Brief Questions of Classics in Translation

Previous Years: 2013-2020


  1. Name the three great masters of Greek tragedy.
    Ans: The three great masters of Greek tragedy are Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.
  2. Between which countries was the Trojan War fought?
    Ans: Between Greece and Troy
  3. Who is Chrysies?
    Ans: Chrysies is the daughter of Chryses, the priest of Apollo.
  4. Who is Calchas?
    Ans: Calchas is the Greek prophet who played a major part throughout the Trojan War.
  5. Name the plays of the Argive Trilogy.
    Ans: The Oresteria, Proteus, and Seven against Thebes.
  6. What happened to Iphigenia?
    Ans: Iphigenia was killed by her father, Agamemnon, leader of the Greek forces, in exchange for favorable wind from the gods.
  7. Where is Medea’s house?
    Ans: Medea’s house is in Corinth.
  8. What is Lethe?
    Ans: Lethe is the river of the underworld.
  9. Who is Apollo?
    Ans: Apollo is a god in Greek mythology and one of the Twelve Olympians. He was the god of music and poetry.
  10. Name the two travellers in “The Frogs”.
    Ans: The two travelers in “The Frogs” are Dionysus and his slave, Xanthias.
  11. Who is Dionysus?
    Ans: Dionysus is the God of fertility and wine and patron of the drama.
  12. What does “Deus Ex Machina” mean?
    Ans: Deus Ex Machina is a Latin expression meaning a god from a machine.


  1. Who arranged the funeral games in Homer’s Iliad?
    Ans: Achilles arranged the funeral games in Homer’s Iliad.
  2. Who was Menelaus?
    Ans: Menelaus was the king of Mycenaean Sparta, and the husband of Helen of Troy.
  3. What was the name of King Priam’s wife?
    Ans: Hecabe was the name of King Priam’s wife.
  4. Who is Xanthias?
    Ans: In the play “The Frogs”, Xanthias is the slave of Dionysus.
  5. Who was Clytemnestra?
    Ans: Clytemnestra was the queen of Argos and the wife of Agamemnon.
  6. What was Agamemnon’s dilemma?
    Ans: Agamemnon was in a terrible dilemma as he was torn between his obligation to his family and his army.
  7. Why did Theseus go to the underworld?
    Ans: Theseus went to the underworld to help his friend, Peirithus to carry off Persephone from Hades.
  8. Who was Pelias?
    Ans: Pelias was the bitterest enemy of Jason. He was killed by Medea.
  9. Who was Seneca?
    Ans: Seneca was a famous Roman philosopher and statesman.
  10. What suspicion did Creon have against Medea?
    Ans: Creon had a suspicion that Medea would do harm to his daughter, Glauce.
  11. Whom did Pluto marry?
    Ans: Pluto married Proserpina.
  12. How did Phaedra die?
    Ans: Phaedra committed suicide for what she had done.


  1. What is an epic?
    Ans: An epic is a long narrative poem that tells in grand style the history and aspirations of a national hero.
  2. What was the most vulnerable part of Achilles body?
    Ans: The most vulnerable part of Achilles’ body was his heel.
  3. Why did Medea decide to kill her own children?
    Ans: Medea thought her wronged children would be the fittest instruments of her vengeance.
  4. What type of a comedy is The Frogs?
    Ans: The Frogs is a comedy of ideas.
  5. What were Molossians?
    Ans: Molossians were fierce dogs of that place which was near Macedonia.
  6. What are the rules of the contest as announced by Dionysus?
    Ans: Dionysus makes it clear that there will be no wastage of time, elegance of expression will be there. Pointless decoration and second-hand imagery should be discarded.
  7. When did Phaedra confess her sin?
    Ans: Phaedra confessed her sin when she saw the dead body of Hippolytus.
  8. Who guarded the “Golden Fleece”?
    Ans: The fiery dragon guarded the “Golden Fleece”.
  9. Why did Achilles withdraw himself from the battlefield?
    Ans: Achilles withdrew from the battlefield as a protest against Agamemnon’s taking of Brisies, his war prize.
  10. Who is the paramour of Clytemnestra?
    Ans: Aegistus is the paramour of Clytemnestra.
  11. Who made the shield for Achilles?
    Ans: Hephaestus made the shield of Achilles.
  12. Who are the three masters of Greek tragedy?
    Ans: The three masters of Greek tragedy are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.


  1. Why did Thetis disguise her son Achilles?
    Ans: Thetis disguised her son Achilles because she knew that her son could die young if he went to war.
  2. Why did Hippolytus becomes a Misogynist?
    Ans: Hippolytus hated and stunned all women after the death of his mother. There not a single woman left whom he could love.
  3. How does Medea become the symbol of all suffering women of all ages?
    Ans: Medea in her suffering transcends the personal level and becomes the symbol of the suffering women of all ages.
  4. Why was Phaedra angry with Theseus?
    Ans: Phaedra was angry with Theseus because her husband had not kept his vows by giving her regular company.
  5. Who are the eminent Eleusinian deities?
    Ans: Persephone, Demeter, and lacehus are the eminent Eleusinian deities.
  6. Between which countries was the Trojan War fought?
    Ans: The Trojan War was fought between Greece and Troy
  7. What is Cassandra’s belief about the fate of all men?
    Ans: Cassandra believes that all men inevitably are made to suffer at the hands of gods.
  8. What suspicion did Creon have against Medea?
    Ans: See 2014 (j) num.
  9. What was Hippolytus’s attitude towards women in the city?
    Ans: Hippolytus considered women in the city to be the prime mover of all wickedness. For their adulteries cities had burnt and a nation had fought with another nation.
  10. What is Lethe?
    Ans: Lethe is the river of the underworld.
  11. Why did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?
    Ans: To take revenge upon Agamemnon for the sacrifice of her daughter Iphigenia, Clytemnestra killed Agamemnon.
  12. Why did Dionysus decide to go to the Hades?
    Ans: Dionysus decided to go to the Hades as he was dissatisfied with the new poets who had come to take their place at the festivals.


  1. How did Calchas advise Agamemnon?
    Ans: Calchas advised Agamemnon to send back Chryseis without ransom and delay.
  2. What was Hector’s last request to Achilles?
    Ans: Hector pleaded with Achilles to hand over his body to his kinsmen for a proper burial.
  3. What is the meaning of the word ‘Iliad”?
    Ans: The word comes from the word ‘Ilion’, an alternate name for Troy. Iliad means ‘the thing about Ilion’.
  4. Why did Agamemnon refuse to walk on the red carpet?
    Ans: Agamemnon refused to walk on the red carpet as it was only a privilege of God.
  5. Who was Iphigenia?
    Ans: Iphigenia was the daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon.
  6. Who are the three masters of Greek tragedy?
    Ans: See 2015(1) num.
  7. Who is Dionysus?
    Ans: See 2013 (k) num.
  8. What is Leviathan?
    Ans: Leviathan was a large whale-like sea animal.
  9. How did Hippolytus feel at the proposal of love from Phaedra?
    Ans: Hippolytus was terribly shocked at the proposal of love from Phaedra but remained unmoved.
  10. Why did Achilles withdraw himself from the battlefield?
    Ans: See 2015 (i) num.
  11. Who was Xanthias?
    Ans: See 2014 (d) num.
  12. Who is the boatman in The Frogs?
    Ans: Charon is the boatman in “The Frogs”.


  1. Who was Apollo?
    Ans: See 2013 (i) num.
  2. Why did Medea decide to kill her children?
    Ans: See 2015 (c) num.
  3. What was Agamemnon’s dilemma?
    Ans: Agamemnon was in a terrible dilemma as he was torn between his obligation to his family and army.
  4. What is the tradition in Hades?
    Ans: It is a tradition in Hades that when a great artist dies, he sits next to Pluto at the Prytaneion.
  5. Why did Dionysus decide to go to the Hades?
    Ans: See 2016 (1) num.
  6. Who made the shield of Achilles?
    Ans: See 2015 (k) num.
  7. What was Hippolytus’s attitude towards women in the city?
    Ans: See 2016 (i) num.
  8. What suspicion did Creon have against Medea?
    Ans: See 2014 (j) num.
  9. Name the two travelers in “The Frogs”.
    Ans: See 2013 (j) num.
  10. What is an epic?
    Ans: See 2015 (a) num.
  11. What does “Deus Ex Machina” mean?
    Ans: See 2013 (1) num.
  12. What was Eleusinia?
    Ans: Eleusinia was the great festival observed by the Athenians every five years at Eleusis in Attica.


  1. What is invocation?
    Ans: Invocation is an address to a deity or muse at the beginning of an epic.
  2. What incident led to the War of Troy?
    Ans: The abduction of Helen by Trojan prince Paris was the cause of the War of Troy.
  3. Who is Calchas?
    Ans: Calchas is the Greek prophet who played a major part throughout the Trojan War.
  4. Why was Agamemnon reluctant to walk on the red carpet?
    Ans: Agamemnon was reluctant to walk on the red carpet as it was only a privilege of the gods.
  5. Why did Jason betray Medea?
    Ans: Jason betrayed Medea out of his greed for the political expediency of Corinth.
  6. What does beacon fire suggest?
    Ans: Beacon fire suggests the positive image of light from darkness.
  7. What gift did Medea send to Glauce?
    Ans: Medea gifted Glauce a poisoned golden robe.
  8. What does Aristophanes mean by frogs?
    Ans: Aristophanes means by frogs transformation.
  9. Who is Xanthias?
    Ans: Xanthias is the slave of Dionysus.
  10. How many books are there in The Iliad?
    Ans: There are 24 books in “The Iliad”.
  11. Why did Theseus curse Hippolytus?
    Ans: Theseus cursed Hippolytus because of Hippolytus’s trying to rape Phaedra as he was told so.
  12. What was the cause of the quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles?
    Ans: Agamemnon’s taking of his war prize Briseis was the cause of the quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles.


  1. Who is the paramour of Clytemnestra?
    Ans: Aegisthus.
  2. How did Phaedra die?
    Ans: Phaedra died by committing suicide.
  3. Name the two travelers in The Frogs.
    Ans: Dionysus and Xanthias.
  4. Who made the shield for Achilles?
    Ans: Hephaestus made the shield for Achilles.
  5. Who was Nemesis?
    Ans: Nemesis was the goddess of retribution.
  6. Who are the three masters of Greek tragedy?
    Ans: Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides.
  7. Why did Achilles withdraw himself from the battlefield?
    Ans: Achilles withdraws from the battlefield as a protest against Agamemnon’s taking of Briseis, his war prize.
  8. Why did Medea decide to kill her own children?
    Ans: To take revenge on Jason, Medea decided to kill her own children.
  9. What did Athene offer Paris?
    Ans: Athene offered Paris wisdom and success.
  10. Who is Minotaur?
    Ans: Minotaur is a half-man and half-bull monster.
  11. When did Phaedra confess her sin?
    Ans: When Phaedra saw the dead body of Hippolytus, Phaedra confessed her sin.
  12. How was Achilles killed before the capture of Troy?
    Ans: Paris gave a fatal blow to Achilles’ heel as it was the vulnerable part of his body.