesta of Spain. It is also a religious festival.
  7. What is Yank’s idea of belonging?
    Ans: He belongs to the ship.
  8. Whom did Wilhelm support financially?
    Ans: Wilhelm had to support his wife and two children financially.
  9. What does the phrase ‘Seize the Day’ mean?
    Ans: Think about the present, don’t worry about the past and future.
  10. Who are the “men without skin” in ‘Beloved”?
    Ans: The men without skin are white men who haunt Beloved’s thoughts.
  11. Who were the friends of Robert Cohn in Europe?
    Ans: See 2013 (g) num.
  12. Whom does Goodman Brown meet first in the forest?
    Ans: See 2015 (b) num.


  1. What was Goodman Brown’s advice to his wife when he was leaving Salem village?
    Ans: When Goodman Brown was leaving Salem village, he advised his wife to say her prayers and go to bed at dusk.
  2. Who took care of Jake Barnes after his injury in “The Sun Also Rises”?
    Ans: Lady Brett Ashley took care of Jake Barnes after his injury in “The Sun Also Rises”.
  3. What is Yank’s real name?
    Ans: Yank’s real name is Bob Smith.
  4. How old is Tommy Wilhelm?
    Ans: Tommy Wilhelm is forty-four years old.
  5. Who is Baby Suggs in ‘Beloved’?
    Ans: Baby Suggs is Sethe’s mother-in-law in “Beloved”.
  6. What was carved on Brown’s tombstone in ‘Young Goodman Brown’?
    Ans: Nothing was carved on Brown’s tombstone.
  7. Where did the major characters of ‘The Sun Also Rises’ reunite?
    Ans: The major characters of “The Sun Also Rises” reunited in Madrid.
  8. What is I.W.W. in ‘The Hairy Ape”?
    Ans: See 2016 (c) num.
  9. What is the fuction of ‘tobaccotin’ in Paul D’s life?
    Ans: Paul D’s heart symbolizes a tin tobacco box.
  10. What was the profession of Pedro Romero?
    Ans: Bullfighting was the profession of Pedro Romero.
  11. Who are the prominent characters in ‘Seize the Day”?
    Ans: Tommy Wilhelm, Dr. Adler, Dr. Tamkin, Maurice Venice, Olive, Margaret, and Cather characters in “Seize the Day”.
  12. Where did Dr. Adler live?
    Ans: At the Hotel Gloriana in New York.


  1. Who according to Brown is ‘a very pious and exemplary dame’?
    Ans: According to Brown, Goody Cloyse is recognized as a very pious and exemplary dame who had taught him his catechism in youth.
  2. Who is Martha carrier?
    Ans: Martha Carrier is a rampant hag and partaker in the evil communion.
  3. What is the ‘stokehole’?
    Ans: The ‘stokehole’ is the ship’s strong engine room.
  4. Where was Yank imprisoned?
    Ans: Yank was imprisoned on Blackguard’s island.
  5. Where does the last scene of the play “The Hairy Ape” take place?
    Ans: The last scene of the play “The Hairy Ape” takes place at a Zoo.
  6. Whom does Hemingway present as ‘Lost Generation’ in his The Sun Also Rises?
    Ans: Brett.
  7. Who is the narrator of the novel “The Sun Also Rises”?
    Ans: Jake is the narrator of the novel “The Sun Also Rises”.
  8. What is novella?
    Ans: It is bigger than a short story but smaller than a novel. It has one plot but no sub-plots.
  9. Who is Sethe?
    Ans: Sethe is the protagonist of the novel “Beloved”.
  10. What does the phrase ‘Seize the Day’ mean?
    Ans: The phrase ‘Seize the Day’ means to think about the present and not worry about the past and future. 
  11. What is 124 Bluestone?
    Ans: 124 is the address of the house where Sethe lives with her eighteen-year-old daughter Denver.
  12. Who is Denver?
    Ans: Denver is Sethe’s daughter.


  1. What does the “Young Goodman Brown” stand for?
    Ans: “Young Goodman Brown” stands for an inexperienced young good Christian person.
  2. What was carved on Brown’s tombstone?
    Ans: Nothing was carved on Brown’s tombstone.
  3. What is I.W.W. in The Hairy Ape?
    Ans: Industrial Workers of the World.
  4. What is Yank’s physical structure?
    Ans: Yank has a simian figure but he is physically very strong.
  5. What type of a boxer was Robert Cohn?
    Ans: Robert Cohn was once a middle-weight boxer.
  6. What is San Fermin?
    Ans: San Fermin is the fiesta of Spain.
  7. What is flashback?
    Ans: Flashback is a part of a story that describes something that happened in the past.
  8. What was the main cause of failure in Wilhelm’s life?
    Ans: His good appearance.
  9. What is Sweet Home in Beloved?
    Ans: Sweet Home is a plantation.
  10. What is the function of ‘tobacco tin’ in Paul D’s life?
    Ans: Paul D’s heart symbolizes a tin tobacco box.
  11. Who are the major characters in ‘Seize the Day’?
    Ans: Tommy, Dr. Adler, Dr. Tamkin, Maurice Venice, Olive, Margaret, Catherine.
  12. What was the occupation of Pedro Romero?
    Ans: Pedro Romero was a bullfighter.