Broad Questions of Introduction to Linguistics


  1. Discuss the relationship between language and culture. Ans

Concepts of Linguistics

  1. What is linguistics? Discuss linguistics as a science. Ans
  2. Discuss the scopes/areas/branches of Linguistics. Ans
  3. Who is Chomsky? Describe Chomsky’s contribution to Linguistics. / Competence and Performance. Ans
  4. Discuss Saussure’s contribution to linguistics/concept of langue and parole. Ans

Phonetics and Phonology

  1. What is Phonetics? Discuss the different branches of phonetics. Ans
  2. Discuss different organs of speech for producing speech sounds with a diagram. Ans
  3. Discuss cardinal vowels and show their positions through a diagram. Ans
  4. What is stress? Discuss its types and rules of stress placement in English words. Ans
  5. What is a diphthong? Discuss the classification of English diphthongs with a diagram.
  6. What is Assimilation? Discuss the rules of assimilation. Ans


  1. What is morphology/morpheme? Classify the morphemes/ mention the inflectional and derivational morphemes. Ans


  1. What is PS grammar? Discuss the structure, function, strengths, and limitations of Phrase Structure Grammar.
  2. What is IC analysis? Exemplify IC analysis through a tree diagram.


  1. What is semantics? Provide an analysis of major lexical relations.
  2. Discuss the types of lexical relationships.


  1. What is pragmatics? How is pragmatics different from semantics?
  2. What is the cooperative principle? Discuss with reference to Grecians maxims
  3. Discuss the syntagmatic and paradigmatic concepts of language.

Discourse Analysis

  1. How is the spoken language different from written language?


  1. Discuss the Monitor Model Theory of Stephen Krashen for L2 teaching.


  1. Make a comparative study of behaviorist and mentalist theory of L-1 acquisition.