Where the mind is without fear (Gitanjali 35) By Rabindranath Tagore.


The poet prays to the Almighty God that his countrymen should be free from any fear of oppression. He wants a nation where knowledge will be free for all classes of people. He wants an ideal state not only for his countrymen but also he wants it for the entire world. He thinks there should be no classes between people. That don’t divide themselves into caste, religion, creed, color, or based on superstitions. The poet wants a nation where people are honest. The poet advises his countrymen to work hard to be successful. He wishes his countrymen to be progressive and broad-minded. In the last line the poet addresses “God” as “Father” and requests Him to give an ideal state for his countrymen.

Rhyme Scheme

A rhyme scheme is the ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse.

There are no rhyme schemes in the poem. It is written in free verse.

At first, the poet wrote the poem in Bengali and then translated it into English. So this poem is written in free verse. Not a single line doesn’t follow the pattern of the rhyme scheme. There is no regular rhythmic meter or foot in any line but in Bengali meaning, the poet used rhyme and rhythm when he wrote it.


The tone is a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength. There is one more tone in the poem. Those are patriotic and pessimistic. In this poem, we see that the poet is praying to his God for the freedom of his countrymen. He wants such a country where there is no bound into classes. He also wants there to be no division into education. Everybody can study. The poet not only wants political freedom but also wants freedom of people’s minds. The straight rules, and political, and religious uncertainty are the causes of fear for the maids of the people. They can not live an honorable and respectable life in their own country. Higher education is not allowed for all classes of people. There is discrimination based on caste, creed, religion, and other things. So the poet requested the Almighty God to give an ideal state for his countrymen.


The poem is an ode. Ode means a lyric poem that is addressed to someone or something. The poet addresses God so structurally the poem is an ode. The poet wants an ideal state where everything should be free. There are no differences between common men and Aristocats. Where everybody can attend to all the sections of studies. The poet also wants a state where there will be no bound among the people. They don’t divide themselves based on caste, creed, or religion. The poet addressed God to give him an ideal state.


The theme is the central idea in a piece of writing. The whole body explains the theme.

The poem Where the Mind is Without Fear’ by Rabindranath Tagore is a frank prayer to God for the deliverance of his countrymen from spiritual bondage. The poet wants a state where they (countrymen) can enjoy the true freedom of life. A country may reach an ideal status if it can ensure intellectual freedom for all. The poet says that one should speak from the depth of truth and his speeches should be marked by clear rationality. It is important to mark that habits as rational thinking. So the poet prays to God to award his countrymen with clear intellectual faculty. Because intellectual people can work from moral conviction towards perfection. They can feel the qualm of conscience and can discriminate’ right from wrong. One who fears God fears nobody and walks with dignity. He always speaks the truth. An ideal state can be formed only with such countrymen who are not divided by geographical boundaries, prejudices of any kind religious or racial, and human instincts. So the poet wants an ideal state for his fellow countrymen.

Authors Position

When an author writes to persuade, he/she will have his/her own position on the subject. The author’s position is an author’s opinion about the subject. It may be subjective or objective.

Subjective means where the writer can use his/her own feelings, emotion, and own choice.

Objective means where the writer can’t use his/her own feelings, emotions, and own choice.

The poem is a subjective poem because the poet uses his own feelings, emotions, or likes/dislikes. He describes the miseries of his country. The poet directly requests God to give him an ideal state. Where there is no bondage, no religious tolerance no conflict allow among the people. So It’s a subjective poem.

Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech mean the use of ornamental elements in a piece of writing.

It is a figure of speech in which one thing is referred to by another thing that is inseparably associated with it. Usually, in synecdoche a part of something stands for the whole thing or a whole thing stands for a part of it.

*”Where the world has not been broken up into fragments”.

Here, the world is a greater space that stands for a smaller part(the poet’s state). So It’s an example of a synecdoche.

It is a figure of speech in which the writer puts imaginary life into a living being or thing.
* “Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection”.
Here, the poet personifies “starving”. Symbolism

refers to a thing that stands for something else. It is basically an image that, by virtue of recurrent uses.
* ” narrow domestic walls”.

Here, “narrow domestic walls” symbolizes the opinions of groups or people due to their narrowness and limitations in respect of justness, truth, etc.

Alliteration is the repetition of a consonant sound.
* “the head is held high”.

Here, “H” is repeated one more time so It’s an example of alliteration.
* “tireless striving stretches its arms”.