Short of Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

Part – B

Doctor Faustus

  1. Who are University wits? SG – 38p
  2. Describe the significance of the old man in Doctor Faustus. SG – 46p
  3. What is Faustus’ conception of hell and heaven? SG – 51p
  4. What is Mephistopheles’ conception of Hell? SG – 51p
  5. Discuss Doctor Faustus as a morality play. SG – 58p
  6. Discuss Doctor Faustus as an allegory. SG – 60p
  7. Describe the function of chorus in Doctor Faustus. SG – 40p
  8. What do good Angel and Evil Angel allegorise in the life of Doctor Faustus? /
    Or significance of the good Angel and Evil Angel.  SG – 42p
  9. What are the five conditions Faustus sets down in the contract? SG – 53p


  1. Whom does Duncan nominate to the throne? SG – 133p
  2. How does Lady Macbeth persuade her husband to murder Duncan? SG – 136p
  3. Comment on the significance of the dagger-scene in Macbeth. SG – 137p
  4. Describe Macbeth’s state of mind after committing the murder of Duncan. SG – 137p
  5. How does Lady Macbeth appear as a courageous woman after the murder? SG – 138p
  6. Describe the scene in which Banquo is stabbed to death. SG – 142p
  7. What information is provided to Macbeth by apparitions? SG – 144p
  8. How is Macbeth different from a classical tragedy? SG – 148p
  9. How does Shakespeare handle the supernatural elements?
  10. What prophecies do the witches make about Macbeth and Banquo? SG – 131p
  11. Bring out the difference between Macbeth and Banquo in their reaction to the prophecies of the witches.SG- 132p

The Merchant of Venice

  1. What are the wrongs and insults done by Antonio to Shylock? SG – 205p
  2. Describe the Casket scene in brief. SG – 206p
  3. Describe the Trial scene briefly. SG – 208p
  4. Describe the ring episode briefly. SG – 210p
  5. Write a short note on Bassanio. SG – 211p
  6. Describe the Bond-Story in brief in The Merchant of Venice. SG – 205p
  7. Describe the role of Portia in the play. SG – 212p
  8. Write a note on the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio. SG – 213p
  9. Trace the elements of Poetic Justice in The Merchant of Venice. SG – 214p


  1. What is comedy of humour? SG – 307p
  2. How does Volpone commit mortal sin by worshipping his gold? SG – 308p
  3. How does Mosca satirize the lawyers? SG – 312p
  4. Describe the Mountebanks scene? SG – 313
  5. How does Mosca describe the beauty of Celia to Volpone? SG – 314p
  6. How does Volpone try to seduce Celia? SG – 316p
  7. What does Volpone do to torment the legacy hunters? SG  320p 
  8. How does Peregrine take his revenge on Sir Politic? SG  321p
  9. Comment on the trial scene in Volpone. SG – 317p
  10. How do the evil doers get their punishment in the play Volpone? SG – 322p
  11. What is beast fable? SG – 324p
  12. Comment on the opening scene of Volpone. SG – 308p
  13. How does Volpone earn money and gold/wealth? SG – 309p

The Duchess of Malfi

  1. Describe the character of Bosola. SG – 377p
  2. How does Antonio accuse Cariola of betraying him and the Duchess?
  3. How is Bosola different from his masters? SG – 379p
  4. Describe the marriage scene. SG – 384p
  5. Why does Bosola suspect that the Duchess is pregnant? SG – 385p
  6. Describe the scene of Duchess tragic doom.
  7. Describe the scene in which all the villains are killed. SG – 390p
  8. What moral does Bosola draw while he dies? SG – 392p
  9. How does Bosola become sure that the Duchess is pregnant? SG – 385p
  10. Write a note on decadent play. SG – 392p, 406p
  11. Write a note on Melodrama. SG – 406p
  12. Describe the wooing scene in The Duchess of Malfi. SG – 379p