Introduction to Drama | Final Sugg 2021

Table of Contents

Part B:

Follow Set Suggestion

Part C:

King Oedipus:

  1. Would you consider “Oedipus Rex” as a tragedy of fate or a tragedy of character? ★★
    [SG: page-54, EL: page-45]. Answer.
  2. Evaluate ‘Oedipus Rex’ as a tragedy/ as a classical tragedy. Answer★★★ [SG: page-58, EL: page-44]
  3. Comment on dramatic irony used by Sophocles in ‘Oedipus Rex’. Answer ★★★ [SG: page-51, EL: page-50]
  4. Give an account of the encounter between Oedipus and Teiresias, and comment on its dramatic significance. [SG: page-55]

As You Like It:

  1. Sketch the character of Rosalind as one of the most brilliant women characters in Shakespeare / Sketch the character of Rosalind. Answer ★★★ [EL: page-114]
  2. Discuss Shakespeare’s treatment of love in “As You Like It”. Answer ★★★ [EL: page-109]
  3. Comment on Shakespeare’s use of wit and humor in “As you like it.” Answer ★★ [SG: page-149]
  4. Discuss the importance of the Forest of Arden.

Arms and the Man:

  1. Remark on Shaw’s philosophy about love and war in the light of “Arms and the Man”. /
    Evaluate “Arms and the Man” as an anti-romantic comedy.
    Answer ★★★ [SG: page:249, EL: page-179]
  2. Comment on the first meeting scene between Raina and Bluntschli in Shaw’s play  “Arms and the Man”. ★★★ [SG: page-261, EL: page-174]
  3. G.B. Shaw’s approach toward love and marriage in “Arms and the Man”. ★★ [EL: page-169]

Riders to the Sea:

  1. Evaluate “Riders to the Sea” as a modern tragedy with a classical setting. / Comparable to Greek tragedy. ★★★ [SG: page-320, EL: page-237]
  2. Tell about the life of the islanders in “Riders to the Sea”. ★★★ [SG: page-326, EL: page-232]
  3. What role does the sea play in “Riders to the Sea”? / Analyse the use of nature in J.M Synge’s “Riders to the Sea”. ★★ [SG: page-328, EL: page-239]
  4. How does the interest of Riders to the Sea go beyond the local and verge on the universal? [SG: page-324, EL: page-232]

The Lion and the Jewel:

  1. “Wole Soyinka’s play ‘The Lion and the Jewel’ is about the victory of traditional values over western ones”. — Elucidate. Answer ★★★ [SG: page-424, EL: page-288]
  2. Consider the correctness of the title of the drama “The Lion and the Jewel” by W. Soyinka. Answer ★★★ [SG: page-420, EL: page-291]
  3. Draw the character of Lakunle/Sidi/Baroka in Lion and the Jewel. ★★ [SG: page-430, EL: page-290]
  4. What picture of African society do you find in the play “The Lion and the Jewel”? ★★ [SG: page-406, EL: page-287]

Extra for Drama:

  1. Discuss the character and role of Teiresias.
  2. Find out the anti-heroic qualities/characters in Bluntschli.
  3. Justify the anti-colonial/anti-nationalist theme in “The Lion and the Jewel”.