Romantic Poetry | Final Suggestions

Romantic Poetry | Final Sugg for 2022 – The exam will be held in 2023

Part: B

  • William Blake
    1. Describe the conditions of the chimney sweepers. Ans *** [SG: page-48, EL: page- 19]
    2. What do the songs of innocence teach us about life? [EL: page- 24]
    3. How does Blake criticize society in the poem “London”? *** [SG: page-64, EL: page- 24]
    4. How is the tiger different from the lamb? *** [SG: page-60, EL: page- 21]
    5. What kind of person is the nurse in the “Songs of Innocence”? [SG: page- 42]
    6. How are the lamb, the child and Christ connected? *** [SG: page- 40, EL: page- 18]
    7. What do you know about Holy Thursday? *** [SG: page- 44, EL: page- 20]
  • William Wordsworth
    1. Write a short note on ‘Pantheism’. *** Ans [SG: page- 120, EL: page- 118]
    2. What ‘Loss’ does the poet refer to in “Tintern Abbey”? *** Ans [SG: page- 129, EL: page- 82]
    3. Why does Wordsworth request Milton to return to England? *** Ans [EL: page- 91]
    4. What does Wordsworth advise his sister Dorothy in “Tintern Abbey”? Ans *** [SG: page- 132, EL: page- 83]
    5. What are the losses and gains in life as mentioned in the poem “Immortality Ode”? *** [EL: page- 87]
    6. Describe the father-daughter relationship in “It is a beauteous evening calm and free”.
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    1. Write a short note on the wedding Guest. *** [SG: page- 188, EL: page- 207]
    2. How was the old sailor relieved of his curse? *** [EL: page- 187]
    3. Why did the old sailor kill the albatross? ***  [EL: page- 184]
    4. What are the romantic elements in ‘Kubla Khan”? *** [SG: page- 207]
    5. What lesson did the old sailor learn from his last journey? [EL: page- 187]
    6. Draw the significance of Death and Life-in-Death in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. [EL: page- 186]
  • George Gordon Byron
    1. Treat Byron as a revolutionary poet and a poet of freedom. *** 
    2. How did Juan manage to flee from Julia’s bed chamber? *** [SG: page- 364, EL: page- 235]
    3. What do you know about the education of Donne Inez? Write in brief. [SG: page- 360]
    4. Briefly state the theme of “Don Juan Canto I”. [EL: page- 232]
    5. What is ‘poetic license”? *** [SG: page- 362]
    6. What do you know about a Byronic hero? *** [SG: page- 359, EL: page- 231]
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley
    1. Describe the procession of mourners in “Adonais”. *** [EL: page- 280]
    2. Why does Shelley forbid men to mourn for Adonais? *** [EL: page- 284]
    3. What request/ appeal does the poet make to the skylark? *** [SG: page- 325]
  • John Keats
    1. Write a note on negative capability of Keats. *** [SG: page- 273, EL: page- 366]
    2. What is Hellenism? *** [SG: page- 252, EL: page- 367]
    3. Analyze Keats’ conception of beauty and truth in ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’/ message of the urn. ***
    4. What is the feelings of Keats after reading Chapman’s Homer? [EL: page- 350]
    5. Describe Melancholy’s relation with Beauty and Joy. [SG: page- 276]

Part: C

  • William Blake
    1. Write a note on Blake’s treatment of/attitude to childhood. ***  Answer [SG: page-76, EL: page-45]
    2. Write a note on Blake’s use of symbols/Symbolism in Songs of Innocence and of Experience. *** [SG: page-75, EL: page-50]
  • William Wordsworth
    1. Discuss the treatment of nature in Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey. / What are the three stages of growth that Wordsworth refers to in “Tintern Abbey”? ***  Answer [SG: page-157, EL: page-126]
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    1. “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is an allegory of crime, punishment and redemption.”- Discuss. / Describe the allegorical significance of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” *** [EL: page-210]
    2. How does Coleridge mingle the natural and supernatural in the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”? / Comment on the use of supernatural elements in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. ***  Answer [SG: page-214, EL: page-208]
    3. Discuss. “Kubla Khan is a product of sheer fancy”- Discuss. Answer
    4. Write a note on the imagery in the poem “Kubla Khan.”
  • George Gordon Byron
    1. Discuss Byron’s Don Juan as a social satire. /
      How does Byron satirize the idea of conventional love and marriage?  Answer [EL: page-254] /
      Discuss the women characters in Don Juan, Canto 1. *** [EL: page-259]
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley
    1. Comment on Shelley’s use of imagery with references to the poems you have read. ***
    2. Discuss ‘Adonis’ as a pastoral elegy. *** [EL: page-313]
    3. Write a note on Shelly’s treatment of nature in Adonais.
  • John Keats
    1. Do you think Keats is an escapist? Elaborate your answer / Do you think Keats wants to escape from reality? Justify your answer from your study of Keats. *** [EL: page-373]
    2. Evaluate Keats as a poet of beauty and sensuousness. *** [EL: page-375]
    3. How is the world of mankind contrasted with that of the Nightingale in “Ode to a Nightingale” [EL: page-372]
  • Extra
    • Comment on the images used in “Adonais”.
    • Write a critical appreciation of the poem “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”.  [EL: page-383]

Romantic Poetry | Final Sugg for 2021

  1. Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood with reference to the “Songs of Innocence”. Answer [SG: page-76, EL: page-45]
  2. How does Blake represent two contrary states of a human soul? 21 Answer
    [SG: page-73, EL: page-43]
  3. Bring out the mystified elements in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience.
    [SG: page-72, EL: page-49]
  4. Discuss the theme of loss and recompense in Immortality Ode. Answer
    [SG: page-154, EL: page-137]
  5. Comment on Wordsworth’s attitude to childhood with reference to his poems. Answer
    [SG: page-153, EL: page-135]
  6. What are the three stages of growth that Wordsworth refers to in “Tintern Abbey”? Answer
    [SG: page-157, EL: page-126]
  7. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “London 1802”. 21
    [SG: page-155, EL: page-153]
  8. How does Coleridge mingle natural and supernatural in the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”? Answer [SG: page-214, EL: page-208]
  9. Kubla Khan is a product of sheer fancy  – discuss. Answer
    [EL: page-217]
  10. Don Juan Canto – 1 is a social satire. — discuss. Answer
    [SG: page-253, EL: page-254]
  11. Write a note on the autobiographical elements in Byron’s poetry.
  12. How does Shelley idealize the bird “Skylark”? 21 Answer
    [SG: page-342, EL: page-306]
  13. Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery in his poem “To a Skylark”. Answer
    [SG: page-340, EL: page-305]
  14. Comment on the images used in “Adonais”.
  15. How has Keats established the supremacy of art over life in “Ode on a Grecian Urn”? 21 Answer
    [SG: page-293, EL: page-378]
  16. How is the world of mankind contrasted with that of the Nightingale in “Ode to a Nightingale”? Answer [SG: page-409, EL: page-372]
  17. Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes. Answer [SG: page-283]