Brief Questions of Restoration and Eighteenth Century Fiction.

Table of Contents


  1. What is Otan?
    Ans: Otan is the harem of the African King.
  2. What is Royal Veil?
    Ans: The Royal Veil is a special cloth sent by the king to a chosen woman, making her one of his concubines. It’s a great honor that cannot be declined.
  3. What is the nationality of Imoinda whom Oroonoko loves?
    Ans: Imoinda is African whom Oroonoko loves.
  4. Who is Skyresh Bolgolam?
    Ans: Skyresh Bolgolam is the high Admiral of Lilliput and a counselor of the Emperor.
  5. Write down the names of men rescued by Crusoe from the clutches of the savages.
    Ans: The names of men rescued by Crusoe from the clutches of the savages are Friday, a European and Friday’s father.
  6. What role did Friday play?
    Ans: Friday played the role of an interpreter between his father and Crusoe as Crusoe could not understand his father’s language.
  7. What is the difference between an epic poem and an epic in prose?
  8. Who was Fanny?
  9. Why was Parson Adams going to London?
  10. Whom do the Lilliputians represent allegorically?
    Ans: The Lilliputians allegorically represent the English people.
  11. What does ‘Quinebus Flestrine’ mean?
    Ans: ‘Quinebus Flestrine’ means Man Mountain.
  12. What is Rasselas’ reaction after the speech of the sage?


  1. Why was Mrs. Tom-Wouse about to hit Betty with a rod?
  2. What was the original title of the book Rasselas?
  3. How did Oroonoko learn about humanity?
    Oroonoko learned about humanity through the sacrifice of the General who gave his life to save him.
  4. What was the original sin of Crusoe according to him?
    Crusoe’s original sin was mainly ignoring his father’s advice.
  5. Why did a female Yahoo attack Gulliver during his bathing in the river?
    A female Yahoo attacked Gulliver while he bathed in the river because she was aroused by his physique and wanted to satisfy her lustful desires by hugging him closely.
  6. What did Joseph borrow from one of his servants?
  7. When does Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time?
    Oroonoko sees Imoinda for the first time when he arrives at his grandfather’s court.
  8. How long was Crusoe in Brazil with his plantation?
    Crusoe spent four years in Brazil with his plantation.
  9. Where was Gulliver kept as a captive in Lilliput?
    Gulliver was kept captive in an ancient temple, the largest in Lilliput.
  10. Who is compared to a tigress in the novel Joseph Andrews?
  11. Who were the Picts?
    The Picts were ancient people from North Britain known for their body art.
  12. Why did the people of Gulliver’s country drink wine?
    The people of Gulliver’s country drank wine to forget their troubles and fears, but it had severe effects on their bodies.


  1. What is the setting of the novel “Oroonoko”?
    “Suriname, South America” is the setting of the novel “Oroonoko”.
  2. Why did Crusoe want to stay near the sea?
    Crusoe stayed near the sea to watch for passing ships in case he needed to signal for rescue.
  3. What is the full title of the novel “Joseph Andrews”?
    The History of the Adventure of Joseph Andrews.
  4. What are the two races mentioned in part IV of “Gulliver’s Travels”?
    Yahoos and Houyhnhnms.
  5. Who is Rasselas?
  6. What does Pamela represent in “Joseph Andrews”?
  7. Who were the Big-endians?
    The Big-endians were the followers of the primitive way of breaking eggs in Lilliput.
  8. What is Happy Valley?
  9. Who is Imlac?
  10. Why did Robinson Crusoe become repentant?
    Robinson Crusoe became repentant because he saw a terrible man in his dream while he was sick.
  11. What is a ‘Picaresque Novel”?
    A picaresque novel is a story about a roguish character’s adventures and misadventures as they travel through society.
  12. How was Gulliver rescued from the bowl of cream?
    Gulliver was rescued by the nurse from the bowl of cream.


  1. Who was Lady Booby?
  2. What does Nekaya say about virtue?
  3. How Long was Crusoe in Brazil with his plantation?
    Four years.
  4. Why were the immortals miserable?
    The immortals were miserable because they wanted to die, but couldn’t, so they had to endure being old and sick forever.
  5. What is the original title of the Book “Rasselas”?
  6. How did Gulliver escape from the island of Lilliput of Blefuscu?
    Gulliver escaped from Lilliput by using a license to visit Blefuscu, where he took shelter.
  7. What did Crusoe’s father want him to study?
    Crusoe’s father, was an advocate. So he wanted Crusoe to study law.
  8. When did Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time?
    When Oroonoko comes to his grandfather’s court, he sees Imoinda for the first time.
  9. What are Thunder, Plunder and Blunder?
  10. What does Imlac tell Rasselas about envy?
  11. Which port of France did Crusoe take ship from?
    Crusoe took ship from the part of Kingston upon Hall of France.
  12. Who is High Admiral of Lilliput?
    Skyresh Bolgolam is High Admiral of Lilliput.


  1. What kind of book is Oroonoko?
    ‘Oroonoko’ is an anti-colonial novel.
  2. Why does Oroonoko kill Imoinda?
    Oroonoko kills Imoinda because he fears she’ll suffer after his death.
  3. How does Oroonoko receive his poetic justice?
    Oroonoko, who sold war captives as slaves to the British, ends up becoming a slave himself, thus receiving poetic justice.
  4. What was Crusoe’s dream from the very beginning of his life?
    Crusoe always wanted to go to sea, but his parents never allowed him.
  5. What name did Crusoe give to the rescued man?
    Crusoe named the rescued man “Friday” because he saved him on that day.
  6. Why was the gunpowder very important to Crusoe?
    Crusoe relied on gunpowder for safety and hunting. It allowed him to hunt animals for food and protect himself from wild beasts.
  7. What is the subject matter of the novel Tom Jones?
    The subject matter of the novel Tom Jones is ‘human nature’.
  8. Who was Sophia?
    Sophia was Squire Western’s beautiful daughter, who lived near Squire Allworthy’s estate.
  9. Why did one day Tom attack Master Blifil?
    Tom attacked Master Blifil because Blifil insulted him by calling him a beggarly bastard, which made Tom angry, leading him to punch Blifil in the nose.
  10. How was Gulliver called by the Lilliputians?
    The Lilliputians called Gulliver the “Man Mountain” or “Quinebus Flestrine.”
  11. How was Gulliver taken to the capital city from the seashore?
    Gulliver was taken to the capital city on a large wooden cart with twenty-two wheels.
  12. How many seamstresses were employed to prepare dress for Gulliver?
    Two hundred seamstresses were employed to prepare Gulliver’s shirts and linen.


  1. What is Royal Veil?
    The Royal Veil is a special cloth sent by the king to a chosen woman, making her one of his concubines. It’s a great honor that cannot be declined.
  2. Who is the great Mistress in Oroonoko?
    Ans. Imoinda is the greatest mistress in ‘Oroonoko’.
  3. What does the name ‘Allworthy’ signify?
    The name ‘Allworthy’ means Mr. Allworthy is well-known and respected across Europe.
  4. How many years did Crusoe stay in the isolated island?
    Crusoe stayed on the island for 28 years.
  5. What was Crusoe’s original sin?
    Crusoe’s original sin was mainly ignoring his father’s advice.
  6. Who was Friday?
    Ans. Friday was the man whom Robinson Crusoe rescued.
  7. Who was the supposed mother of Tom Jones?
    Mrs Waters is really Jenny Jones.
  8. Whom did Miss Bridget marry in “Tom Jones”?
    Miss Bridget married Captain Blifil.
  9. Mention the full title of the third part of “Gulliver’s Travels”.
    The exact title of the third part of “Gulliver’s Travels” is “A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, and Japan.”
  10. What was the name of the metropolis of Brobdingnag?
    The metropolis of Brobdingnag is called Lorbrulgrud in “Gulliver’s Travels.”
  11. Who is Skyresh Bolgolam?
    Ans. Skyresh Bolgolam is the high Admiral of Lilliput and a counselor of the Emperor.
  12. Which Political Party of England has been satirized in Book 1 of “Gulliver’s Travels”?
    The Tories and the Whigs


  1. What is Otan?
    Ans. Otan is the harem of the African king.
  2. Who were the Picts?
    The Picts were ancient people from North Britain known for their body art.
  3. What is Black Friday?
    Ans. Black Friday is the day Fixed for punishment.
  4. What furniture did Crusoe make on the land?
    Crusoe crafted a chair, table, and shelves despite lacking carpentry experience.
  5. Why did Crusoe need sieve?
    Crusoe needed a sieve to separate the bran and husk.
  6. What was the first condition that Crusoe gave the prisoners?
    Crusoe’s first condition for the prisoners was to obey him as their ultimate authority while on the island.
  7. Why was Molly sentenced to prison by Mr. Allworthy?
    Molly was sentenced to prison by Mr. Allworthy because she gave birth to a bastard child.
  8. Who got the pounds that Tom lost near the brook?
    Black George found Tom’s lost pounds by the brook but kept it secret.
  9. Why was Mrs. Western annoyed with Sophia?
    Mrs. Western was annoyed with Sophia because she refused Lord Fellamar’s proposal during their interview.
  10. What title was awarded to Gulliver for his valuate deed in Lilliput?
    Gulliver was awarded the title ‘Nardic’ by the Emperor of Lilliput for his brave act.
  11. Where was Lagado?
    Lagado was the capital city of Laputa, a flying island, located approximately ninety leagues away on the mainland.
  12. Why did Gulliver buy two young Yahoos?
    Gulliver bought two young Yahoos because he couldn’t stand his family’s presence and found solace in the company of two young horses, treating them as his true companions.


  1. What kind of book is Oroonoko?
    ‘Oroonoko’ is an anti-colonial novel.
  2. What is the other name of Imoinda?
    Imoinda’s other name is Clemene.
  3. Who was Xury?
    Xury was a young boy who sailed with Robinson and Ismael on the Turkish pirate captain’s fishing boat.
  4. Where did Crusoe find corns?
    Crusoe found corn seeds in a bag among the wreckage of his ship on the island.
  5. Why did Crusoe want to stay near the sea?
    Crusoe stayed near the sea to watch for passing ships in case he needed to signal for rescue.
  6. Who was the real mother of Tom Jones?
    Tom Jones’s real mother was Bridget Allworthy.
  7. Why did the Allworthy gift Tom a little horse?
    Allworthy gave Tom a small horse as a gift to make up for the situation.
  8. Who was Sophia?
    Sophia was Squire Western’s beautiful daughter, who lived near Squire Allworthy’s estate.
  9. What does the name Allworthy’ signify?
    Allworthy signifies an ancient Anglo-Saxon name originating from Aldworth, Berkshire, meaning “old estate or farm.”
  10. How did Gulliver find himself in Lilliput after a sound sleep?
    Gulliver woke up to find himself tied up with chains in Lilliput.
  11. Who do the Lilliputians represent allegorically?
    The Lilliputians symbolize humanity’s excessive pride in its small existence.
  12. Why was Master Bilfil envious of Tom?
    Captain Blifil was jealous of Tom because he wanted his own son to get all of Mr. Allworthy’s possessions.


  1. How does the narrator present herself in the novel “Oroonoko”?
    In “Oroonoko,” the narrator presents herself with a detailed and engaging narrative voice, portraying the concept of the “noble savage” in literature.
  2. What did Oroonoko do to save Imoinda’s honor?
    Oroonoko kills Imoinda to prevent her from being dishonored by the English governor.
  3. What is Otan?
    Ans. Otan is the harem of the African king.
  4. What did Crusoe decide after the quake?
    Crusoe shelters in his cave, cuts a drain for his house, and waits out the heavy rain.
  5. According to Crusoe, what was his original sin?
    Crusoe’s original sin was mainly ignoring his father’s advice.
  6. Why did Crusoe give up his plan to settle in Brazil?
    Ans. After he returns to London, Crusoe considers moving back to his plantation in Brazil, but his religious differences with the Catholic population there put him off this course.
  7. Who were the two tutors of Tom and Blifil?
    Tom and Blifil were both taught by Thwackum and Square.
  8. Who was Molly Seagrim?
    Molly is Tom’s first love. She is the daughter of Black George the gamekeeper.
  9. Where did Sophia stay in the city of London?
    Sophia stayed at the house of Lady Bellaston in London.
  10. Who were the secret enemies of Gulliver in Lilliput?
    Ans. Flimnap, the lord high treasurer of Lilliput, is Gulliver’s secret enemy.
  11. What are the two races mentioned in part IV of Gulliver’s Travels?
    Ans. The two races mentioned in Part-iv of Gulliver’s Travels are Yahoos and Houyhnhnms.
  12. Where was Lagado situated?
    Ans. Lagado was the metropolis of the flying island. Laputa. It was situated below upon the firm earth.

Brief Questions with Answers from SET Suggestion-2022 (3rd Year)


  1. Which literary age did Aphra Behn belong to?
    Ans: Aphra Behn belonged to Restoration period (1640-1684)
  2. What is the most known work of Aphra Behn?
    Ans: Oroonoko is the most known work by Aphra Behn.
  3. Who dramatized Oroonoko?
    Ans: Thomas Southern dramatized Oroonoko.
  4. Who are the real persons in the novel Oroonoko?
    Ans: Willoughby, Byam, Trefry and Colonel Martin were real people in the novel.
  5. How does Oroonoko influence the development of the English novel?
    Ans: Oroonoko influenced the development of the English novel, developing the female narrative voice and treating anti-colonial and abolitionist themes.
  6. Why is Oroonoko famous for?
    Ans: Oroonoko is notable for its groundbreaking depiction of the horrors of slavery, and it has come to be called one of literature’s first abolitionist tracts.
  7. Who is Oroonoko? [DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Oroonoko (oh-rew-NOH-koh) is an African prince from Coramantien.
  8. Who brings Oroonoko to Surinam?
    Ans: A British slave trader captures and enslaves Oroonoko and brings him to Surinam.
  9. Who is Aboan?
    Ans: Aboan is Oroonoko’s genuine friend in Coramantien. He helps Oroonoko enter the otan to visit Imoinda.
  10. Who is Banister?
    Ans: Banister is the cruellest white man who killed Oroonoko under the instruction of Byam.
  11. Who is Byam?
    Ans: Byam is the historical deputy-governor of Surinam. He betrays Oroonoko by having him whipped and put to death.
  12. Who is Clemene?
    Ans: Clemene is the slave name given to Imoinda when she arrives in Surinam.
  13. Who is Caesar?
    Ans: Caesar is the slave name given to Oroonoko by Trefry when he arrives in Surinam.
  14. What does the name Caesar allude to?
    Ans: The name ‘Caesar’ is an allusion to Julius Caesar, the Roman emperor who was murdered by his ‘friends.’
  15. Who is Imoinda?
    Ans: Imoinda is the African beauty whom Oroonoko loves. She is sold into slavery after Oroonoko attempts to rescue her from his grandfather the king’s otan.
  16. Who is Jamoan?
    Ans: Jamoan is African warrior who was defeated by Oroonoko.
  17. Who is Onahal?
    Ans: Onahal is the senior wife of the king who helps Oroonoko meet his love Imoinda in the otan, the king’s seraglio.
  18. Who is Trefry?
    Ans: Trefry is the overseer of Parham Plantation. He befriends Oroonoko and attempts to free him and return him to Africa.
  19. Who is Tuscan?
    Ans: Tuscan is the Surinam slave who helps Oroonoko organize the slave revolt but ultimately betrays him.
  20. Who is Willoughby?
    Ans: Willoughby is the Lord-governor of Surinam. He owns Parham plantation and never arrives to free Oroonoko.
  21. Why does Imoinda die?
    Ans: Imoinda dies in the novel to free herself from slavery.
  22. Who is the overseer of Parham Plantation?
    Ans: Trefry is the overseer of Parham Plantation.
  23. Who owns Parham Plantation?
    Ans: Willoughby owns Parham Plantation.
  24. Whom the novel Oroonoko is dedicated to?
    Ans: The novel Oroonoko is dedicated to the Lord Maitland.
  25. When was Aphra Behn was in Surinam?
    Ans: Aphra Behn seemed to be in Surinam from the mid or late 1663 to 1664.
  26. What types of birds are found in Surinam?
    Surinam is home to various exotic birds like parakeets, parrots, macaws, and many others.
  27. What do the native people of Surinam wear?
    Ans: The native people of Surinam wear beaded aprons “as Adam and Eve did the fig leaves.”
  28. What would a young woman in the country of Surinam do if a man is attracted to her?
    Ans: In the country of Surinam if a man is attracted to a woman, she would modestly guard her eyes and keep them lowered
  29. Whom does the narrator compare the natives to? in “the first state of innocence, before man knew how to sin.”
    Ans: The narrator compares the natives to Adam and Eve living
  30. How do the British live with the natives?
    Ans: The British live with the native population in the “greatest tranquillity and good understanding,”
  31. Why don’t the British treat the natives as slaves?
    Ans: The British do not treat the natives as slaves because they are vastly outnumbered, “their number[s] so far surpass … ours in that continent.”
  32. What is Còramantien?
    Ans: Coramantien is a country on the west coast of Africa
  33. Why is Coramantien used as a means of slave trade?
    Ans: Coramantien is used as a means of slave trade in particular because the country was always engaged in wars that resulted in great numbers of captives.”
  34. What is Surinam?
    Ans: Surinam, in the West Indies, is a colony in America. It was founded in 1640, later Dutch Guiana.
  35. What was the King’s Theatre?
    Ans: It was the theatre run by Thomas Killigrew with Dryden as one of its playwrights.
  36. What is the Indian Queen?
    Ans: The Indian Queen is a heroic play by Dryden and Sir Robert Howard. The play portrays the fictitious events in the youth of Montezuma.
  37. How old was the King of Coramantien?
    Ans: The King of Coramantien was over one hundred years old.
  38. How many sons has the King of Coramantien husbanded?
    Ans: The King of Coramantien has fathered/ husbanded thirteen sons.
  39. Who is the heir to the throne of the King of Coramantien? Why?
    Ans: The King of Coramantien fathered thirteen sons all of whom were killed in battle. As a result, the heir to the throne is his grandson, Oroonoko.
  40. How did Oroonoko learn humanity? [NU. 2013]
    Ans: Oroonoko learns humanity from the sacrifice of the old general who sacrifices his life to save Oroonoko.
  41. How beautiful is Imoinda?
    Ans: Imoinda is beautiful, modest and young: “a beauty, that to describe her truly she was female to the noble male, the beautiful black Venus to our young Mars, as charming in her person as he, and of delicate virtues”.
  42. What does Oroonoko promises when Imoinda agrees to marry him?
    Ans: When Imoinda agrees to marry him, he promises her that despite the fact that his countrymen take as many wives as they can maintain, he will never take another wife, even after Imoinda is old and her beauty has fled.
  43. What happens when Oroonoko sees Imoinda in the otan?
    Ans: When Oroonoko and Imoinda see each other in the otan, they realize that their love is as strong as ever.
  44. What is Onahal’s job in the palace?
    Ans: Onahal’s job in the palace is to teach the newly brought women, the manners and customs of the seraglio and the Royal Palace.
  45. With whom does Onahal flirt?
    Ans: Onahal flirts with the handsome Aboan, Oroonoko’s genuine friend.
  46. What accident happens when the king’s wives dance?
    Ans: When the king’s wives dance, an accident occurs. The accident is that Imoinda trips into Oroonoko’s arms.
  47. What does Imoinda tell the king after the consummation of love to save her life?
    Ans: After consummation of her relationship with Oroonoko, in an effort to save her life, Imoinda assures the king that she has been taken against her will.
  48. Who or what is the Captain of the Clouds in the indigenous religion?
    Ans: Unknown Power
  49. How does Oroonoko treat Jamoan when he captures him?
    Ans: When Oroonoko captures Jamoan, he does not sell him into slavery like the other captives. In fact, he treats him so well that he ‘retained nothing of the prisoner but the name.’
  50. How does the captain seize the guests including Oroonoko?
    Ans: The captain treats them to a banquet replete with wine in which they overindulge. Then the captain orders to seize all the guests including Oroonoko-“locking him down fast, secured him…[and] betrayed [him] to slavery.”
  51. What modern-day country corresponds to Coramantien?
    Ans: The modern-day country corresponds to Coramantien is Ghana.
  52. When did Oroonoko see Imoinda for the first time?
    Ans: When Oroonoko comes to his grandfather’s court, he sees Imoinda for the first time.
  53. What is a lot?
    Ans: A ‘lot’ refers to something or a group of things that is sold at an auction.
  54. Who is the ‘wild Irishman’ in Oroonoko?
    Ans: Banister, one of the allies of Byam, is the ‘wild Irishman’ in Oroonoko.
  55. What kind of man was Trefry?
    Ans: Trefry was ‘a man of great wit and fine learning.’
  56. Who is Trefry?
    Ans: Trefry is the overseer of Lord-governor Willoughby’s plantation.
  57. Why do the Christians rename their newly acquired slaves?
    Ans: The Christians rename their newly acquired slaves because “their native ones [names] being likely very barbarous and hard to pronounce”.
  58. Why does the whole colony wait for the Lord-governor?
    Ans: The whole colony waits for the Lord-governor to arrive from England so Caesar can be freed as Trefry has promised.
  59. Why did Trefry treat Oroonoko as his brother?
    Ans: Trefry finding Oroonoko’s superior physical prowess and mental skill, treats him like a brother.
  60. Who was a very good mathematician and a linguist?
    Ans: Trefry was a very good mathematician and a linguist.
  61. What did Trefry promise Oroonoko?
    Ans: Trefry promised Oroonoko that he would try to re-conduct him to his own country.
  62. What is the commonly accepted practice of male slave- owners who own female slaves?
    Ans: The male slave-owners who own female slaves force them to submit sexually, if they do not yield willingly.
  63. Who gave Clemene the shock-dog?
    Ans: Trefry gave Clemene the shock-dog.
  64. When did Clemene (Imoinda) see Caesar (Oroonoko) in Surinam first?
    Ans: When Clemene is chasing a small dog out the door to her cabin, she sees Caesar first in Surinam.
  65. When Trefry introduces Caesar to Clemene, what is he pleased and surprised to discover?
    Ans: When Trefry introduces Caesar to Clemene he pleased and surprised to discover that Clemene is none but Imoinda. He thought that Imoinda has returned to life.
  66. When did Caesar take Clemene for his wife?.
    Ans: From that happy day When Caesar sees. Clemene first in Surinam, he took her for his wife.
  67. What is the nationality of Imoinda? [NU. 2012]
    Ans: She is African.
  68. What is St John’s Hill?
    Ans: St John’s Hill is one of the three plantations owned by absentee landlord Sir Robert Harley.
  69. Why does Caesar desire liberty?
    Ans: Caesar (Oroonoko) unites with his beloved wife Clemene (Imoinda) and she conceives a child. All these happy events make him desire liberty.”
  70. Why does Caesar begin to distrust Trefry and the others in charge?
    Ans: As Trefry and the others in charge delayed him to set him free until the governor returned, Caesar begins to distrust them.
  71. How does Caesar kill a tiger?
    guns and poisoned arrows by shooting an arrow directly into its eye.
  72. When Caesar kills a tiger, what do the men find in its heart?
    Ans: When Caesar kills a tiger, the men find seven bullets in its heart.
  73. What is a numb eel?
    Ans: A numb eel is an electric eel.
  74. What does the numb eel symbolize?
    Ans: The numb eel symbolizes Oroonoko’s desire for power.
  75. How does the native healer cure?
    Ans: The native healer cures “more by fancy than through medicine” through the power of suggestion.
  76. How and why do the Indian warriors disfigure themselves?
    Ans: The Indian warriors disfigure themselves to demonstrate their bravery to be selected for a war captain, some by cutting off their nose or ears and such: “they had formidable wounds and scars or rather dismembering”.
  77. How is the Lord-governor killed?
    Ans: The Lord-governor is killed in a hurricane after the narrator leaves for London.
  78. Who are pickaninnies?
    Ans: Pickaninnies are the young West Indian children of African descent.
  79. How does Caesar convince other male slaves to escape slavery?
    Ans: Caesar convinces other male slaves to escape slavery giving a rousing speech to the people.
  80. What are Caesar’s long-range plans?
    Ans: His long-range plans are cutting or burning through the brush to the sea and then to ‘plant a new colony,’ find a ship, seize it if need be, and transport themselves back to Africa where they will once more be free.
  81. How does Caesar incite the slaves against the whites?
    Ans: Caesar incites the slaves against the whites by summarizing their miserable life. Such “miseries and ignominies of slavery… under such loads, burdens and drudgeries as were fitter for beasts than men.”
  82. Why do not the plantation owners want to hunt down Caesar?
    Ans: The plantation owners have great respect for Caesar and understand that he has been ill-treated and so they do not want to hunt him down.
  83. Who became the villain of Oroonoko?
    Ans: Byam, the deputy governor of Surinam under the absentee, Lord Willoughby, became the villain of Oroonoko.
  84. What weapon does Imoinda use against the English when the fight breaks out?
    Ans: Imoinda uses a bow against the English when the fight breaks out.
  85. Which slave shoots the governor in the shoulder during the ruckus?
    Ans: Imoinda shoots the deputy governor Byam in the shoulder during the ruckus with a poisoned arrow.
  86. Who or what saves the governor’s life?
    Ans: Quickly, after being shot, his native woman sucks out the venom and saves his life.
  87. What is the agreement between Caesar and Byam?
    Ans: The agreement between Caesar and Byam is that if Caesar surrenders, he will be set free, with his wife and child.
  88. Why do the slavers take Imoinda to Parham and shut her away while Caesar and Tuscan are whipped?
    Ans: The slavers take Imoinda to Parham and shut her away while Caesar and Tuscan are whipped because they fear that she should die with the sight or miscarry.
  89. How did the whites rub the wounds of Caesar?
    Ans: They rubbed the wounds of Caesar with Indian pepper.
  90. What is Newgate?
    Ans: Newgate is a London prison from which many convicts were exported to work on New World plantations.
  91. Who consists of Byam’s council?
    Ans: Byam council consists of a group of plantation owners and other whites who were notorious villains and who understood neither the laws of God or man, and had no sort of principles to make them worthy of the name of men.
  92. What did Byam’s council conclude?
    Ans: Byam’s council concluded that Caesar should be hanged as an example to intimidate other slaves against revolt.
  93. Why does Caesar devise a plan to kill Imoinda?
    Ans: Caesar realizes that if he dies while. taking revenge on Byam and others, Imoinda “may be ravished first by every brute, exposed to their nasty lusts, and then a shameful death.” So, he devises a plan to kill her first..
  94. What is Black Friday?
    Ans: It is the day set aside for punishment.
  95. Who are the Parhamites?
    Ans: The Parhamites are the supporters of Lord Willoughby in the faction-ridden colony.
  96. What is meant by ‘cat with nine tails’?
    Ans: Cat with nine tails’ means the whip with. nine knotted lashes used in the British navy and army.
  97. How does Imoinda die?
    Ans: Imoinda dies at the hands of her husband. While he draws his knife, ‘tears trickle down his cheeks.’ He gives her the ‘fatal stroke, first cutting her throat, and then severing her smiling face from that delicate body’.
  98. Why can’t Caesar take revenge on Byam after killing Imoinda?
    Ans: After killing Imoinda, Caesar finds himself paralyzed by grief and cannot take revenge by killing Byam.
  99. Where does Banister take Caesar?
    Ans: Banister forcibly takes Caesar to the same post where he was whipped.
  100. What does Banister tell Caesar?
    Ans: Banister tells him he will “die like a dog,” to which Caesar replies that he finally has met a white man who tells the truth.
  101. How does Caesar die?
    Ans: First the executioner cuts off his genitals and throws them into the fire, and then they cut off his ears and his nose and throw them likewise into the fire. Then they cut off one of his arms. After they cut off his second arm, his head sinks, ‘and he gave up the ghost with a groan.
  102. What did the whites do with Caesar’s quartered body?
    Ans: The executioners finally cut Caesar’s body into quarters and sent them to several of the chief plantations.
  103. What was the reaction of Colonel Martin when one quarter of Caesar’s body was sent to him?
    Ans: When one quarter of Caesar’s body was sent to Colonel Martin, he refused it, and swore that he had rather see the quarters of Banister, and the Governor himself, than those of Caesar, on his plantations.
  104. What does the narrator hope at the end of the novel Oroonoko?
    Ans: At the end of the novel Oroonoko, she hopes she has been a good enough writer to help his name survive, as well as that of the brave, beautiful, and faithful Imoinda, for all the ages.
  105. How does Oroonoko receive his poetic justice? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: Oroonoko receives poetic justice, becoming a slave himself after selling slaves of war to the British for his own profit.
  106. Why does Oroonoko kill Imoinda? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: Oroonoko decides to kill Imoinda as he apprehends her subjugation and suffering after his death.
  107. Who were the Picts? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: The Picts were a group of ancient pre-Celtic people who lived in the eastern and north-eastern part of modern Scotland and they were so called as they used to paint or tattoo their bodies.
  108. What kind of book is Oroonoko? [NU. 2016, 2019]
    Ans: ‘Oroonoko’ is an anti-colonial novel.
  109. What is Royal Veil? [NU. 2012, 2017; DÚ. (affi) 2016)
    Ans: Royal Veil is a piece of cloth sent by the king to a woman of his choice to make her one of the king’s concubines. It is the highest of honours, which no girl is allowed to refuse.
  110. Who is the great Mistress in Oroonoko? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: The narrator is the great Mistress in Oroonoko.
  111. What kind of a book is Oroonoko?
    Ans: Oroonoko is a novel that deals with the evils of colonialism as an anti-colonial book.
  112. What is the other name of Imoinda? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: Imoinda is called Clemene in the plantation.
  113. How does the narrator present herself in the novel ‘Oroonoko”? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: The narrator, Aphra Behn presents herself as a lady who has come to Surinam with her unnamed father.
  114. What did Oroonoko do to save Imoinda’s honour? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: To protect Imoinda from violation and subjugation after his death, he kills her.
  115. What is Otan? [N.U. 2012, 2018, 2020; DU. (affi) 2016, 2018]
    Ans: Otan is the harem of the African king.
  116. What is the setting of the novel “Oroonoko”? [N.U. 2014; DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: Surinam, located on the north east coast of South America, serves as the setting of the story of Oroonoko.

Robinson Crusoe

  1. Where was Robinson Crusoe born?
    Ans: Robinson Crusoe was born in the English city of York in 1632.
  2. When did Crusoe start his first trip?
    Ans: On the 1st September of 1651, Crusoe boarded a ship bound for London.
  3. What happened to Crusoe after he had boarded the ship in his first trip?
    Ans: As Crusoe did not have any prior experience of sea voyage he began to feel sick both in his body and mind.
  4. How was Crusoe turned into a slave from a merchant?
    Ans: Crusoe’s ship was attacked by the pirates and he was taken as prisoner into Sallee, a port belonging to the Moors.
  5. How was Crusoe and Xury provided with food at their deplorable condition?
    Ans: Unexpectedly they met some Negroes, standing on the shore, who gladly provided them with some food when Crusoe showed some sign of their hunger.
  6. How did Crusoe communicate with the Portuguese sailors?
    Ans: At last a Scottish sailor among the Portuguese sailors spoke to Crusoe in English. Then Crusoe told him that he was an Englishman escaped from the slavery to the Moors at Sallee.
  7. What did Crusoe offer to the sailors after he was rescued?
    Ans: Crusoe immediately offered all he had to the captain of the ship but he generously denied to take anything from Crusoe.
  8. What did the captain of the Portuguese ship tell Crusoe?
    Ans: The captain told that he had saved Crusoe’s life not for any material gain and all his goods would be returned to him safely when the ship would arrive in Brazil.
  9. What did the captain want to buy from Crusoe?
    Ans: The captain wanted to buy Crusoe’s boat for his own use because it was a very good one.
  10. Why did Crusoe decide at last to sell Xury to the captain?
    Ans: When the captain of the Portuguese ship promised to release Xury after ten years if he was faithful and turned Christian, then Crusoe decided to sell Xury.
  11. What amount did the captain give Crusoe for some of his goods?
    Ans: The captain gave Crusoe twenty ducats for the leopard’s skin and forty for the lion’s skin and returned him all other goods safely.
  12. What did Crusoe do to start sugar plantation?
    Ans: Having got the required licence Crusoe purchased as much land as his money could purchase and made a plan to settle there.
  13. Who was Crusoe’s neighbour in Brazil?
    Ans: Crusoe’s neighbour was a Portuguese from Lisbon, but born of English parents. His name was Mr. Wells. Crusoe kept a very good relationship with his neighbour.
  14. How did the shipwreck happen that led to the catastrophe in Crusoe’s life?
    Ans: After twelve days of voyaging a violent storm began to blow furiously. A leak was also found in the ship which ultimately caused that shipwreck.
  15. How many mates were there in that ship?
    Ans: They were eleven in number, and all of them were prepared to meet death in any moment.
  16. What were the things Crusoe had have at the time of shipwreck?
    Ans: Crusoe had only a knife, a tobacco pipe, and a little tobacco in a small box with him.
  17. How did Crusoe spend that deadly night?’
    Ans: Crusoe climbed up a thick bushy tree and spent the night among the branches to be against the attack of wild creatures.
  18. What did he carry from that ship?
    Ans: He filled a box with bread, rice, cheese, dried goat’s flesh, and corn. He collected some liquor and clothes also. He also carried the carpenter’s tool-box..
  19. What did Crusoe carry in his second voyage to the stranded ship?
    Ans: Crusoe made a second voyage to the wrecked ship and carried a number of articles including bags full of nails and spikes. 
  20. What did Crusoe make at first in that land?
    Ans: Crusoe went to work for his survival in that land and first of all made a tent with sails and some poles.
  21. What did he want to build at first?
    Ans: In that uninhabited land Crusoe’s only thought was to secure him against either savages or wild beasts. Thus, he wanted to build a home at first.
  22. What did Crusoe do after the ending of the rainfall?
    Ans: Crusoe started making bags and boxes and filled them with gunpowder so that whatever might happen the entire powder would not get wet or spoil.
  23. What did Crusoe discover on that land?
    Ans: One day Crusoe.discovered that there were goats on that island which was a source of great satisfaction-to him.
  24. How did Crusoe catch goats?
    Ans: As the goats were very swift-footed so it was very difficult for Crusoe to catch them easily. Thus, he fired at them and with his first shot he killed one she-goat.
  25. What had been a regular practice of Crusoe on that land?
    Ans: It had become his practice to climb to the top of a little mountain and to look out for a ship sailing so that he could send signal to rescue him.
  26. Why did he breed tame animals?
    Ans: Crusoe bred some tame animals so that he might get food when his gun powder and ammunition would be spent.”
  27. What was like a miracle to Crusoe on that land?
    Ans: Crusoe became amazed when he saw the ears of barley were coming out from the ground like English barley. It was like a divine miracle to him.
  28. What did Crusoe resolve to sow?
    Ans: Crusoe carefully saved the ears of corn resolving to sow them again in the hope that in course of time he would get sufficient corn for his bread.
  29. How did Crusoe feel at the time of earthquake?
    Ans: Crusoe was in such a fright that he thought that the hill above his habitation would collapse any time and he would be buried. underneath it.
  30. What did he do in a high fever?
    much better though he was still very week and very thirsty also.
  31. What did the man in his dream tell Crusoe?
    Ans: The man in his dream told Crusoe that as Crusoe had never repented of his sins of disobedience and obstinacy he must die on. that desolate land.
  32. How did God respond to Crusoe’s prayer?
    Ans: Crusoe realized that God responded to his prayer tremendously because now he had developed a strong belief on Him. 
  33.  What did Crusoe make a practice on that land?
    Ans: Crusoe made it a practice to read few pages of the Bible every day because the wickedness of his past life came to his mind again and again.
  34. Why did Crusoe cry like a child?
    Ans: On many occasions Crusoe would cry like a child for his repentance and gave his sincere thanks to God for making him realize of his sins.
  35. When did Crusoe sow his crops on that land?
    Ans: Crusoe had to sow his crops on that land with the arrival of the months of November and December.
  36. How did Crusoe make some earthen pots?
    Ans: Crusoe badly needed some earthen pots thus he managed some clay and moulding the paste gave that clay proper shapes without having prior experience.
  37. Why did Crusoe need a stone mortar?
    Ans: Crusoe needed badly a stone mortar so that he could be able to beat some corn in it.
  38. Why did Crusoe tame and breed some goats on that island?
    Ans: The stock of powder and shot was diminishing with the passing times in that land so that Crusoe became alarmed and started taming and breeding goats for future.
  39. What was the new horrifying discovery Crusoe made on that land?
    Ans: Crusoe became horrified seeing a large number of skulls, hands, feet, and bones of human bodies lying close to the shore.
  40. Why was Crusoe constantly haunted by a fear?
    Ans: He was constantly haunted by the dread and horror of being devoured by the savages or cannibals who were about to knocking him.
  41. What did Crusoe do to save the victim?
    Ans: Crusoe came in between the pursuers and pursued and assured the victim not to be afraid.
  42. How did Crusoe make that rescued victim refreshed?
    Ans: After saving the life of that fugitive Crusoe brought him to his natural cave and gave him bread and raisings to eat and some water to drink.
  43. What name did Crusoe bestow on that rescued man?
    Ans: Crusoe began to speak to him and told him that his name was Friday because that was the day on which Crusoe saved his life.
  44. Why was Crusoe alarmed about Friday at the very beginning?
    Ans: Crusoe was quite alarmed about Friday at the very beginning because that man was a savage and previously used to feast on human flesh.
  45. What did Crusoe demonstrate Friday?
    Ans: Crusoe demonstrated Friday how to shoot and kill wild goats and birds. He taught him taking the flesh of goats and birds and prevented him from eating human flesh.
  46. What was the God of Friday?
    Ans: Friday told Crusoe one day that his maker was one old Benamuckee who lived beyond all known places of the universe.
  47. How did Crusoe impart religious knowledge to Friday?
    Ans: Crusoe explained to Friday God, Jesus Christ and the making of the universe. He gave Friday sufficient knowledge about true religion.
  48. What plan did Crusoe make with Friday to escape the land?
    Ans: Crusoe’s dream of escaping the land had never been ended so that he devised a plan to make a suitable boat to sail.
  49. How large was the boat?
    Ans: The boat was large enough to carry twenty men.
  50. How did Friday discover his father as a prisoner?
    Ans: To his utter surprise and a greatest joy Friday discovered his father among the miserable prisoners who was no other than his own father.
  51. Who were rescued by Crusoe from the savages? [NU. 2012]
    Ans: First of all Friday was rescued then Crusoe rescued a European and Friday’s father from the clutches of the prisoner.
  52. How did Crusoe understand the Spaniard?
    Ans: Friday became the interpreter between the Spaniard and Crusoe because that Spaniard spoke the language of the savages pretty well.
  53. Why did Crusoe decide to rescue the sixteen white men?
    Ans: If those sixteen white men would co-operate Crusoe then they would be able to build a large ship which would carry them either to Brazil or towards the Spanish coast.
  54. What did the Spaniard assure Crusoe?
    Ans: The Spaniard assured that those white men would never behave treacherously and if it was necessary he would go to them with Friday’s father to negotiate the matter.
  55. What did the Spaniard advise Crusoe?
    Ans: He further advised that it would be wise for them at that moment to dig and cultivate more land and to raise crop in order to reap a fair harvest to feed them.
  56. What did the Spaniard remind Crusoe?
    Ans: He reminded Crusoe of a Biblical épisode where after being delivered the children of Israel from the tyranny of Egypt rejoiced first but later rebelled against God for the food crisis.
  57. How did Crusoe discover the identity of the prisoners?
    Ans: Crusoe revealed himself fully before the prisoners and came to know that one of them was the displaced captain of an English ship and others were his supporters..
  58. How did Crusoe obtain victory in the fight against the mutineers.
    Ans: Crusoe distributed guns and ammunition to the three prisoners in order to arm them against the battle with the mutineers and consequently obtained victory.
  59. How did Crusoe depart from the land?
    Ans: Crusoe left that island with the help of the captain whom he helped recover his ship from the clutches of some mutineers.
  60. When did Crusoe reach England?
    Ans: Crusoe arrived in England on the 11th June, 1687, having been absent from his country for thirty-five years.
  61. Why did Crusoe meet that widow?
    Ans: Crusoe had some money in her keeping, which Crusoe. badly needed so that he met that widow first of all.
  62. What was a great surprise to Crusoe regarding his plantation?
    Ans: Crusoe came to know that he was the master of more than five thousand pounds’, and had an estate in Brazil yielding an income of a thousand pounds a year..
  63. How long was Crusoe in Brazil with his plantation? [N.U. 2013, 2015]
    Ans: Crusoe had spent four years in Brazil with his plantation.
  64. What did Crusoe’s father want him to study? [NU. 2015; DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: His father wanted him to study law.
  65. Why was the gunpowder very important to Crusoe? [NU. Q:65. Why 2016]
    Ans: His security was wholly dependent on that gunpowder because only with gunpowder he could hunt any animal for his food and could save himself from any wild beast.
  66. What-was-Crusoe’s dream from the very beginning of his life? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: From the very childhood. Crusoe wanted to go to the sea which was never permitted by his parents.
  67. How many years did Crusoe stay in the isolated island? [NU. 2017; DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Crusoe stayed for 23 years on the island.
  68. Who was Friday? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: Friday was the rescued man by Crusoe from cannibals.
  69. What is Black Friday? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: It is the day set aside for punishment.
  70. What furniture did Crusoe make on the land? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: First, he made a table and a chair without having any prior experience of handling a carpenter’s tool in his life. Then he made a number of shelves to arrange some of his goods.
  71. Why did Crusoe need sieve? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: Crusoe needed a sieve to separate the bran and the husk from the grains because, without doing that, he could not obtain the flour to make bread.
  72. What was the first condition that Crusoe gave the prisoners? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: The first condition Crusoe gave them was that, as long as they stayed on that land with him they must treat him as the supreme authority.
  73. Why did Crusoe want to stay near the sea? [N.U. 2014, 2019]
    Crusoe stayed near the sea to watch for passing ships in case he needed to signal for rescue.
  74. Who was Xury? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: Xury was a simple, innocent Muslim boy who was the companion of Robinson while he was held in slavery by the Turkish Captain and Robinson sold him to a Portuguese Captain in exchange of sixty pieces of eight.
  75. Where did Crusoe find corns? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: Crusoe found a little bag among the things he had carried from the ship in which there was a little bag containing some corns.
  76. What did Crusoe decide after the quake? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: In his distressing mental condition Crusoe decided not to live in a cave after the quake had subsided.
  77. According to Crusoe, what was his original sin? [NU. 2013, 2017,2020]
    Crusoe’s original sin was mainly ignoring his father’s advice.
  78. Why did Crusoe give up his plan to settle in Brazil? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: Crusoe was a Protestant Christian while the Brazilians were Roman Catholics. If he would settle there, he must sacrifice his religion. Thus, he decided not to settle in Brazil.
  79. What role did Friday play? [N.U. 2012]
    Ans: Friday played the role of an interpreter between his father and Crusoe as Crusoe could not understand his father’s language.
  80. Why did Robinson Crusoe become repentant? [NU. 2014]
    Ans: When Crusoe was sick, he saw a terrible man in his dream. He was terribly frightened and became repentant to God.
  81. Which port of France did Crusoe take ship from? [NU. 2015]
    Ans: Crusoe took ship from the French port Calais.

Tom Jones

  1. What is the subject matter of the novel Tom Jones? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: Human nature is the subject matter of the novel Tom Jones.
  2. Who was Mr. Allworthy? [DU. (affi) 2018]
    Ans: Mr. Allworthy was a squire living in a village of Somersetshire.
  3. What was the name of Allworthy’s sister?
    Ans: The name of Allworthy’s sister was Miss Bridget.
  4. What did Allworthy do for the baby sleeping in his bed?
    Ans: Allworthy ordered Deborah Wilkins, an elderly woman- servant of his house to pick up the baby and look after it with every possible care.
  5. Who was Jenny Jones?
    Ans: Jenny Jones was once a household servant of Mr. Allworthy’s house. Then she became the servant-cum-pupil of the school master Mr. Partridge.
  6. What was Allworthy’s reaction to his sister’s marriage?
    Ans: Miss Bridget married Captain Blifil secretly. But her brother Allworthy accepted the marriage though Blifil was a man below his social status.
  7. When did Miss Bridget Allworthy give birth to her son?
    Ans: After eight months of marriage between Bridget and Blifil, Bridget gave birth to a fine boy child.
  8. Why was Jenny Jones dismissed from his service?
    Ans: Jenny Jones worked as the maid servant in Mr. Partridge’s house. One day Mrs. Partridge suspected her relation with Mr. Partridge and dismissed her.
  9. Why did Mrs. Partridge attack her husband?
    Ans: One day Mrs. Partridge heard from a females-assembly that Jenny Jones had given birth to a bastard. She suspected that her husband was the father of that bastard. Coming home she attacked her husband without any question.
  10. How did all the plots against Tom Jones come to an end?
    Ans: All plots against Tom Jones came to an end by the sudden death of Captain Blifil from apoplexy.
  11. Why did Tom not mention of Black George as his co-offender?
    Ans: Tom Jones did never mention the name of his friend Black George because he himself instigated George to shoot. Besides, Tom did not want the poor servant to be punished for his (Toms) crime.
  12. Why did one day Tom attack Master Blifil? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: One day Master Blifil called Tom a beggarly bastard, and with Blifif. At once he attacked Blifil and gave a Tom got very angry blow on his nose.
  13. Why did Mr. Allworthy dismiss Black George from service?
    Ans: Hearing all from Tom, Allworthy was kind to George, but he thought it not justified to keep him in service, and so, he dismissed George from the service.
  14. How did Tom help Black George in the long run?
    Ans: In the long run, Tom took the help of Sophia, the beautiful daughter of Squire Western and managed a job in Western’s manor.
  15. How was Molly saved from imprisonment?
    Ans: Tom Jones fell on the feet of Mr. Allworthy, and confessed his offence of being the father of Molly’s child. Thus, Molly was saved from penalty of prison.
  16. How did Mr. Allworthy prepare his will before death?
    Ans: All of a sudden, Allworthy fell seriously ill, and prepared a will bequeathing all his properties to his nephew Blifil, and annual pensions for Bridget and Tom Jones.
  17. Where did Blifil’s mother Mrs. Bridget Blifil die?
    Ans: Blifil’s mother Mrs. Bridget Blifil died suddenly at Salisbury where she went for a visit.
  18. How did Tom meet Molly in the field?
    Ans: After quarrelling with Blifil, Tom went out into the field for soothing himself. Molly came there all of a sudden. There they became closer to each other.
  19. How was Tom fatally injured in the field?
    Ans: When Tom and Molly got closer to each other in the field, Blifil went there with Thwackum. Molly hid herself in the thick bush. Blifil asked Tom to know who the girl was. Tom refused, and a fighting ensued between two sides. As a result, Tom was seriously injured.
  20. How did Sophia react when her aunt proposed her marriage with Blifil?
    Ans: Sophia could not accept her aunt’s proposal of marriage with Blifil.
  21. How did Squire Western react when Sophia disagreed to marry Blifil?
    Ans: Squire Western burst into rage and warned Sophia that he would not give her single farthing if she does not agree to marry Master Blifil.
  22. How did Squire Western come to know that Sophia was in love with Tom?
    Ans: Squire Western came to know from his sister that Tom was in love with Tom.
  23. What did Sophia do learning all about Tom from his letter?
    Ans: Reading Tom’s letter, Sophia was very shocked at the predicament of Tom. She at once sent him sixteen Guineas which was all the money she had.
  24. Why did Tom set out for Bristol?
    Ans: Tom made up his mind to go on a sea voyage. So, he hired a horse and set out for Bristol.
  25. What happened to Tom on his way to Bristol?
    Ans: On his way to Bristol Tom reached a village where he came to know that he had lost way.
  26. Why did Tom buy a sword?
    Ans: Tom bought a sword to take revenge on ensign Northerton?
  27. What advice did the lieutenant give to Tom?
    Ans: The lieutenant, the commander of the company advised Tom to have patience and wait for a noble revenge on Notherton.
  28. What was the actual identity of barber Benjamin?
    Ans: Hearing the life story of Tom Jones, Benjamin decided to disclose to him his real identity. He told that he was the school master Mr. Partridge who was supposed to be the father of Tom.
  29. What did Benjamin propose to Tom?
    Ans: The barber Benjamin proposed to Tom to take him as a companion of Tom’s adventure. He offered Tom all the money he had that time.
  30. Who was the owner of the cottage where Tom and Partridge took shelter?
    Ans: An old man who was known in the locality as the man of the hill was the owner of the cottage where Tom and Partridge took shelter.
  31. What philosophy of life did the old man of the hill gain from his life?
    Ans: The old man gained the cynical philosophy that the human nature all over the world was the combination of the same hypocrisy, the same fraud, the same vices and follies dressed in different shapes.
  32. How did Tom save the woman from the hand of Northerton?
    Ans: Tom pounced upon the ruffian Northerton and saved the woman from his grip.
  33. What was the name of the woman Tom rescued from Northerton?
    Ans: The name of the woman was Mrs. Water, the wife of captain Water.
  34. How were Tom and the landlady reconciled with each other?
    Ans: A sergeant recognized the distressed woman as the wife of a captain. The landlady begged an earnest apology to the woman, and then all involved in the conflict were reconciled.
  35. What was the name of the Irish gentleman who attacked Tom?
    Ans: The Irish gentleman who attacked Tom in the inn was Mr. Fitzpatrick by name.
  36. How did Sophia arrive at the Inn?
    Ans: Sophia came out of her father’s house in search of Tom. Incidentally she arrived with her personal maid Mrs. Honour at the same Inn where Tom had been that night.
  37. What did Tom do after the Squire had left the inn?
    Ans: Tom made no delay to leave the inn. He, with his companion Partridge, set out in no time in quest of his beloved Sophia.
  38. How were both Sophia and Harriet helped by an Irish peer?
    Ans: An Irish peer was staying in the inn that time. He offered both Sophia and Harriet to ride with him in his coach which was an unexpected blessing for the ladies.
  39. What was the secret plan of Partridge to prevent Tom from wandering in the country?
    Ans: Partridge expressed to the people in the inn that his master Tom was out of his brain and has become abnormal in behaviour. Some of the people in the inn agreed with Partridge and decided to sent Tom to his house by force.
  40. What did Tom tell to the lawyer Mr. Dowling?
    Ans: Tom told Mr. Dowling the story of his life. He also told that he did never envy Blifil for being the heir of Squire Allworthy. He was only very sad that Blifil was basically a rascal.
  41. How did Tom tackle the highwayman?
    Ans: The highwayman was a novice in this line. Tom could easily overpower the robber who confessed that it was his first attempt in that line and he did so as his family was in great distress.
  42. How did Tom come to the house of Mrs. Fitzpatrick?
    Ans: Arriving in London Tom launched into searching for Sophia, but all was in vain. At last he reached the door of Mrs. Fitzpatrick by chance.
  43. What advice did Lady Bellaston give to Tom about his search for Sophia?
    Ans: Lady Bellaston advised Tom to give up his quest for Sophia and forget her for ever.
  44. Why did Tom give financial help to Mr. Anderson?
    Ans: One day Mrs. Miller related to Tom the distressed condition of Mr. Anderson. Tom felt pity for Anderson and gave him the money he got from Lady Bellaston.
  45. How did Tom happen to meet Sophia by a chance?
    Ans: One day Lady Bellaston sent Sophia and her maid to watch a play in the theatre, and she invited Tom to meet her in her house. Tom came to her house according to her desire. Sophia returned from the theatre at the middle of the play and saw Tom in the house of Lady Bellaston.
  46. What was the relationship between Mr. Nightingale and Nancy.
    Ans: Mr. Nightingale and Nancy loved each other and Nightingale gave words to Nancy to marry her in no time. Mr. Nightingale lodged in a room of MIS. Miller.
  47. What did Tom do to help Nancy and her family?
    Ans: Tom consoled Mrs. Miller saying that he would do as much as he could for Nancy. He went to Nightingale and with his consent he met his father. Tom tried his best to convince Nightingale’s old father to accept Nancy as his daughter-in-law.
  48. How was the problem between Nightingale and Nancy solved at last?
    Ans: Tom conducted with the uncle of Nightingale who intervened into the matter and supported his nephew. Then it was decided that Nightingale will marry Nancy next morning.
  49. How did Lord Fellamar fell in love with Sophia?
    Ans: One day Lord Fellamar accompanied Sophia from the theatre to her house. Sophia’s physical beauty and the sweetness of her voice attracted Fellamar so much that he fell in her passionate love.
  50. What role did Tom play to arrange the marriage between Nancy and Nightingale?
    Ans: Tom Jones played the role of father to arrange the marriage between Nancy and Mr. Nightingale.
  51. How did Tom get rid of the grips of Lady Bellaston?
    Ans: Mr. Nightingale told Tom all about Lady Bellaston’s character, and suggested him some stratagem to get rid of her grip. Tom followed his suggestion and got rid of the lady.
  52. Where was Sophia kept after she was caught by her father?
    Ans: Sophia was kept as a kind of prisoner in a lodging in Piccadilly hired by Squire Western.
  53. What did Mr. Blifil do to win Sophia as his wife?
    Ans: Mr. Blifil arrived in London with his uncle Squire Allworthy. He gave his uncle word that he would do his best to win Sophia’s love by courtship.
  54. Why was Tom imprisoned in London?
    Ans: Mr. Fitzpatrick suspected that Tom had a sex relation with his wife. Out of jealousy he provoked Tom to a duel with him. In the duel Mr. Fitzpatrick was seriously injured and Tom was imprisoned on the charge of attempt to murder.
  55. Who was the actual father of Tom according to the statement of Mrs. Waters?
    Ans: According to the statement of Mrs. Waters, a young man named Summer who once lived in Allworthy’s house was the actual father of Tom Jones.
  56. What did Mr. Allworthy do after learning that Tom was his sister’s son?
    Ans: After learning that Tom was his sister’s son, Mr. Allworthy went to Sophia and proposed her to marry Tom instead of Blifil.
  57. How did Tom meet Mr. Allworthy after getting release from the prison?
    Ans: After getting release from the prison Tom met Allworthy humbly with due respect as he always had shown him from far and near. The meeting between uncle and nephew was so moving and touching.
  58. How were Tom and Sophia reconciled in the long run?
    Ans: Squire Western arranged an interview between Tom and Sophia in his house. Tom confessed all his faults and follies to Sophia and begged his pardon. Sophia granted Tom a year to observe his change of character. Tom was so excited to hear so from Sophia that he hugged her in his arms and kissed her again and again with fiery passion.
  59. Who was the supposed mother of Tom Jones? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: Miss Jenny Jones (later Mrs Waters)
  60. Whom did Miss Bridget marry in “Tom Jones”? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: Miss. Bridget married Captain Blifil, brother of Doctor Blifil who was one of the friendly acquaintances of Allworthy.
  61. Why was Molly sentenced to prison by Mr. Allworthy? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: Molly gave birth to a bastard child and Mr. Allworthy in his magisterial power sentenced her to prison.
  62. Who got the pounds that Tom lost near the brook?
    Ans: Black George got the pounds which Tom lost near the brook, but he did not reveal it.
  63. Why was Mrs. Western annoyed with Sophia?
    Ans: During her interview with Lord Fellamar, Sophia flatly rejected the proposal of the lord which annoyed Mrs. Western very much with Sophia.
  64. Who was the real mother of Tom Jones? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: Miss Bridget Allworthy, the sister of Mr. Allworthy was the real mother of Tom Jones.
  65. Why did the Allworthy gift Tom a little horse? [NU, 2019]
    Ans: Mr. Allworthy gave Tom a little horse to make amends for the punishment he had received from Thwackum for the shooting of a bird which was actually shot by Black George at the instigation of Tom.
  66. Why was Master Bilfil envious of Tom?
    Ans: Master Blifil was envious of Tom because he wanted to win Sophia who loved Tom.
  67. Who was Sophia? [NU. 2016, 2019; DU. (affi) 2017]
    Sophia was Squire Western’s beautiful daughter, who lived near Squire Allworthy’s estate.
  68. What does the name ‘Allworthy’ signify? [NU. 2017, 2019]
    Ans: The name, Allworthy’ signifies that he was worthy of doing all things.
  69. Who were the two tutors of Tom and Blifil? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: They were Thwackum and Square.
  70. Who was Molly Seagrim? [DU. (affi) 2016; 2018, NU. 2020]
    Ans: Molly Seagrim was a beautiful daughter of the gamekeeper Black George.
  71. Where did Sophia stay in the city of London? [NU. 2020]
    Sophia stayed at the house of Lady Bellaston in London.
  72. What is a picaresque novel? [DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: The picaresque novel is a kind of fiction treating the adventures of the rogues and vagabonds mainly on the high way in the course of their journeys.

Gulliver’s Travels

  1. Who was Gulliver?
    Ans: Lemuel Gulliver was the third of five sons of a small land- owner in Notinghamshire. At the age of fourteen he was sent to Emanuel college in Cambridge where he involved himself closely in his studies.
  2. How was Gulliver fed by the people of Lilliput?
    Ans: Several ladders were applied to Gulliver’s sides on which hundreds of inhabitants mounted and walked towards his mouth with baskets full of meat and drink.
  3.  What does ‘Quinebus Flestrine’ mean? [NU. 2012; DU. (affi) 2016]
    Ans: It means “great mountain man”.
  4. How was Gulliver chained at that temple?
    Ans: The chains that held Gulliver’s left leg were about two yards long. That gave him not only the liberty of walking backwards and forwards in a semicircle but allowed him to creep in and lie at his full length in that temple.
  5. Why did the King became pleased about Gulliver’s ability?
    Ans: Within three weeks Gulliver made great progress in learning their language. The Emperor became very pleased to communicate with Gulliver.
  6. Why was Gulliver searched in Lilliput?
    Ans: Gulliver was searched in Lilliput according to the prevailing law of the country. The King was afraid that Gulliver might carry dangerous weapons which might cause. destruction to their people.
  7. What did the candidates for good jobs do in Lilliput to obtain a greater employment?
    Ans: To obtain a greater employment rope-dancing is one of the prevailing customs in Lilliput. To gain the favour of the King and his supporters rope dancing was practised by the candidates for great employment.
  8. What was the way of the King’s favourites to be awarded with the silken threads?
    Ans: The King held the stick tightly and moved it while the candidates had to leap over or creep under it backwards and forwards
  9. How did Gulliver attain liberty from his chains?
    Ans: Gulliver had to take oath on several conditions before he became free in Lilliput. He was required to swear first like his own country then by the laws of Lilliput.
  10. What did the Empress do seeing Gulliver?
    Ans: The Empress was pleased to see Gulliver. She smiled very graciously upon him and gave her hand out of the window to kiss on it.
  11. Why did Gulliver seize the fleet of Blefuscu?
    Ans: In order to protect Lilliput from a foreign invasion Gulliver had to seize the whole fleet of Blefuscu.
  12. How was the common feature of animals and trees in Lilliput?
    Ans: As the common size of the people was under six inches, thus there was an exact proportion in all other animals as well as plants and trees.
  13. What was the prevailing law in Lilliput regarding the dead?
    Ans: The Lilliputians used to bury their dead with their heads directly downwards as they believed that after eleven thousand moons they would rise again.
  14. Where did the parents of that country send children for education?
    Ans: The country had public nurseries in every town where every parent except cottagers and laborers was obliged to send their children. Infants of both sexes were reared and educated in those nurseries till the age of twenty moons.
  15. What did Gulliver tell the King of Blefuscu?
    Ans: Gulliver told the king that according to his promise he had come to meet him. He also told that, he had a desire to meet the mighty monarch of Blefuscu and he was quite ready to serve him within his power.
  16. What punishment for Gulliver had been decided by the King of Lilliput?
    Ans: If Gulliver did not return to Lilliput within two hours he would be deprived of his title Nardic awarded by the King of Lilliput for his heroic contribution towards Lilliputians and would be declared as traitor.
  17. How did the farmer’s daughter treat with Gulliver?
    Ans: The farmer had a daughter of nine years old who was very fond of Gulliver. That girl was very intelligent, so she began teaching Gulliver the language of that country.
  18. How did the girl call Gulliver in that country?
    Ans: She named Gulliver ‘Grildrig’ which the family took up and later the whole kingdom. In English the meaning of that name was little man.
  19. How did Gulliver address the little girl of the farmer?
    Ans: Gulliver really owed to that girl for her caring nature and called her ‘Glumdalclitch’ or little nurse.
  20. How did Gulliver impress the Queen?
    Ans: The Queen made general questions about Gulliver’s country and travels which Gulliver answered distinctly within few words. Her Majesty then became highly delighted with Gulliver’s perform ance.
  21. What did the Queen order her cabinet-maker?
    Ans: The Queen ordered his own cabinet-maker to arrange a box that might serve Gulliver as a bed-chamber. Within three weeks that ingenious ‘man had made a wooden chamber like a London bed- chamber for Gulliver.
  22. What did Gulliver do to impress the Queen?
    Ans: Gulliver collected some leather and some strongest stumps of hair from the King’s barber and with those things made some nice chairs and gifted the Queen. The Queen became impressed at the sight of those chairs.
  23. What did the King of Brobdingnag do while Gulliver was giving a discourse of his country?
    Ans: The King was taking several notes of what Gulliver was telling about his country and he was also preparing possible questions he intended to ask.
  24. How did the King finally expressed his opinion against the then British Empire?
    Ans: The King finally commented that, the British Empire was nothing but only a heap of conspiracies, rebellion, murders, massacres, revolutions, banishment, faction, hypocrisy, lust, malice and ambitions.
  25. Why did Gulliver inform the King about the use of gunpowder?
    Ans: Gulliver was very grateful to the King for various reasons, thus, in order to gain the favour of the King he informed some effective use of gunpowder in his country.
  26. How was Gulliver picked out by an Eagle?
    Ans: Gulliver became very much tired of his services so, with his nurse he came to the sea for fresh air. He fell asleep in the absence of his guide and discovered himself flying in the sky on the back of an eagle.
  27. How did Gulliver was aided by a captain in a ship from the clutches of an eagle?
    Ans: Somehow Gulliver came out of the awful situation in the beak of an eagle and very fortunately was aided by the captain of a ship. The captain was a worthy man who observed Gulliver closely and helped him to reach his home.
  28. How did Gulliver reach the island of Laputa?
    Ans: Depriving Gulliver of his all belongings the pirates left him in a desolate island where he perceived an unyielding moving island between himself and the sun. That moving body was called the Flying Island or Laputa.
  29. How did the King of Laputa behave with Gulliver?
    Ans: The King behaved with Gulliver very well. Being very hos pitable he ordered for Gulliver an apartment and employed two servants to attend him who brought dinner for him.
  30. What was the temperament of the female in that Flying Island?
    Ans: The most remarkable thing in that land was the nature of the female in general, who were utterly different than their speculative male partners.
  31. Why did the women of that land preferred strangers?
    Ans: The women of that land usually condemned their husbands because of their indifferent nature and became fond of the strangers. There were many strangers from the continent below among them the ladies used to choose their lovers.
  32. Which was called the Flandona Gagnola in Laputa?
    Ans: At the centre of the island there was a chasm from where the astronomers used to descend into a large dome, which was therefore called Flandona Gagnola, or the Astronomers’ Cave.
  33. Why did Gulliver want to leave Laputa?
    Ans: Though Gulliver was not ill treated in that land but he felt himself too much neglected because the people of that land were interested only in mathematics and music. Thus he treated himself as inferior to them and decided to leave that land.
  34. How did Gulliver leave Laputa?
    Ans: With the help of a great Lord in the Court nearly related to the King, Gulliver was able to leave that country successfully.
  35. Why did Gulliver arrive at Glubbdubdrib from Lagado?
    Ans: On the way to Luggnagg Gulliver was informed that, the ships bound for Luggnagg were not ready and it would be wise for Gulliver to take a trip to the little island of Glubbdubdrib. Thus, Gulliver decided to make a short trip at Glubbdubdrib.
  36. How did Gulliver appear before the King at Luggnagg?
    Ans: At Luggnagg if anyone wanted to appear before the King he had to crawl upon his belly and lick the floor as he advanced. Accordingly Gulliver carried out the ritual in order to meet the King.
  37. What would Gulliver do if he were an immortal?
    Ans: First of all Gulliver would be extremely rich, then he would involve himself to the study of arts and philosophy in order to be a most learned person, and finally he would become a living treasury of knowledge and wisdom.
  38. What was the plight of those immortals seen by Gulliver?
    Ans: The Struldbruggs were despised and hated by all sorts of people and when they were born, their birth was treated as ominous and recorded very particularly.
  39. How did Gulliver reach the country of the Houyhnhnms?
    Ans: Before Gulliver came to the country of the Houyhnhnms he was attacked by the members of his crew who were pirates previously. They put Gulliver down on the sea-coast and sailed away leaving him in a new country about which he knew nothing.
  40. What was the status of the Yahoos in that country?
    Ans: The Yahoos of that land seemed to be subservient to the Houyhnhnms who were in command of the position. Gulliver found that the Yahoos were mentally and morally inferior to the horses and his reaction to them was quite adverse.
  41. How did the Houyhnhnms behave with the Yahoos?
    Ans: The Houyhnhnms behaved with the Yahoos like a slave. Some of the Yahoos were at the service of the Houyhnhnms who used to throw a piece of rotten flesh to a yahoo and that animal, devoured it greedily.
  42. What was intolerable to Gulliver in the country of the Houyhnhnms?
    Ans: Gulliver could not tolerate the degenerate and brutal nature of the Yahoos who, in physical appearance, thoroughly resem bled the human beings in his country.
  43. What did Gulliver inform his master about the sole duty of the horses in England?
    Ans: The sole duty of the horses in Gulliver’s country was to carry heavy load or human beings on their backs and serve their masters as best as they could.
  44. How did the Master criticize Gulliver and his countrymen?
    Ans: The master became astonished hearing the prevailing vices in Gulliver’s country and became contemptible towards the human race. Now he found a great resemblance between the Yahoos and humankind.
  45. What did Gulliver inform the master about the causes of wars in England?
    Ans: Gulliver informed his master that, sometimes the ambition of the princes, sometimes the corruption of the masters, or different trifling issues caused in England bloody wars which usually brought a devastating experience for the common men.
  46. What did the Yahoos do to have a possession of shining stones?
    Ans: Thee Yahoos tried to possess the shining stones at any cost. When two Yahoos were fighting each other for their possession of a shining stone, sometimes a third Yahoo took the advantage and carried it away from them.
  47. What was the loathsome habit of eating of the Yahoos?
    Ans: One of the loathsome habits of the Yahoos was to eat everything that came to them whether it was herb, root, berry, rotten flesh or animal or all these mixed together.
  48. How was the nature of female Yahoo in that country?
    Ans: The female Yahoos of that country were filled with lust, vulgarity and coquetry like some female in England.
  49. What did the master confess to Gulliver?
    Ans: The master confessed that he had a great liking for Gulliver because he had a much sophisticated mind than that of the Yahoos and he always treated Gulliver as a superior kind of Yahoo.
  50. What did Gulliver hate most among the human vices?
    Ans: Gulliver hated pride most and said that he could tolerate a lawyer, a pickpocket, a fool, a gambler, a politician, a physician or a traitor if they had discarded from them the sense of pride.
  51. Why did a female Yahoo attack Gulliver during his bathing in the river? [N.U. 2013]
    Ans: One day when Gulliver was bathing in a river, impressed by his well-built physic suddenly a female Yahoo rushed towards him and caught him in a close embrace to satisfy her lustful passion.
  52. Where was Gulliver kept as a captive in Lilliput? [NU. 2013]
    Ans: It was decided that Gulliver should be lodged in an ancient temple which was the largest in the whole kingdom.
  53. Why did the people of Gulliver’s country drink wine? [NU. 2013]
    The people of Gulliver’s country drank wine to forget their troubles and fears, but it had severe effects on their bodies.
  54. How did Gulliver escape from the island of Lilliput to Blefuscu? [NU. 2015]
    Ans: Gulliver had a licence to pay a visit to Blefuscu, so he took the opportunity to take shelter at the island of Blefuscu because, articles of impeachment were falsely set against him.
  55. Why were the immortals miserable? [NU. 2015]
    Ans: The immortals were miserable because they longed for death which did not come to them. The infirmities of the preceding years made those people the most wretched.
  56. Who is High Admiral of Lilliput? [NU. 2015]
    Ans: Skyresh Bolgolam
  57. How many seamstresses were employed to prepare dress for Gulliver. [NU. 2016]
    Ans: Two hundred seamstresses were employed to prepare shirt for Gulliver and linen for his bed and table. They prepared coarsest kind of cloths folding their normal ones several times.
  58. How was Gulliver called by the Lilliputians? [NU. 2016]
    Ans: The people of Lilliput used to called Gulliver Man-Mountain or Quinebus Flestrine.
  59. Mention the full title of the third part of Gulliver’s Travels. [NU. 2017]
    Ans: “A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdub- drib and Japan”
  60. What was the name of the metropolis of Brobdingnag?
    Ans: The metropolis was called in their language Lorbrulgrad, or the Pride of the Universe.
  61. Who is Skyresh Bolgolam? [NU. 2012, 2017]
    Skyresh Bolgolam is the high Admiral of Lilliput and a counselor of the Emperor.
  62. Which Political Party of England has been satirized in Book I of Gulliver’s Travels? [NU. 2017]
    Ans: The Tories and the Whigs
  63. What title was awarded to Gulliver for his valiant deed in Lilliput? [NU. 2018]
    Ans: The Emperor of Lilliput became highly pleased with Gulliver for his success in protecting the land and awarded him with ‘Nardic’ the highest title of honour in that land.
  64. Why did Gulliver buy two young Yahoos? [NU. 2018; DU. (affi) 2017]
    Ans: Initially he could not endure the very presence of his wife and children and even their smell was intolerable to him. Finally, he bought two young horses whom he treated very kindly and regarded as his true companions.
  65. How did Gulliver find himself in Lilliput after a sound sleep? [NU. 2019]
    Ans: Gulliver found his arms and legs strongly tied on each side to the ground and his long and thick hair tied down in the same manner when he woke up after a sound sleep.
  66. Who do the Lilliputians represent allegorically? [NU. 2012, 2019]
    Ans: The Lilliputians, represent the petty and small-minded people of England in particular and humankind in general.
  67. Who were the secret enemies of Gulliver in Lilliput? [NU. 2020]
    Ans: Gulliver’s secret enemies were Skyresh Bolgolam, the High Admiral and Flimnap, the High Treasurer.
  68. What are the two races mentioned in part IV of Gulliver’s Travels? [NU. 2014, 2020]
    Ans: Yahoos and Houyhnhnms are the two races mentioned in part IV of Gulliver’s Travels.
  69. Where was Lagado situated? [NU. 2018, 2020; DU. (affi) 2016, 2018]
    Ans: Lagado was the metropolis of the flying island, Laputa which is situated below on the firm earth.
  70. How was Gulliver taken to the capital city from the sea- shore? [NU, 2016]
    Ans: Nine hundred of the strongest men were employed to draw up the cords to carry Gulliver to the capital.
  71. How was Gulliver rescued from the bowl of cream? [NU. 2014]
    Ans: The nurse took Gulliver out of the bowl after he had swum for some time and swallowed more than a quart of cream.