Why is the Neo-classical age called the Age of prose and reason?

Ans: The Neo-classical Age (1660-1785) is one of the most influential literary periods in the annals of English literature. This very age is rightly considered to be the age of prose and reason. The literary ideals of this period are more suited to the development of prose than poetry. The Neo-classical Age deserves special mention for its brilliant production. Matthew Arnold calls this age “Our excellent and indispensable eighteenth century”. Actually, the prose of the Neo-classical period is a continuation of the prose of Dryden and the Restoration period. The 18th century records the triumph of English prose.

The influence of France is responsible for the growth of the intimate and vigorous prose of the time. The prose of the age was used to express intelligence and merits. Addison, Steele, Swift, Defoe, and Dr. Samuel Johnson are famous prose writers. They have made the prose a more conscious and refined art.

In the history of English literature, the names of Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele always go together. Because they were two friends. In 1711, they started a daily called “The Spectator”. This daily was very popular and exercised a great influence on the reading public. Addison soon became the dominating spirit behind the paper. His genius is best illustrated in the pages of the journal. The essays of Addison are frankly didactic in spirit and purpose.

Both Addison and Steele have formed an imaginary club named “The Spectator Club”. There are many members of his club. Sir Roger de Coverley is the leading figure in “The Coverley Papers” which is a collection of essays relating to Sir Roger.

Daniel Defoe is one of the most famous prose writers of the neo-classical age. He has composed some pamphlets. He is better known as the author of the famous “Robinson Crusoe” which is a pioneer work in novel writing. His imagination is realistic. He gives life and reality to his fiction by means of vivid details.

Jonathan Swift is perhaps the greatest writer of the Neo-classical age. He is the prince of English satirists. He stands out as an innovator of prose satire in English literature. His first great work is “The Battle of Books”. The book deals with the academic controversy of modern versus ancient writers. “A Tale of a Tub” is one of the fiercest satires in the English language. It is a savage attack on the churches. “Gulliver’s Travels” is the most popular work of Swift. Their prose style of Swift is simple, vigorous, and straightforward. So, Swift is still a living influence.

Dryden is the father of modern English prose. His prose is the prose that we can put to everyday use. Pope has written some poetical essays. He successfully employs heroic couplets in his poems. Dryden is his poetic father in this respect. Their poetry is regarded as the builders of an age of prose and reason.

From the above discussion, we can say that the Neo-classical age was the age that reason and good sense were exalted at the expense of emotion and imagination. So, it will not be an exaggeration if we call this period the period of reason and prose.