Broad Q of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

  • Doctor Faustus
    1. Justify Dr. Faustus as an embodiment of the Renaissance spirit. /
      What are the Renaissance elements you find in Dr. Faustus. Ans.
    2. Discuss Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero. Ans.
    3. Discuss Doctor Faustus as a morality play / religious play.
    4. Discuss the comic scenes / Dramatic scenes in Doctor Faustus. /
      Comment on the dramatic significance of the last scene in Doctor Faustus.
    5. Is Faustus’ damnation justified? Discuss.
  • Macbeth
    1. Discuss Macbeth as a tragedy of ambition / Evaluate Macbeth as a tragic hero.
    2. Depict the character of Macbeth. / Lady Macbeth. /
      How far is lady Macbeth responsible for the tragic calamity in “Macbeth”.
    3. How do Witches influence Macbeth’s decisions and actions? /
      To what extent do the Witches influence Macbeth’s decision and action? /
      Discuss / show how the weird sisters help in developing the plot of Macbeth show the forebodings influence the action in Macbeth.
  • The Merchant of Venice
    1. Discuss / Analyze the role / character of Portia / Antonio in “The Merchant of Venice”.
    2. Discuss / Narrate the trial scene of “The Marchant of Venice”.
    3. Discuss the ring episode / basket episode from The Marchant of Venice. /
      Write on the dramatic importance of the ‘Ring episode’ in “The Marchant of Venice”.
    4. Sketch the character of Shylock.
  • Volpone
    1. How does the writer satire the contemporary English society in Volpone? /
      Volpone is a satire on the contemporary English society, Elucidate.
    2. Discuss Volpone as a comedy of humor / dark comedy.
    3. Justify Volpone as a beast fable.
    4. Sketch the character / role of Moska in the play “Volpone”.
  • The Duchess of Malfi
    1. How the Duchess of Malfi is glorified? /
      How has the personality of the Duchess been glorified through her untold sufferings? Discuss.
    2. Discuss “The Duchess of Malfi” portrays a corrupt society.
    3. Discuss “The Duchess of Malfi” as a revenge tragedy / play.