Write a short note on ‘Pantheism’.


Pantheism is a philosophical and spiritual belief that God exists in all natural things. It is a doctrine that the whole universe is a manifestation of God. A pantheist believes that God is present in all things of nature and that His existence can be identified from the nature of His creation, the Universe.

The term pantheism is derived from the Greek word ‘pan’ meaning ‘all’ and ‘theos’ meaning ‘God’. According to the Oxford dictionary, Pantheism means “The view that God is in everything, or that God and the universe are one”. Pantheism believes that God is completely present within the world, not separate from it, and exists within the confines of space and time.

“God is everything and everything is God”

To conclude, in the Spatiotemporal universe, God is an immanent Being rather than a transcendental one. The idea that all life on earth is divine is presented through pantheism in poetry.