Brief Questions of Modern Drama

Previous Years: 2013-2020


  1. What blunder did Miss Prism commit?
    Ans: Twenty-eight years ago, Miss Prism left Lord Bracknell’s house with a perambulator that contained Lady Bracknell’s infant nephew Ernest. In a state of absent-mindedness, she put the baby into a leather handbag which she deposited in a railway cloakroom.
  2. What is the revelation of Lady Bracknell?
    Ans: At the end of the play, Lady Bracknell reveals that Jack is the son of her late sister and thus the elder brother of Algernon.
  3. What type of play is ‘The Importance of Being Earnest”?
    Ans: ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ is a comedy of manners.
  4. What was the original title of the play ‘Waiting for Godot”?
    Ans: The original title of the play “Waiting for Godot” was En Attendant Godot.
  5. What does the word “Godot” refer to?
    Ans: Godot has several traits in common with the Biblical images of God. He may be interpreted as happiness, eternal life, hope, death, future, salvation, etc.
  6. What does Estragon symbolize?
    Ans: Estragon or Gogo symbolizes the animal instinct in man.
  7. When was Harold Pinter awarded Nobel Prize?
    Ans: In 2005
  8. Why did Davies quarrel in the cafe?
    Ans: Davies had an argument with someone in the café over who should take a bucket of rubbish outside and had been fired as a result.
  9. How does Davies react at the offer of the job of a Caretaker?
    Ans: Davies being unemployed, the offer of the caretaker seems to be ideal for him but he quibbles over details, accepting the offer not as a privilege but as a right.
  10. Why does Jimmy in “Look Back in Anger” hate Sundays?
    Ans: In Jimmy’s family, Sunday is the day set aside to do some particular activities for example reading the newspaper, drinking tea, ironing the clothes, etc. As Jimmy dislikes routine life, he hates Sundays.
  11. How, according to Jimmy, is Alison’s passion for him?
    Ans: Jimmy describes Alison as a woman with the passion of a python (a huge serpent) adding that every time she and he make love to each other, she just tries to devour him as python devours its prey.
  12. What is Alison’s realization of female domination?
    Ans: According to Alison, is a woman tries to dominate or bully her husband, she is sure to be discarded like herself.


  1. Whom never do girls marry according to Algernon?
    Ans: According to Algernon, girls never marry the men they flirt with as girls don’t think it is right.
  2. What is Jack’s income?
    Ans: Jack’s income is between seven and eight thousand pounds in year.
  3. What was the ending of Miss Prism’s novel?
    Ans: Miss Prism’s novel had a happy ending.
  4. What does Pozzo’s blindness signify?
    Ans: Pozzo’s blindness signifies that he has confusion over time.
  5. What does Vladimir give Estragon to eat when he feels hungry?
    Ans: Vladimir gives Estragon a carrot to eat.
  6. How does Pozzo address Lucky?
    Ans: Pozzo addresses Lucky as a pig and hag.
  7. What was the cause of Aston’s brain damage?
    Ans: Electrodes were placed on Aston’s head and electrical currents were sent through his brain. This was the cause of his brain damage.
  8. Why did Davies leave his wife?
    Ans: Davies left his wife as he found her washing her underclothes in a saucepan that was used for cooking vegetables.
  9. Why does Davies refuse the shoes offered by Aston?
    Ans: Davies refuses the shoes offered by Aston by saying that they do not fit him.
  10. Who helped Jimmy to start a sweet stall?
    Ans: Mrs. Tanner, Hugh’s mother helped Jimmy to start a sweet stall.
  11. Who is Helena Charles?
    Ans: Helena Charles is an actress who is Alison’s true and intimate friend.
  12. How does Jimmy mock Alison’s father?
    Ans: Jimmy mocks Alison’s father by saying that he was very happy in imperialist India but now is leading a life of regret after he has lost the benefit that he enjoyed as the commander of Maharajah’s army.


  1. What is Bunburying?
    Ans: Bunbury refers to Algernon’s imaginary friend. The meaning of Bunbury is avoiding one’s duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person.
  2. What is the name of Algernon’s butler?
    Ans: The name of Algernon’s butler is Lane.
  3. Who is called ‘Pusillanimous’?
    Ans: Alison is called ‘Pusillanimous’,
  4. What is the name of Alison’s father?
    Ans: The name of Alison’s father is Redfern.
  5. What name does Davies use as his identity?
    Ans: Davies uses the name ‘Bernard Jenkins’ as his identity.
  6. What does Lucky symbolize?
    Ans: Lucky symbolizes slavery and labour.
  7. What is a comedy of manners?
    Ans: A comedy of manners is a genre that depicts and often satirizes the manners, affectations, frivolities, folly of contemporary upper class society.
  8. Where and how did Jack’s brother die?
    Ans: In Act II of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest” Jack appears in mourning clothes and announces that his younger brother Ernest had died. He breaks this news in the garden to Miss Prism and Dr. Chasuble.
  9. Who is the antagonist in the play ‘The Importance of Being Earnest”?
    Ans: Lady Bracknell is the antagonist in the play ‘The Importance of Being Earnest”.
  10. What is the subject of the song sung by Vladimir?
    Ans: The subject of the song sung by Vladimir is a dog, its stealing a piece of bread from a kitchen and its death at the hand of the cook.
  11. What does Estragon try to do sitting on the mound?
    Ans: Estragon tries to take off his boot sitting on the
  12. What is the Great West Road?
    Ans: The Great West Road is the main Road leads from London to the south-west of the British Isles.


  1. What type of play is “The Importance of Being Earnest”?
    Ans: It is a comedy of manners.
  2. Who are the tramps in “Waiting for Godot”?
    Ans: Estragon and Vladimir are the tramps in “Waiting for Godot”.
  3. When was Harold Pinter awarded Nobel Prize?
    Ans: Harold Pinter was awarded Novel Prize in 2005.
  4. How many characters are presented in “The Caretaker”?
    Ans: There are only three characters in “The Caretaker”.
  5. Who is Helena Charles?
    Ans: Helena Charles is an actress who is Alison’s true and intimate friend.
  6. What do Jimmy and Alison call each other?
    Ans: Jimmy calls Alison ‘Squirrel’ and Alison calls Jimmy ‘Bear’.
  7. Who is Miss Prism?
    Ans: Miss Prism is Cecily Cardew’s governess.
  8. How does Pozzo address Lucky?
    Ans: Pozzo addresses Lucky as a pig and hag.
  9. Who utters the words “nothing to be done” at the opening of Waiting for Godot?
    Ans: Estragon utters the words “nothing to be done” at the opening of Waiting for Godot.
  10. Who helped Jimmy start Sweet Stall?
    Ans: Mrs. Tanner, Hugh’s mother helped Jimmy to start a sweet stall.
  11. How is Aston disturbed by Davies from going to sleep?
    Ans: Davies’ habit of snorting and making noises makes Aston’s sleep go away. Thus Aston is disturbed by Davies from going to sleep.
  12. In what way has Jack a double identify?
    Ans: Jack is Ernest in the London city and Jack in the countryside. Thus, he has a double identity.


  1. Where is the first scene of ‘Look Back in Anger’ set?
    Ans: The first scene of “Look Back in Anger” is set in the one room flat of Jimmy Porter in an early April evening.
  2. Who is Colonel Redfern?
    Ans: Colonel Redfern is Alison’s father.
  3. What does the tree represent in the play ‘Waiting for Godot”?
    Ans: The tree generally represents the Cross on which Christ was crucified and so it symbolizes hope. But for the growth of leaves in the second Act the tree is a symbol of irrelevance of the Christian response to the predicament of the tramp.
  4. Why did Algernon create the imaginary friend, Bunbury?
    Ans: Algernon created an imaginary friend named Bunbury so that he can avoid attending his aunt’s boring dinner party.
  5. How does Dr. Chasuble try to be witty?
    Ans: Dr. Chasuble tries to be witty by saying that if he were Miss Prism’s pupil, he would hang upon the lips of Miss Prism.
  6. Whom never do girls marry according to Algernon?
    Ans: According to Algernon, girls never marry the men they flirt with as girls don’t think it is right.
  7. What was the original title of the play ‘Waiting for Godot”?
    Ans: The original title of the play “Waiting for Godot” was “En attendant Godot”.
  8. Name the main characters of the play “Waiting for Godot”?
    Ans: The main characters of the play “Waiting for Godot” are Estragon, Vladimir, Pozzo, Lucky, and Boy.
  9. How is the hope of the tramps deferred?
    Ans: The hope of the tramps is deferred by their ceaseless waiting for Godot.
  10. Why was Davies expelled from the house of Aston and Mick?
    Ans: The clumsy and selfish attempts of Davies to play one brother against the other have resulted in everything, his job, and a home.
  11. Why did Davies quarrel in the Cafe?
    Ans: Davies had an argument with someone in the café over who should take a bucket
  12. What is Sidcup?
    Ans: Sidcup is a town fourteen miles away from London.


  1. In what way has Jack a double identity?
    Ans: Jack is Ernest in the London city and Jack in the countryside. Thus, he has a double identity.
  2. What is the significance of Pozzo-Lucky relationship?
    Ans: Pozzo-Lucky represent the antithesis of each other. The relationship between Pozzo and Lucky is that of master and slave or wealth and artist or body and intellect or mankind and Christ.
  3. Who helped Jimmy to start a sweet stall?
    Ans: Mrs. Tanner, Hugh’s mother helped Jimmy to start a sweet stall.
  4. Who is called ‘Pusillanimous”?
    Ans: Alison is called ‘Pusillanimous’,
  5. What is existentialism?
    Ans: Existentialism is a modern philosophy derived from the principle ‘existence precedes essence’ and make famous by Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus in 1940s.
  6. What makes Mick angry with Davies?
    Ans: Davies’ speaking rudely of Aston’s illness makes Mick angry.
  7. What do the two tramps symbolize?
    Ans: The two tramps symbolizes the rootless and helpless people of the world.
  8. Why does Jimmy hate Sundays?
    Ans: In Jimmy’s family, Sunday is the day set aside to do some particular activities for example reading the newspaper, drinking tea, ironing the clothes, etc. As Jimmy dislikes routine life, he hates Sundays.
  9. How is Aston disturbed by Davies from going to sleep?
    Ans: Davies’ habit of snorting and making noises makes Aston’s sleep go away. Thus Aston is disturbed by Davies from going to sleep.
  10. How does Pozzo address Lucky?
    Ans: Pozzo addresses Lucky as a pig and hag.
  11. Who is Miss Prism?
    Ans: Miss Prism is Cecily Cardew’s governess.
  12. Who is Helena Charles?
    Ans: Helena Charles is an actress who is Alison’s true and intimate friend.


  1. What is the nick name of Algernon?
    Ans: Algy.
  2. Why is time meaningless to Estragon?
    Ans: Time is meaningless to Estragon because he has shed human qualities emptiness of nothingness and such men are not at all particular about time.
  3. What is Sidcup?
    Ans: Sidcup is a medium sized town of south-east London.
  4. Who is Mrs. Tanner?
    Ans: Mrs. Tanner is the mother of Hugh Tanner.
  5. Why does Jack Worthing visit London city frequently?
    Ans: Jack Worthing visits London frequently to get away from his daily life in the country.
  6. Which country does Pozzo belong to?
    Ans: Pozzo belongs to Italy.
  7. Why does Mick call Davies ‘a wild animal’?
    Ans: Mick calls Davies ‘a wild animal’ because he gets angry with Davies as Davies called Aston a madman.
  8. What was the profession of Colonel Redfern?
    Ans: Colonel Redfern was an Army.
  9. What is the significance of ‘Cucumber sandwiches’?
    Ans: ‘Cucumber sandwiches’ in “The Importance of Being Earnest” depict the affectation and overindulgence prevalent in the upper class society.
  10. What is the original title of Waiting for Godot in the French version?
    Ans: En Attendant Godot.
  11. How was Aston’s brain damaged?
    Ans: Aston’s brain was damaged by the use of shock therapy.
  12. What does Jimmy’s constant smoking signify?
    Ans: Jimmy’s constant smoking signifies that Jimmy has attempted to fit into societal roles and expectation that have made him miserable and angry.


  1. Who is Jack Worthing?
    Ans: Jack Worthing is the hero of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest” and a responsible guardian of Cecily Cardew.
  2. How does Mick chase Davies?
    Ans: Mick chases Davies with the vacuum cleaner which is funny for him but it is terrifying experience for Davies.
  3. What is a nuthouse?
    Ans: A nuthouse is an asylum house.
  4. What is the word ‘adieu’ used for?
    Ans: It is a French phrase and it is used to say goodbye.
  5. Who are Markby and Makby?
    Ans: They are the family lawyers of Miss Cardew’s family.
  6. Identify Gorgon?
    Ans: Gorgon is one of the mythical female monsters with hissing, serpents for their
  7. What is confirmation?
    Ans: Confirmation is religious ceremony.
  8. What is the Rhone?
    Ans: The Rhone is the name of river in France and Switzerland.
  9. Name the main characters of the play Waiting for Godot?
    Ans: Estragon, Vladimir, Pozzo, Lucky and Boy.
  10. Why does Vladimir kick Pozzo?
  11. What makes Jimmy angry frequently?
    Ans: His father’s miserable life before death was so shocking and unforgettable that he gets angry frequently.
  12. What is Cliff’s surname?
    Ans: Lewis.


  1. What is ‘Bunburying’?
  2. What do ‘Macon Country”? and ‘Cackon Country’ refer to?
  3. What is the name of Algernon’s butier?
  4. Who is called ‘Pusillanimous’?
  5. On what ground does Davies put off his visit to Sidcup?
  6. What is the name of Alison’s father?
  7. Which tramp does suffer from bladder problem?
  8. What name does Davies use as his identity?
  9. What does Lucky symbolize?
  10. Who represents young angry generations?
  11. What is a comedy of manners?
  12. What is the nationality of Estragon?