How to Study English Literature?

English Literature is a very complex subject as there are usually lots of texts to be understood and analyzed. If you follow the steps below, you can be sure that you are well on your way to English Literature exam success.

  1. Read your texts once through. Make sure you read the text in detail and do not just skim through it. Familiarise yourself with the main characters and plots.
  2. Summarize each chapter in bullet points after you read through the text for the second time. This will make future revision easier as you will have a rough summary to work from.
  3. Make out character profiles for each main character, remembering to include anything important that the character says or does and links with other characters in the text.
  4. Make more detailed notes, including the main themes in the text and how each character is important in the text.
  5. Read each text at least 3 times through as this will help you whenever you are in an exam situation as you will be more familiar with the storyline.
  6. Remember that, if studying poems, you don’t have to learn them by heart. Just make sure you know the basics such as the structure of the poem, themes, and perhaps a storyline.
  7. Remember some important statements said by some of the main characters of the story.