Crossing Brooklyn Ferry (Flood-tide below me! I see you face to face!) By Walt Whitman.

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The poem is a description of natural beauty beside the Brooklyn river. The poet depicts the natural beauty of Brooklyn through the power of his poetry. When he and some of the passengers were crossing the river, the natural beauty of Brooklyn attracted him. So he composed the poem. It’s a philosophical poem. The poet expresses his indirect conception of the unity of all things despite their different appearances. The beauty of a thing is different from one stage to another stage. It is a mystical experience for the poet. A sense of unity and unreality of time and space. The poet feels a presence of a divine reality behind and within the ordinary world. He sees one undivided changeless life in all lives. According to him, all things are permanent. The poem also makes a relationship between body and soul with the help of mysticism. The poet gave a beautiful description of nature. The scenes made the poet happy and gave him pleasure. He identifies that nature is a part of a ground existence.