Discuss the theme of human experience in Whitman’s “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”.

Ans: “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” published in 1856 is one of the masterpieces of Walt Whitman in the section titled “Leaves of Grass”. In this poem, Whitman expresses his philosophical view about the unity of all things in the universe. Outwardly (বাহ্যিকভাবে), this very poem seems to be an excellent description of the natural scenes in and around Brooklyn. To be more clear, it seems to deal with the feelings and emotions, thoughts, and ideas that arise in the mind of the poet during his crossing of Brooklyn Ferry at sundown.

But inwardly, the poem “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” is a philosophical one. In it, the poet has shown the shared human experience that transcends both time and space. In fact, he expresses his transcendental conception of the unity of all things despite their different individual appearances. In the poem, the poet has used various types of symbols to explore the theme of human experience very vividly.

“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” talks about the brighter aspects of life. The poem symbolizes the mystic unity that pervades all mankind and the universe. The crossing on the ferry brings many people together at a time and the experience on the ferry creates a sort of unity among them. The poet says that he feels a deep connection with all people. In the language of the poet —

” I am with you, you men and women of a generation, or ever so many generations hence,
Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt, “

All images of the ferry scene he depicts show that he is like any other human being with the same human passions.

After referring to the ordering ferry scene, the poet tries to establish identity with others. The others whom the poet refers to may be the voyagers, the readers, or the other human beings of the past or future.

In the opinion of the poet, the relationship between things and beings, between the humans and other beings and things transcend the limitations of space and time. All things and beings that will be born in the future are also existent simultaneously with those born in the present or the past. All things belong to a single, simple pattern in which everything has its particular position and place. The bond that exists between himself or any other being or thing and the simple, single compact scheme, is impalpable. The post says —

” The impalpable sustenance of me from all things at all hours of the day,
——————————— every one disintegrated yet part of the scheme, “

The experience of the phenomena of nature that the poet had in the past is similar to the experiences that other men are having in the present. He says —

” Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt,
Just as any of you is one of a living crowd, I was one of a crowd, “

From the above discussion, undoubtedly it can be said that throughout the poem “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”, Whitman has shown his philosophy of unity of all things of the universe by using various images and symbols. He has also pointed out the theme of human experience very successfully and effectively in this very poem.